Can colon polyps be removed without anesthesia?

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I went for a colonoscopy with a small colon polyp in the corner of the liver. Doctors recommend cutting early the better. I want to go for surgery but because I have sinus problems or have difficulty breathing, I am afraid of anesthesia. So is it possible to cut without anesthesia and is it painful? During the endoscopy I did the endoscopy without anesthesia.
Doan The Anh (1978)
Hello. Your case is okay. But it is better to have anesthesia, which is both convenient for the patient and for the doctor. The anesthesiologist will assess your overall condition prior to anesthesia.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
Answered by Doctor Le Thanh Tuan - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
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