Diet rich in calcium for babies

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Calcium is known as an important micronutrient that determines the health, height, intelligence and stature of children. When children are deficient in calcium in the early stages of life, it can cause many serious consequences, affecting the development of children. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the calcium-rich weaning menu to supplement the recommended needs for children.

1. Baby's calcium needs

Calcium plays an important role in helping children develop. Calcium not only supports the formation and development of bones and teeth, but also helps maintain bone density and bone mass during adolescence. Furthermore, calcium also contributes to the normal functioning of muscles and nerves, including the release of hormones and enzymes.
Infants and young children who do not get the recommended daily amount of calcium may be at increased risk of developing rickets, sometimes with symptoms such as pain and muscle weakness. Adolescents, especially girls, whose diets do not provide enough calcium may be at risk of developing osteoporosis, increasing the risk of fractures due to weakened bones or certain deformities such as the legs. bracelet.
Calcium supplements for babies can often use foods containing this micronutrient content. Some of those foods include milk, dairy products-yogurt, cheese, fish, seafood, beans, grains or dark green leafy vegetables. For example, when a child drinks a glass of milk with a capacity of 100ml, eats a box of yogurt or a piece of cheese, it can provide about 100mg of calcium for the body.
The calcium requirement for children from 6 to 12 months is about 400mg/day, so if the child is breastfeeding and is about to switch to weaning time, parents should choose foods containing this content, and combine variety of foods to diversify meals for children. In addition, along with calcium supplements, parents should also add vitamin D to help absorb calcium in the body better. Because vitamin D in breast milk and in foods is quite low.

Sữa chua là món ăn không thể thiếu trong thực đơn ăn dặm giàu canxi cho bé
Sữa chua là món ăn không thể thiếu trong thực đơn ăn dặm giàu canxi cho bé

2. Foods rich in calcium

2.1. Milk and dairy products Milk belongs to the group of calcium-rich foods that have many health benefits for all ages, in addition to the content of important nutrients in milk such as potassium, protein, vitamin D, vitamin A. ,.. milk and products made from milk are also rich sources of calcium.
The body absorbs calcium in dairy products or dairy products more easily than calcium in other food sources. If children do not like to drink milk, parents can give them yogurt, cheese...
For children starting to eat solids, the calcium-fortified weaning menu can use a combination of milk and other products. made from milk in the form of whole milk or flavored yogurt or cheese sandwiches, ...
2.2. Soybeans Soybeans are classified as calcium-rich foods that can be used in children's meals. Parents can use soybeans to make soy milk products, tofu to prepare food for their children.
Soy milk will be used for people who are lactose intolerant. Using soy in your child's diet can help provide healthy levels of micronutrients like iron as well as fiber and minerals.
2.3. Green beans Green beans and lentils are also classified as beans that have the ability to add good calcium content for children. Their ingredients are rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C and fiber, and also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, iron, folate...
2.4. Fish and seafood Most canned fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna can be classified as foods that help supplement calcium for children the best. Therefore, parents should give priority to children to use these foods in their children's calcium-fortified weaning menu.
In addition to fish and seafood that can provide calcium, this is also a food supplement with good nutritional components such as protein, omega 6 acid, ...
2.5. Fruits Some fruits like papaya can be a great source of calcium for your baby. These fruits can be eaten alone or can be served with some desserts such as custard, pudding...
2.6. Nuts Some nuts, such as peanuts, almonds, and walnuts, belong to the group of foods rich in calcium. Almonds contain up to 228mg of calcium in 100g of edible. Moreover, these nuts are also high in healthy fats, vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber.
2.7. Eggs help supplement calcium for babies Eggs are used in weaning meals for children 9 months and older. The nutritional composition of eggs provides a large amount of protein, vitamins and eggs are also classified as calcium-rich foods. However, there are some children who cannot eat eggs because it can cause some allergic reactions. Therefore, parents need to be careful when using eggs in children's weaning meals.

Các loại trái cây như cam, đu đủ là những món ăn không thể thiếu trong thực đơn ăn dặm giàu canxi cho bé
Các loại trái cây như cam, đu đủ là những món ăn không thể thiếu trong thực đơn ăn dặm giàu canxi cho bé

3. Calcium-rich weaning menu for children

Cheese sweet potato soup: ingredients include sweet potato and cheese. Sweet potatoes are cleaned, cut into small pieces and then boiled with chicken/pork or beef, then pureed, cheese and stirred until dissolved. Cheese cauliflower shrimp paste: ingredients include black tiger shrimp, broccoli, cheese, rice flour, olive oil. Before processing, it is necessary to prepare raw materials: peeled, cleaned and minced black tiger shrimp. Then saute the fragrant onions with olive oil and quickly stir-fry the shrimp. Mix rice flour with water until thickened, then add shrimp and cauliflower puree until soft, then turn off the heat. Then add cheese and stir until melted. This dish not only provides many nutrients but also provides calcium for children. Crab soup with straw mushrooms: ingredients include straw mushrooms, cornstarch, crab meat. Before processing, crabs are cleaned and boiled. Then separate the meat and chop finely. Mushrooms are washed, soaked in brine and chopped. Put crab meat in pork bone broth, bring to a boil, then add mushrooms and season to taste. You can add a little cornstarch to thicken the soup. Tofu with chicken eggs: ingredients include young tofu, chicken eggs, green onions. Mashed chick peas. Crack an egg into a bowl and beat it with some finely chopped scallions. Use a little chicken broth to add eggs and young tofu and then take it to a water bath. When the mixture is ripe, it can be used. Amaranth clam powder: raw ingredients include raw clams, amaranth and rice flour. Clean clams bring to a boil, then open the mouth, then peel the clams from the shell to clean. The clam broth is kept to cook the dough. The rice flour is stirred with the clear clam broth until thickened, then add the minced clams, and add the amaranth and seasonings just enough. Cooked flour can be brought to children to eat immediately. In order for children to be tall, healthy and smart every day, parents need to pay attention to their children's diets, especially supplementing with micronutrients for children to help them develop comprehensively in the first years of life. later years of life. Children should also be supplemented with necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat well, achieve The height and weight are right and beyond the standard, the immune system is good, and the resistance is enhanced to reduce minor illnesses as well as less digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children by age, you should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutritionists when you need advice.
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