Does drinking roasted black bean water lose weight?

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Video content is consulted by Traditional Medicine Doctor Tran Thi Bich Ngoc, Vinmec Traditional Medicine Center - Sao Phuong Dong
Many people wonder "what is the effect of drinking black bean water?", "does drinking black bean water lose weight?" or "is it good to drink a lot of black bean juice?". Specifically about these issues will be answered in the video below.

1. The effect of black bean juice on weight

In fact, black bean juice has many health benefits. However, you must drink it properly to be able to take full advantage of this water. According to Traditional Medicine Doctor Tran Thi Bich Ngoc, Center for Traditional Medicine Vinmec - Sao Phuong Dong, black beans originated in Africa and today are grown very popularly in tropical countries including Vietnam. On average, 100g black beans contain about 350 calories and many vitamins and minerals such as: Protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin K, thiamin, niacin, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, Zinc...
Black beans when roasted and cooked in water will provide the body with a large amount of Arginine - an amino acid that has been shown to help metabolize energy, promote fat burning and Glutamine - amino acid helps provide up to 50% of energy after meals. Therefore, drinking black bean juice to lose weight or drinking roasted black bean juice to reduce belly fat is a real thing.
You can drink roasted black bean juice daily to achieve a good weight loss effect, and at the same time increase the kidney tonic effect. However, keep in mind that black bean water cannot completely replace filtered water, so you still need to add 50% of your water intake. Do not forget to combine with a healthy diet, scientific exercise, so you can lose weight sustainably and healthily.

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