Decreased sex drive in women

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Decreased sexual desire is a feeling of unwillingness or lack of interest (frustration) for sexual activities. This article tells us the information related to the decrease in sex drive in women.

1. General information about decreased sexual desire in women

Sexual desire in women changes over time, low or high levels of libido often change with the beginning or end of a relationship or due to life changes such as pregnancy pregnancy, menopause or medical condition. Some psychological disorders can also lead to a decrease in sexual desire in women.
If low sex drive is caused by stress, it is called hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).
However, if the decline in libido is due to life changes or sexual skills, some medical interventions may be effective in changing the situation.
If the desire in sex is suddenly less than that of a partner, it will sometimes cause troubles in your heart. However, in reality, sometimes the need for sex may be less, but your relationship with your partner is still stronger. We do not have an exact number to define whether a person is in a state of low libido or not, because each person's sexual needs are completely different. But there are a few common symptoms of low libido:
No enjoyment of all forms of sex, including masturbation Never or rarely think about it having sex Concerned about the lack of sex or thinking about having sex If you're concerned about your low sex drive, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor. Because they can offer very simple solutions to improve the situation like changing your current treatment regimen, improving chronic medical conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes.

2. Causes of low sex drive

Mệt mọi có thể dẫn tới suy giảm ham muốn tình dục
Mệt mọi có thể dẫn tới suy giảm ham muốn tình dục

Sexual needs are based on complex interactions of private factors including physical and mental, experiences, beliefs, lifestyle and current state of the relationship. If you experience difficulties with any of these factors, it can affect your sex drive. Several causes can affect your loss or decrease in libido such as:
2.1 Physical Causes A wide range of illnesses, physical changes and medications can cause sexual desire. For example, the following causes:
Sex-related problems: If you feel pain or do not get pleasure during sex, it will be one of the causes of decreased sex drive. . Factors related to disease status: There are many diseases that are not related to sex but affect sex life such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, coronary artery disease and other diseases. nerve related. Drug-related factors: The dose of medication you are currently taking, especially anti-inflammatory drugs called serotonin reuptake inhibitors, causes a decrease in sex drive. Lifestyle habits: A glass of wine may make you feel better, but drinking too much can affect your sex life. Drugs and narcotics have a similar effect. In addition, smoking reduces blood flow leading to decreased sexual arousal. Surgery: Any surgery involving the breasts or genitals can affect sexual function and desire. Fatigue: Feeling exhausted from having to take care of a young or elderly person also contributes to a low sex drive. Fatigue from illness or surgery also plays a role in low sex drive. 2.2 Due to hormonal changes Hormones play an important role in regulating sexual function in women. With the decline of the female hormone estrogen, many women experience some changes in sexual function such as poor vaginal lubrication and decreased genital sensation, decreased sexual arousal, decreased genital sensation and less sex drive. or not having a sexual orgasm. Hormonal changes can include:
2.2.1 Menopause Hormones drop starting from menopause. These changes will make you feel less interested in sex and cause vaginal dryness leading to pain or discomfort during sex. While many women still enjoy sex even at menopause, others experience no sex drive during this period of hormonal changes.
However, some menopausal women still experience an increase in sexual satisfaction. This may be because they are less worried about pregnancy. Additionally, menopausal women often have fewer child-rearing responsibilities, allowing them to relax and enjoy intimacy with their partners.
2.2.2 Pregnancy and lactation Periods Hormone changes during pregnancy or just giving birth and breastfeeding are the causes of low sex drive. Fatigue, changes in the body and pressures from pregnancy and childcare also lead to changes in sex drive.
2.3 Psychological causes

Trầm cảm là một trong các nguyên nhân gây ra sự suy giảm ham muốn
Trầm cảm là một trong các nguyên nhân gây ra sự suy giảm ham muốn
There are many causes that stem from psychological factors that can cause a decrease in libido such as:
Mental health problems such as anxiety or depression Stress such as economic pressure or stress at work Lack of confidence in one's body Experiencing physical and sexual abuse events 2.4 Relationship problems For many women, physical intimacy Emotions are the essential prelude to sexual intimacy. So, problems arising in a relationship can also be a major factor in low sex drive, which can eventually lead to apathy. Reduced interest in sex is often the result of ongoing problems in the relationship, such as:
Lack of connection with a partner Two people having unresolved conflicts Afraid to talk about sexual needs and preferences with a partner. Issues related to trust in sexual partners. The International General Hospital currently has a Package of Examination and Counseling on Sexual Dysfunction in Women, for female customers between the ages of 18 and 65 years old or older who need examination and advice. , and treatment of sexual dysfunction.
When registering for the package of examination and counseling for female sexual dysfunction, customers will receive:
Gynecological examination Gynecological examination, breast examination Transabdominal ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries Perform tests .... To register for the fastest examination and treatment, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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