Vaccination service before pregnancy

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Vaccination before pregnancy has an important meaning in helping mothers and babies can avoid dangerous infectious diseases such as measles, chickenpox, rubella, flu, hepatitis B,... Therefore, to prepare It is best before giving birth, the mother should be vaccinated with the vaccines recommended by the doctor.

1. Why should vaccination before pregnancy?

After being screened before becoming pregnant, doctors often recommend that women get some vaccinations against infectious diseases to avoid risks during pregnancy. The reason is because if not vaccinated, during pregnancy, when the resistance decreases, pregnant women will contract some dangerous diseases for both mother and baby such as:
If the mother gets measles during pregnancy, the fetus will babies are at high risk for poor growth, malformation, miscarriage, stillbirth, or premature birth. If the mother has mumps during pregnancy, the mumps virus can adversely affect the ovaries, affecting fertility. If mumps is contracted in the first or third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus has a high risk of birth defects, fetal malnutrition, stillbirth or premature birth. Pregnant women infected with chickenpox in the first 3 months and the second 3 months can cause the fetus to have congenital chickenpox syndrome: scarring of the skin, microcephaly, short limbs, retinopathy, cataracts, growth retardation. If a pregnant woman is infected with chickenpox within 5 days before giving birth, the newborn baby can be infected with chickenpox, the mortality rate is up to 25 - 30%. If a pregnant woman is infected with rubella, it can cause birth defects in the fetus, miscarriage or leave birth defects such as deafness, congenital heart, partial or complete blindness, mental retardation. Pregnant women with severe influenza infection may have an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and may experience serious lung complications, especially in pregnant women with a history of asthma or diabetes. Other diseases: all affect the normal and healthy development of children.

Tiêm vắc xin phòng ngừa nhiều căn bệnh nguy hiểm trước khi mang thai
Tiêm vắc xin phòng ngừa nhiều căn bệnh nguy hiểm trước khi mang thai
Therefore, women of childbearing age need to have a specific pregnancy plan and take the initiative to get vaccinated to avoid unfortunate risks that may occur during pregnancy. Before vaccination, women will have a blood test to accurately assess their immunity, the amount of antibodies for each disease to be indicated which vaccine should be vaccinated and the time to vaccinate before becoming pregnant. unify.

2. Vaccines that need to be given before pregnancy

Some vaccines that need to be given before pregnancy are:
Hepatitis B vaccine: the dose is 3 doses, the mother will be tested before the injection, if there are enough antibodies then no need to inject. HPV vaccine: 3 doses, for women under 26 years old and at least 6 months before pregnancy. Measles - mumps - rubella vaccine: inject 1 dose of MMR vaccine, pregnant women are tested before vaccination, should be vaccinated at least 1-3 months before becoming pregnant. Chickenpox vaccine: women who have been infected or vaccinated will not need the shot because the body already has antibodies against the disease. Uninfected women should be vaccinated at least 3 months before becoming pregnant and avoid contact with chickenpox patients during pregnancy. Influenza vaccine: 70-80% effective protection, should be repeated every year, especially for women with a history of asthma or diabetes. Vaccines against pneumococcal, hepatitis A, tetanus, white blood cells, pertussis, ... should be given if prescribed by a doctor.

Có nhiều loại vắc xin được chỉ định tiêm cho phụ nữ khi có kế hoạch có con
Có nhiều loại vắc xin được chỉ định tiêm cho phụ nữ khi có kế hoạch có con
Most vaccines are live viruses, only weakened, so doctors recommend that pregnant women get vaccinated at least 1 month before becoming pregnant to avoid cases of disease.
When there is a need for pre-pregnancy screening and vaccination, women should choose reputable hospitals with a team of good specialists. Vinmec Times City International Hospital always provides pre-pregnancy check-up, health check-up and vaccination services.
Vinmec Times City fully meets all vaccinations according to the latest updated regimens on vaccines and vaccination schedules. All biological products and vaccines at Vinmec are of clear origin and high quality, preserved on cold chains according to strict standards of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. Customers will be screened before injection and monitored for health after injection, ensuring safety with the highest vaccination efficiency.

3. Pre-pregnancy health care and counseling program of Vinmec Times City

Pre-pregnancy vaccination services are one of the contents of the pre-pregnancy health care and counseling program at Vinmec.
According to WHO statistics released in 2017, in Vietnam, the infant mortality rate is 11.4/1000 births and the maternal mortality rate is 54/100,000 births. Every year in our country, about 54/100,000 women die during pregnancy and postpartum due to cardiovascular diseases, infections, endocrinology, eclampsia,...; 41,000 children are born each year with birth defects,... Therefore, pre-pregnancy counseling and health checks for couples who are planning to become pregnant or couples who have been pregnant before , giving birth to a child with birth defects, chronic diseases, ... is extremely important to minimize the possible risks.

Tư vấn và chăm sóc sức khỏe trước khi mang thai tại Vinmec
Tư vấn và chăm sóc sức khỏe trước khi mang thai tại Vinmec
Understanding this fact, Vinmec has implemented the Pre-pregnancy health care and counseling program with the following services:
Pre-pregnancy genetic counseling: Vinmec's genetic experts will discuss the following: Genetic risk factors that can affect pregnancy before pregnancy, including the necessary screening and diagnostic tests, help couples make informed decisions, prevent the risk of miscarriage. presence or re-emergence of hereditary diseases in the family. Pre-pregnancy screening: detecting the possibility of genetic disease in families with genetic diseases or common diseases in Vietnamese such as thalassemia. This method allows couples to plan a suitable pregnancy even when there is a risk of having a child with a genetic disease, thanks to the support of experts in the fields of genetics, gene technology, obstetrics, pediatrics Vinmec's fertility and reproductive support department. Preparing for assisted reproductive services: Vinmec provides pre-pregnancy health care and counseling services for couples who have to apply assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),... to increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby, minimizing the risk of risks during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Counseling on drug use during pregnancy: Dr. Vinmec will discuss with couples who want to have children about issues of drug use during pregnancy, ensuring reasonable drug use before and during pregnancy. , avoid the risk of unpredictable consequences due to incorrect drug use such as birth defects, miscarriage, premature birth,... Vaccination: Vinmec experts will discuss with customers about different types of vaccines. Vaccinations should be given before pregnancy and the appropriate timing of vaccination should be suggested. Vinmec has an international standard vaccination service available, ready to serve customers in need. Taking vitamins and folic acid: Vinmec experts will discuss with couples about the effectiveness of using multivitamins, folic acid (vitamin B9) before pregnancy to improve health and reduce the risk of premature birth. autism spectrum disorders and the prevention of neural tube defects in the fetus. Food use: participants will be fully consulted by experts on food safety and nutrition during pregnancy. If a woman has a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, experts will support you to adjust your diet and have appropriate monitoring during pregnancy. Advice on prevention of exposure to harmful chemicals: Vinmec's consultants will guide couples to recognize and avoid factors that can be dangerous for pregnancy such as: polluted environment, tobacco , alcohol, drugs, pesticides, chemicals in cosmetics, unsafe plastic utensils, X-rays (in medical diagnosis),... Health problems of both husband and wife wife: support counseling, suggest treatment options for couples suffering from vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases,... Customers can come directly to them. Vinmec Times City to visit or contact hotline 0243 9743 556 for support.
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