Digital scan to erase the background and testicular varicose veins

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Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) is an acronym for the phrase "Digital Subtraction Angiography", which is a diagnostic method combining X-ray and using algorithms to remove the background of the acquired images, before and after during contrast injection. DSA scan plays an important role in identifying varicocele in particular and vascular abnormalities in general.

1. Overview of varicocele

The scrotal vein system plays a role in draining blood from the testicles through the scrotum, following the inguinal canal to the general circulatory system of the body. The veins of the spermatic cord drain blood and ensure the metabolism of the organs below, namely the testicles, providing nutrients, oxygen, and blood to the testicles to perform well. male sex hormone, which produces sperm in men.
Varicose veins usually occur when the venous valve is weakened or the valve is lost, making it impossible for blood from the testicles and scrotum to flow to the general circulatory system, causing stagnation in the lower genital system. As a result, the metabolism slows down, the temperature in the testicles increases, causing impaired spermatogenesis, erectile dysfunction, and even infertility.

Giãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh gây rối loạn cương dương
Giãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh gây rối loạn cương dương

2. Working principle of background removal digitized shooting

The basic principle of the digital erasure imaging system (DSA scan) is to use fluorescent light and X-ray to take angiograms of the blood vessels in the areas to be examined before and after the contrast is injected into the blood vessels. take a shot. The computer will perform background image blurring to clarify the vascular system to be observed.
Structure of the DSA imaging system:
Image Intensifier: Helps reduce the dose for the patient, ensuring the quality of the image obtained. Light Aperture lens system: Change the amount of light entering the Videocamera for each specific projection layer. Video Camera: Generates an analog electronic signal proportional to the amount of light received through the lens system. Digital image processor: Is the central part that plays an important role in the DSA system. There are main functions such as: acquisition and digitization of video images, implementation of background removal algorithms on stored images. Store images and data in memory, hard disk or magnetic optical disc. The effect of DSA scan:
The images obtained from the DSA system provide accurate information about the blood circulation in parts of the body, thereby early identification of abnormal blood vessel conditions such as : narrowing, blockage of blood vessels, aneurysms...and serious diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident. From there, it supports the diagnosis, locates the injury sites inside the body and plans the appropriate treatment.

Chụp số hóa xóa nền giúp chẩn đoán chính xác các bệnh về mạch máu
Chụp số hóa xóa nền giúp chẩn đoán chính xác các bệnh về mạch máu

3. DSA procedure in the treatment of varicocele

Mechanism of digital scanning to erase the background:
Before conducting a DSA scan, the patient must fast and perform clinical tests such as: blood test, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram.
When entering the intervention room, the doctor will inject the patient's body with a dye that helps to lighten the blood vessels (contrast). This substance is completely harmless and will be eliminated from the body through the urine.
Digital background removal is usually painless, but some patients may experience some discomfort after the injection. If the patient is very stressed, the doctor may prescribe additional sedatives, but this is not usually necessary.
During the procedure, the patient will be cared for by a team of medical staff including specialists, assistant doctors, nurses and radiology technicians. This is a modern and complex interventional imaging technique that requires highly qualified doctors and modern equipment.
Digital background removal procedure:
Open a vein about 2mm wide (usually the right femoral vein) Insert the catheter and guide wire into the desired location: left renal vein and left seminal vein. The DSA machine rotates 360 degrees and takes a series of complex vascular images, from which the doctor can evaluate abnormalities in the left testicular vein. Inject contrast material and observe the blood vessels. The image processing unit will perform the background removal algorithm and compare it with the images before and after the contrast agent is applied. Conduct intervention by choosing appropriate embolization material to handle all dilated left seminal veins with reflux flow At the end of the intervention, withdraw all types of catheters. Compression bandage at the opening of the femoral vein.

Trước khi chụp DSA trong điều trị nút giãn tĩnh mạch tinh, bệnh nhân cần chụp X-quang phổi
Trước khi chụp DSA trong điều trị nút giãn tĩnh mạch tinh, bệnh nhân cần chụp X-quang phổi

4. Advantages of DSA in the treatment of varicocele

Applied to the treatment of varicose veins, this technique has many advantages:
Anesthesia method under local anesthesia, the patient can be completely awake during the intervention. Minimally invasive intervention in blood vessels, minimizing the risks of open invasion. The intervention time is short, on average 60 - 90 minutes from the time the patient enters the intervention room. The patient recovers quickly and can be discharged from the hospital 1 day after the intervention. Digital angiography erasing the background of DSA is an important technique in the diagnosis and treatment of varicocele in particular and many vascular diseases in general. When performing the testicular varicose vein plug technique, the patient should follow all the instructions of the doctor to achieve high therapeutic effect and reduce the risk of complications.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
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