Children with constipation and anorexia should do?

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Constipation is one of the causes of anorexia in children. This long-term condition can make children malnourished, adversely affecting their intellectual and physical development later on. So what should children with constipation and anorexia do? The article will analyze the causes and intervention solutions when children encounter this situation.

1. Causes of Constipation in Children

Children often have functional constipation due to reasons such as:
Improper diet: A diet high in protein, lacking in fiber will make children prone to constipation; New environment: When children start school, they are often exposed to a new environment, often not used to going to the toilet in a strange place or playing with defecation, leading to more severe constipation; Inactivity: Children who are sedentary, just sitting in one place watching the phone or TV are also prone to constipation; Lazy to drink water: Most children with constipation are caused by not drinking enough water needed during the day, reducing the percentage of water in the stool; Other causes: Infants drink inappropriate formula or mothers mix formula incorrectly, intestinal bacteria imbalance due to the use of antibiotics not prescribed by a doctor, ...

2. Causes of anorexia in children

Children with frequent constipation will lead to anorexia. If this situation is not completely resolved, it will lead to many complications affecting the baby's health, most notably anorexia and malabsorption of nutrients.
When children are constipated, stool accumulates in the large intestine, unable to get out, causing bloating and abdominal distension, making children eat and drink not appetizing. Children will have anorexia, indigestion and eventually lead to anorexia, increasing the risk of malnutrition, growth retardation, affecting later development.
"Trẻ bị táo bón biếng ăn phải làm sao" là thắc mắc chung của nhiều bậc cha mẹ

3. Children with constipation and anorexia, what to do?

Understanding the causes and consequences of constipation in children will help parents take effective measures to prevent and treat this condition. Some useful tips that parents need to remember when their children are constipated and anorexic are:
3.1 Choosing foods to treat constipation and anorexia The following are effective constipation foods, helping to stimulate the taste buds. sense for children to eat more deliciously:
Green vegetables, especially spinach and broccoli. They are soldering, diuretic and detoxifying, and provide a large amount of fiber to make stools easier to pass through the intestines. Spinach also contains a large amount of pectin mucus, which has a good laxative effect and improves constipation. Parents can process green vegetables into many different dishes to stimulate the baby's taste buds; Fruits: Kiwi, pear, apple, citrus fruits, ... are also the food groups recommended by doctors for children with constipation and anorexia. The content of fiber and vitamin C in these fruits will help draw water into the intestines, soften stools and reduce the time it takes for stools to move in the intestinal tract of children. Parents should let children eat fruit at snacks so that children can absorb the maximum amount of nutrients in this food group; Sweet potatoes and peas: These are foods that contain large amounts of fiber, have a laxative effect, and treat constipation for children. Parents can boil, steam, bake and then let the baby eat or grind the above ingredients, cook with soup or porridge to change the baby's taste; Oatmeal and barley bread: These are foods rich in fiber, good for the digestive system, effective in treating constipation in children; Drink a lot of water: Parents should encourage children to drink a lot of white water and diluted fruit juice to help soften stools, easier to pass; At the same time, parents should note that children with anorexia due to constipation should limit their intake of the following foods: Milk (lactose in milk increases gas and causes flatulence in the digestive system), seafood and red meat (contains red meat). high in protein and fat, which takes a long time for the digestive system to process).
3.2. Changing living habits for children with constipation and anorexia A scientific and reasonable living regimen also helps treat constipation and anorexia in children effectively. Specifically:
For children to be active in physical activity to enhance bowel movements, help children pass stools more easily, consume more energy, increase hunger and appetite in children. With young children, parents can massage the baby's belly to stimulate bowel movements and help the baby relax; Build a habit of defecation for children so that the baby creates a natural reflex for the body, making it easier to treat constipation; Use drugs and some measures to stimulate the child to have a bowel movement as directed by a specialist. In addition to changing nutrition and living habits, parents should supplement their children with essential minerals such as biological zinc, chromium, selenium, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C... The effect of improving the taste of children so that children eat more deliciously, develop better height and weight, strengthen resistance, so they are less likely to get sick.

Trẻ bị táo bón thường xuyên có thể sử dụng thuốc theo chỉ định của bác sĩ Nhi khoa
Trẻ bị táo bón thường xuyên có thể sử dụng thuốc theo chỉ định của bác sĩ Nhi khoa

When using supplement products, parents should choose products of natural origin so that the child's body can easily absorb nutrients. At the same time, parents should pay attention not to use many types of functional foods or constantly change these products because they may not achieve the desired effect.
In short, if a child is constipated, parents need to find a way to fix it right away, not to let the child's illness last because it will negatively affect the baby's development. The article has helped answer the parents' question of what to do with children with constipation. If the above solutions are applied but are not effective, parents should take the child to a nutritionist for timely intervention. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website to update useful baby care information.

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