Home Tag Tonsil cancer

Articles in Tonsil cancer

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Chronic tonsillitis is common at what age? Causes, symptoms, and treatment
Viêm amidan là một bệnh thường gặp trong cộng đồng và nếu không được điều trị đúng cách sẽ tiến triển thành viêm amidan mãn tính và nguy hiểm hơn nữa như viêm phổi, viêm cầu thận, nhiễm khuẩn huyết. Vậy viêm amidan mạn tính có nguy hiểm không? Và nguyên nhân, dấu hiệu nhận biết cùng cách điều trị viêm amidan mạn tính là gì?
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Laryngeal mask anesthesia to cut tonsils/larynx cancer
Cancer of the tonsils and larynx are becoming more and more common among nasopharyngeal cancers. Treatment for tonsil/laryngeal cancer includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, possibly using one or more of these treatments at the same time. In the treatment of tonsil cancer, esophageal cancer removal, anesthesia plays a very important role.
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Care and nutrition for people with tonsil cancer
Tonsillitis cancer is a disease that is still quite strange to Vietnamese people. This is a rare disease but not unheard of. The cause of tonsil cancer is because the patient smokes, drinks a lot of alcohol for a long time, due to the HPV virus... the signs of tonsil cancer are not clear in the early stages, so when it is detected, the disease has already passed. advanced stage. So what is tonsil cancer, how is the care and nutrition regimen for people with tonsil cancer, the article will help readers get more information.
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