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Measure waist size is not only a factor to control the figure for an eye-catching appearance. It is also an indicator to predict the risk of other health problems. Join this article to learn the predictive properties of waist circumference and how to measure waist circumference.
1. The relationship of waist circumference and disease risk
Both obesity and types of fat in general are associated with increased disease risk and reduced life expectancy. The main cause of obesity and related mortality is cardiovascular disease, of which abdominal obesity is a predisposing factor. It is not clear which anthropometric measure is the most important of the predictors of cardiovascular disease risk in adults - BMI, waist circumference, waist ratio, or even hip circumference. Traditionally, BMI has been the index of choice for measuring body size and composition and for diagnosing underweight and overweight. However, alternative measures reflecting increased abdominal size, such as waist circumference, hip-waist ratio, and waist-to-height ratio have been suggested to be superior to BMI in predicting risk. of cardiovascular diseases. This conclusion is largely based on the rationale that increased visceral adipose tissue is associated with a wide range of metabolic abnormalities, including impaired glucose tolerance, decreased insulin sensitivity, and adverse lipid profiles. Those are risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Huxley et al showed an association between waist circumference, hip-waist ratio, and BMI performed in predicting and discriminating risk for hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes (which are major risk factors). risk for cardiovascular diseases).
The fundamental question of whether waist circumference and waist circumference are useful in predicting disease risk has been answered with a wealth of compelling scientific evidence. An increase in both of these indicators is associated with an increased risk of disease, and this association is evident in different populations. Waist circumference and waist circumference as a measure of abdominal obesity are correlated with BMI, but the degree of association is different, suggesting that the measures may provide different information and therefore may not be interchangeable. substitute for each other. However, measuring waist circumference can be made easier and more accurate than measuring weight and height.
2. Body size standards
Standard body size for average height, weight, and waist circumference for adults 20 years and older
Height: 69.0 inches Weight: 197.8 pounds Waist: 40.3 inches Women
Height: 63.6 inches Weight: 170.5 pounds Waist: 38.7 inches
3. How to measure your waist
Measuring your waist isn't hard and it's not just about the size of the clothes you wear. Your waistline is a clue that you're at risk for certain conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. And all you need is a tape measure and here are the steps for you to measure your waist
Start at the top of your hipbone, then loop the tape measure all over your body, level with your navel.
Make sure it's not too tight and that it's straight, even at the back, and don't hold your breath while measuring. Check the number on the tape measure as soon as you remove it.
If your waistline is too large, you can talk to your doctor about your next steps, including weight loss. You can't reduce your waistline overnight. Abdominal exercises will strengthen your abs, but reducing your waist circumference means you'll eat fewer calories and burn more through exercise.
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