Can chickenpox come back?

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Huynh Thi Diem Thuy - Vaccine Consultant - Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Whether chickenpox will come back a second time is a topic of interest to many people, especially parents with small children and pregnant women.

1. Chickenpox overview

Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is caused by a virus called Varicella zoster. The peak season for chickenpox begins in February and lasts until the end of June, when the weather is hot and humid.
Children are the most susceptible to chickenpox, but adults are still at risk if they have not been vaccinated against the disease or received insufficient doses and contracted it from someone who has chickenpox.
Health experts recommend that chickenpox in infants is very dangerous because the baby's resistance is not strong enough. This is an acute infectious disease, very contagious to people around, especially within the first 2 days of illness. Therefore, people with chickenpox should be isolated from the suspected stage to minimize the outbreak of the disease in the community.
The initial symptom of chickenpox is fever, then about 2 days there will be blisters all over the body. Whether the disease is severe or mild depends on the number of vesicles dense or sparse. If the patient's blisters appear too much with signs of inflammation, the patient has a high fever, and the body is weak, they must be quickly taken to the hospital for monitoring. Chickenpox is also considered a benign disease, not causing death or too many dangerous symptoms if treated properly, promptly and actively.
Complications of chickenpox include: Pneumonia, skin and blood infections, or even brain damage. For patients with cancer or kidney disease, who are taking immunosuppressive drugs, the disease is very likely to be fatal. Chickenpox is also considered dangerous if a pregnant woman gets it because it can cause miscarriage or lead to birth defects.

Bệnh thủy đậu sẽ không quá nguy hiểm nếu như được theo dõi thích hợp
Bệnh thủy đậu sẽ không quá nguy hiểm nếu như được theo dõi thích hợp

2. If I have had chickenpox, can I get it again?

Chickenpox is a contagious but highly immune disease. This means that even children or adults who recover from chickenpox will have lifelong immunity. The reason is because the body's immune system creates an adequate amount of natural antibodies and lasts very long after fighting with the virus that causes the disease. If you have had chickenpox in the past, you do not need to be vaccinated. Answering the question of whether chickenpox will come back, many experts claim that it is very rare for a patient to get a second chickenpox.
Despite this, some studies indicate that about 10 % of patients who have had chickenpox in the past will be at risk of developing shingles later, also known as shingles. Shingles occurs most commonly in the elderly over 60 years of age. The reason is that with age, the immune system naturally declines. In addition, people who are taking immunosuppressive drugs to treat certain diseases are also susceptible to shingles after having chickenpox.

3. Some notes when taking care of children with chickenpox

Tiêm chủng vắc xin là biện pháp phòng ngừa bệnh thủy đậu hiệu quả nhất
Tiêm chủng vắc xin là biện pháp phòng ngừa bệnh thủy đậu hiệu quả nhất

Many parents still wonder if their child with chickenpox can take a bath or if they have chickenpox to go out. In fact, people with chickenpox, including children, can still eat, drink, bathe, go out into the wind as usual, but not necessarily abstinence excessively. However, the initial stage of the disease should be isolated to limit the spread of the disease in the community.
Currently, vaccination to prevent chickenpox is still the simplest and most effective way to prevent this disease, ensuring the health of children, pregnant women and the whole society. In children, the minimum age to get the chickenpox vaccine is between 12-18 months of age. For adults, especially women of reproductive age, booster vaccinations should be followed to maximize immunity. Women who are breast-feeding can also get the chickenpox vaccine without worrying about having an adverse effect on the baby, but it's still important to consult your healthcare provider before getting vaccinated.
In short, around the issue of whether chickenpox will come back, doctors have confirmed that it is very rare for a second case of chickenpox infection. Also, instead of worrying about whether to take a bath when sick or have chickenpox. People should raise awareness to prevent chickenpox from spreading by limiting contact with the source of the disease and maintaining clean personal hygiene, especially frequent hand washing with disinfectant soap. bacteria.
Vinmec International General Hospital is implementing a package vaccination program to help children get comprehensive protection, increase resistance to minimize the risk of disease. The advantages of practical vaccination at Vinmec can be mentioned as:
Children will be examined and screened by pediatric-vaccine specialists, fully screened for physical and health problems, provide advice on preventive vaccines and injection regimens, how to monitor and care for children after vaccination before ordering vaccination according to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health & World Health Organization to ensure ensure the best effect and safest for children. A team of experienced and professional pediatric doctors and nurses, understand children's psychology and apply effective pain relief methods for children during the vaccination process. 100% of vaccinated children were monitored for 30 minutes after vaccination and reassessed before leaving. Undertake medical supervision before, during and after vaccination at Vinmec Health System and always have an emergency team ready to coordinate with the vaccination department to handle cases of anaphylaxis, respiratory failure - circulatory arrest, ensuring Ensure timely and correct handling when incidents occur. The vaccination room is airy, with a play area, helping children feel comfortable as if they are walking and have a good mentality before and after vaccination. Vaccines are imported and stored in a modern cold storage system, with a cold chain that meets GSP standards, keeping vaccines in the best conditions to ensure quality. Parents will receive a reminder message before the vaccination date and their child's vaccination information will be synchronized with the National Immunization Information System. In the first years of life, children's resistance and immunity are not yet complete, so they are easy to catch life-threatening infectious diseases: diarrhea, chickenpox, encephalitis, whooping cough, measles, .. .So, schedule your baby's vaccination package at Vinmec so that the child can develop the healthiest and most comprehensive.
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiency causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption,... If they notice the above signs, parents should supplement their children with products. The supplement contains lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.

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