Chicken porridge for babies cooked with what vegetables?

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According to the World Health Organization, mothers can give their babies solid foods from 6 months of age onwards. This is the first time the baby is exposed to food, so what mothers always care about is how to prepare the food to have adequate nutrition and suitable taste for the baby. In this article, we will learn how to cook chicken porridge for babies combined with vegetables.

1. Chicken porridge cooked with what vegetables?

Chicken is classified as white meat, lean. Chicken fat is mainly concentrated in the skin with a high percentage of unsaturated fat. The protein content in chicken is high, especially chicken breast (about 31%). In addition, chicken contains phosphorus, a substance necessary for the development of bones, teeth and metabolism in the body, strengthening the immune system. Tryptophan (an amino acid) found in chicken helps to bring good sleep to children.

Cháo gà cho bé có thể kết hợp với rau củ khác nhau
Cháo gà cho bé có thể kết hợp với rau củ khác nhau
Chicken porridge is a familiar dish with high nutritional value, suitable for children. So, what vegetables should be cooked with chicken porridge for babies to ensure nutritional balance? It's always what moms care about. According to nutrition experts, chicken porridge for babies can be cooked in combination with many different vegetables and fruits such as:
Vegetables: Cauliflower, cauliflower, spinach, amaranth, sweet potato. .. Root vegetables: Carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes... Fruits: Apples, grapes, mangoes, pears... Nuts: Beans, black beans, green beans , lotus seeds... Some types of mushrooms: Straw mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms... Depending on the age and ability of children to chew and swallow, mothers can make porridge suitable for their children.

2. How to cook chicken porridge for children to eat weaning

According to the World Health Organization, mothers can give their babies solid foods from 6 months of age onwards. However, if the child is under 1 year old, the mother should be careful not to add fish sauce and salt to the porridge. If you still don't know "what vegetables are chicken porridge cooked with?" then please refer to some formulas below:

2.1 Chicken and vegetable porridge

Spinach is very rich in nutrients, good for health, especially for children because of its high vitamin A and vitamin C content. According to Oriental Medicine, spinach has the ability to clear heat, detoxify, generate muscle,... That's why many mothers choose spinach to incorporate in recipes for chicken porridge for babies to eat weaning.

2.2 Broccoli Chicken Porridge

Broccoli is rich in nutrients. Broccoli ingredients are full of vitamins (vitamins C, A, K, B9), minerals (K, P, Selenium), fiber and antioxidants. The nutrients in broccoli help strengthen the immune system and digestion. Antioxidants boost the body's metabolism. The mineral and vitamin content in broccoli will help your baby grow taller and maintain strong bones.

Cung cấp dinh dưỡng từ cháo gà cho bé với bông cải xanh
Cung cấp dinh dưỡng từ cháo gà cho bé với bông cải xanh

Minerals and vitamins in broccoli will help your baby grow taller and maintain strong bones.
You wonder "what vegetables are chicken porridge cooked with?" To ensure nutrition for your baby, broccoli is a good suggestion.

2.3 Carrot chicken porridge

Besides green vegetables, tubers also contain a lot of nutrients. To change the taste, you can cook chicken porridge for children to eat weaning food in combination with carrots. In fact, carrots are a healthy food, containing a lot of vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin A. Therefore, eating carrots will be very good for eye health, strengthen the immune system and help strengthen bones,...
How to make chicken porridge for children with carrots is also very good. simple without taking too much time. Specifically, the mother just needs to steam cooked carrots, puree them with chicken, then put them in porridge to cook until tender. Note that you should choose young carrots, bright orange color and when processing, wash and peel them. Carrots should not be peeled deeply because vitamins and minerals are concentrated in the outer skin.

2.4 Pumpkin chicken porridge

Chicken porridge with pumpkin and potatoes is also a favorite dish of mothers nowadays. Pumpkin is a very nutritious food, not only has a high vitamin and mineral content, but also contains a lot of beta-carotene, which provides a strong antioxidant capacity, helps strengthen the immune system, and promotes health. eyes and support healthy skin,...
How to make this porridge is similar to carrot chicken porridge.

2.5 Lotus seed chicken porridge

In addition to vegetables, you can also combine chicken porridge for children to eat weaning with nuts such as: lotus seeds, beans, beans... to diversify meals and stimulate digestion.
Lotus seeds not only provide energy but also rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins of group B (vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6). If chicken porridge for children is combined with lotus seeds, it will improve the digestive system, promote heart health and improve sleep. To have a delicious bowl of lotus seed chicken porridge for your baby, you just need to stew the lotus seeds with the chicken until soft, remove the chicken, and then puree it with the lotus seeds.

2.6 Chicken porridge cooked with apples

Combining with fruit is also a good idea for mothers who are wondering "what vegetables can be cooked with chicken porridge for babies?" so as not to get bored. Apples are a popular nutritional fruit, rich in fiber (both soluble and insoluble), vitamin C, and antioxidants. Eating apples helps promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, increasing resistance.
Chicken porridge cooked with apples is a new nutritious food, with an attractive taste for children. To prepare this dish, you just need to steam or boil a soft ripe apple, puree it, then add it to the cooked porridge to cook until soft.

2.7 Chicken porridge with mushrooms

Besides green vegetables, tubers, fruits, chicken porridge for children to eat weaning can be combined with mushrooms (such as shiitake, straw mushrooms)... Mushrooms are a natural vitamin D rich food. Minerals such as zinc, selenium and water-soluble vitamins (vitamin B, vitamin C)... Proper use of mushrooms will strengthen the body's resistance.

Bổ sung khoáng chất với cháo gà cho bé nấu cùng nấm
Bổ sung khoáng chất với cháo gà cho bé nấu cùng nấm
Chicken porridge combined with mushrooms is also very simple. Shiitake or straw mushrooms and chicken are boiled/steamed, minced and pureed then put in porridge to cook until tender.
See more:
Notes on how to cook porridge for 9-12 month old children 10 nutritious porridge recipes, good for babies

3. Note that some vegetables should not be cooked with chicken

“What vegetables are cooked with chicken porridge for babies?” to not cause toxicity must also be what mothers care about. In fact, there are many types of vegetables and fruits to combine in chicken porridge for weaning children, however, you also need to note that some vegetables should not be cooked with chicken, that is:
Vegetables: On the street According to Oriental medicine, chicken is sweet and warm while vegetables are cold, so when combined, it will cause heat to fight in the body, causing damage to the baby's blood and even dangerous health. laksa leaves: According to studies, sharing chicken and laksa leaves is not good for children's digestive system. Oregano: Combining marjoram with chicken porridge for weaning children can cause dizziness, tinnitus, tremors and an itchy feeling in the brain. In short, nutrition for weaning children plays a very important role in the comprehensive development. However, the food processing process, especially if you don't know what "chicken porridge cooked with vegetables" is good or bad, you should learn or consult a nutritionist to be able to process it properly and deliciously. best for baby's meal.
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills. Parents should supplement their children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
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