Does eating a lot of eggs raise cholesterol?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Ho Viet Le Diem - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Eggs are foods with high nutritional value, but they are also the cause of high cholesterol if eaten in excess. So is it true that eating a lot of eggs increases cholesterol and how much is reasonable? Find out in the article below.

1. Nutritional value of eggs

Eggs are nutritious food with very high nutritional value. Depending on the method of feeding as well as the weight of each egg, the nutritional content is different. On average, an egg provides 63 kcal of energy, a nutritional composition of 5.53 g of protein, 4.18 g of lipids (of which cholesterol is about 164 mg), and all beneficial minerals as well as vitamins. necessary for humans.
However, the nutritional value of eggs can vary depending on the cooking method, for example, frying eggs in oil can double or even triple the fat and cholesterol content in eggs. for boiled eggs.

Ăn trứng có làm tăng cholesterol?
Ăn trứng có làm tăng cholesterol?

2. Does eating eggs increase cholesterol?

Through many studies, scientists have found that people who consume eggs also consume large amounts of red meat, butter, and processed foods (such as bacon, ham, sausages) that are high in fat. saturation - the main factor that directly affects the amount of fat in the blood and the risk of cardiovascular diseases if used for a long time... Therefore, eggs are not entirely the direct culprit of the problem of high cholesterol. (A healthy adult's daily cholesterol limit is 300mg, while the average egg has only 164mg of cholesterol).
Another study found that people who ate one egg a day had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and bleeding disease than people who did not eat eggs at all. Currently, scientists all recognize that the valuable nutrients in eggs bring a lot of great benefits, making eggs an indispensable food in human meals.

3. How to eat eggs for maximum benefits?

Eggs are a valuable food, through new findings, agencies, health organizations as well as nutrition have changed and updated their recommendations, as the American Council of Dieticians changed their recommendations. about limiting eggs due to their high cholesterol content, or the American Heart Association, which has dropped its "3 eggs a week" recommendation.
There is now consensus among experts that to maximize the benefits of eggs, a healthy diet should be followed, including one egg a day, and eating whole eggs (both egg whites and yolks); combine a healthy lifestyle and a reasonable exercise regimen.
Because there are no studies on eating more than one egg per day, it is not possible to confirm the impact of eating more eggs than recommended.
People with diseases of blood fat, cholesterol in particular, as well as other diseases in general should consult a specialist about their diet.

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4. How to choose safe eggs

Like other foods, to ensure safety, when buying, processing and using eggs, you should pay attention to the following issues:
Should buy eggs that have been certified by the authorities to quarantine. Do not buy eggs that have cracked or punctured shells. Store eggs in the refrigerator, at 4°C. Eggs after processing should be eaten immediately (should not be more than 2 hours to eat). When eating raw eggs, standard eggs must be used. It is best not to eat raw eggs. Above are the answers to the question "Does eating a lot of eggs increase cholesterol?". We can add eggs to our daily menu in a reasonable way to protect and improve our health.

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