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Articles in External digestion

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Inguinal hernia (Hernia): Frequently asked questions
An inguinal hernia is a condition in which the organs move out of their normal position through the body's natural weaknesses. Hernias can be congenital (born with) or acquired (accompanied during one's lifetime). The natural weak points are usually located in the inguinal region, mid-abdominal white line, navel area, so similarly we have inguinal hernias, mid-white line hernias, umbilical hernias.
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What to do after a biliary stent has slipped out?
Hi doctor. The doctor said, I have a relative with stones in the lower common bile duct and liver stones. The doctor removed the stone in the biliary tract, but there was still a large one. The doctor placed a biliary stent, but after returning home from the hospital, the stent came out with the stool. The doctor asked if that had any effect? I would like to thank the doctor!
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Pregnant women 32 weeks prolapsed hemorrhoids grade 4 can cut hemorrhoids?
Hi doctor. I am pregnant in the 32nd week of pregnancy. I have prolapsed hemorrhoids grade 4, very uncomfortable and painful. Doctor, can I have hemorrhoids surgery now? I hope you can give me some advice, thanks.
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Does abdominal pain increase the risk of stomach cancer?
Hi doctor. In September 2019, I had a gastroscopy and the result was congestive inflammation of the lining of the antrum and the HP result was negative. I had treatment and the pain was gone.
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Having an artificial anus but still having anal faeces is dangerous?
Hi doctor. There is an artificial anus but still the main anus, so what's wrong, doctor? Thank you doctor.
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How to treat mechanical intestinal obstruction in the elderly?
My father is now 98 years old, he has not been able to defecate for a few months because he has a small tumor in his intestines, so he only dares to eat less. There are times when abdominal pain does not eat, must be transmitted, also enema but can not.
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Can colon polyps be removed without anesthesia?
I went for a colonoscopy and there was a small colon polyp at the angle of the liver. Doctors recommend cutting early the better. I want to go for surgery but because I have sinus problems or have difficulty breathing, I am afraid of anesthesia. So is it possible to cut without anesthesia and is it painful? During the endoscopy I did the endoscopy without anesthesia.
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Gallstone size 0.9mm/tablet should surgery or lithotripsy?
Hi doctor. The doctor asked if gallstones can be dissolved, or should I have surgery? Currently, there are 3 large and 1 small stones in my bile, 0.9mm in size/tablet. Thank you doctor for sharing information to help me.
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Gallbladder stone surgery is effective and dangerous?
The doctor asked me: Does gallbladder stone surgery have many effects and dangers?
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Is middle chest pain after appendectomy dangerous?
Hi doctor! My husband just finished appendicitis 4 days ago and since last night until now, I have occasional pain in the middle of my chest. So the doctor asked me: Is it dangerous to have middle chest pain after appendectomy and how to stop the pain after appendectomy? Thanks for the advice doctor!
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Surgical methods for intestinal prolapse and possible risks
Hi doctor! I'm Hoa, 23 years old, male gender. I have prolapsed bowel when exercising vigorously, since childhood, in primary and junior high school, the disease makes it difficult if I exercise vigorously such as running and jumping.
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