Care and nutrition for people with tonsil cancer

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Cancer of tonsils is a disease that is still quite strange to Vietnamese people. This is a rare disease but not unheard of. The cause of tonsil cancer is because the patient smokes, drinks a lot of alcohol for a long time, due to the HPV virus... the signs of tonsil cancer are not clear in the early stages, so when it is detected, the disease has already passed. advanced stage. So what is tonsil cancer, how is the care and nutrition regimen for people with tonsil cancer, the article will help readers get more information.

1. What is tonsil cancer?

The tonsils are a mass of tissue, oval, about the size of a thumb, located on both sides of the throat, behind the tongue, also known as the palatine tonsils. The tonsils can be seen when opening the mouth wide and looking in the mirror. The palatine tonsils and the tonsils of the palate have the highest risk of cancer.
The tonsils are responsible for producing immune cells, killing microorganisms that are so capable of causing harm before they "attack", entering the respiratory system. When harmful microorganisms appear in large numbers and strong toxicity attacks, the tonsils can become inflamed. When tonsillitis occurs many times with the habit of smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, the tonsil cells will change, gradually becoming malignant causing tonsil cancer.
Cancer of the tonsils is a very rare disease. This is a type of cancer in the ENT region. Tonsillitis occurs when tonsil cells gradually change into an abnormal malignant form.

2. Causes of tonsil cancer

There are many causes of tonsil cancer, which are related to the patient's lifestyle such as:
Smoking: Along with lung cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, drugs are also the leading culprits. tonsil cancer. People who regularly breathe in second-hand smoke are also at increased risk of tonsil cancer compared with direct smokers Drinking a lot of alcohol: When drinking a lot of alcohol, it affects the mucous membranes and mucosal surfaces, gradually changing it. surface layer and will get tonsil cancer. HPV virus: There are 3 strains of HPV that cause high tonsil cancer: HPV types 2, 11, 16, of which type 16 is the most common. The HPV virus is sexually transmitted. People who have had their tonsils removed have an increased risk of tonsil cancer. After tonsillectomy but remaining tissue remains.

Thuốc lá cũng là thủ phạm hàng đầu gây ra ung thư amidan
Thuốc lá cũng là thủ phạm hàng đầu gây ra ung thư amidan

3. Symptoms of tonsil cancer

The early stages of the disease are very mild or unclear, so it is very difficult to detect the early stage without going to the doctor. Some early warning symptoms of tonsil cancer may appear such as:
Pain when swallowing saliva: The cause of pain is because the tonsils are swollen and when chewing with food, it will cause pain. At this time, the throat always feels entangled because of the appearance of small tumors. In the beginning, the tumors are small, but they also cause pain and discomfort for the patient. Pain: most evident when eating, chewing food, even when swallowing saliva. The pain will gradually increase over time as the disease progresses. Pain may radiate to the parotid and crown area. Difficulty pronouncing, changing voice: feeling uncomfortable like when having a sore throat, so many people mistakenly think that it is just a common sore throat. Bleeding: When coughing lightly or when coughing, blood may appear. This can be an early sign of early stage tonsil cancer. This situation will happen with more frequency. Unexplained rapid weight loss When severe, a tumor appears in the neck. u will get bigger

4. Care and nutrition for people with tonsil cancer

When you have tonsil cancer, you need to build a scientific diet and a healthy lifestyle for more effective treatment. Attention:
4.1 What does tonsil cancer eat? Should eat soft, liquid, easy to swallow food will help the patient avoid pain in the process of chewing and swallowing food; Eat frugal; It is possible for the patient to drink arhat water to help cool the body, eat spinach,...; Add more foods rich in vitamins and minerals found in green vegetables and fruits to strengthen the immune system, the body's resistance.

Người mắc ung thư amidan nên bổ sung nhiều thực phẩm giàu vitamin và khoáng chất có trong rau xanh
Người mắc ung thư amidan nên bổ sung nhiều thực phẩm giàu vitamin và khoáng chất có trong rau xanh

4.2 What should tonsil cancer not eat? Do not smoke or drink alcohol; Do not eat hard, dry foods such as nuts, dry foods such as squid, dried beef to avoid damaging the tonsils; Abstain from eating hot spicy foods: Hot spicy foods will cause inflammation, burning throat causing pain for the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to abstain from hot spicy foods such as chili, pepper, ...; Limit eating greasy foods because greasy foods contain a lot of arginine components that are not good for the body; Avoid eating foods that are too cold. Cold food will cause tonsils to swell, allowing bacteria to multiply. So when you have tonsil cancer do not eat or drink cold drinks such as ice cream, ice, ...; Do not eat raw food because in raw food can cause superinfection, detrimental in the treatment process.

5. How to prevent tonsil cancer?

Do not smoke, limit drinking alcohol; To avoid HPV infection, should have safe sex, have sex with one person, do not have oral sex; Vaccination to prevent HPV virus ; Get regular health check-ups about once every 6 months. Periodic health check-ups help proactively prevent many dangerous diseases, including cancer. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is implementing a variety of periodic health check-up packages to suit the needs of all customers:
General health check-up package Standard 2020 General health check-up package General VIP 2020 General health checkup package Special 2020 General health checkup package Children 2020 After the results are available, the doctor analyzes and advises customers thoroughly. If you detect diseases that require intensive examination and treatment, you can use services from other specialties right at the Hospital with superior treatment quality and customer service.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec, please book an appointment directly at the website or contact the hotline system for detailed advice.

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