Can 4 months pregnant be aborted?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Trinh Thi Thanh Huyen - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
4 months pregnant is equivalent to 16 weeks. According to experts, 16 weeks pregnant can still terminate the pregnancy. However, at this time, the fetus is almost fully developed in all aspects. Therefore, doctors often advise pregnant women to keep the fetus. Except for cases of fetal abnormalities; If the mother's health is not guaranteed, consider it.

1. What is abortion?

In medicine, abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy by removing or removing the embryo or fetus from the mother's uterus before the time of childbirth. Abortion can occur spontaneously because of complications during pregnancy, or intentionally caused. In the case of pregnancy, intentional abortion is called curative or elective.
In cases where abortion is recommended when it is the only option to save the life of the mother; prevent physical or mental harm to the mother; the course of a pregnancy with indications that the fetus is at increased risk for physical birth defects or disabilities, or to selectively reduce the number of embryos to reduce the risks associated with multiple pregnancies Embryo.
With the development of current medicine, to ensure the life and health of pregnant women. Medicine has released many safe and effective methods of termination of pregnancy for pregnant women such as:
Method of termination of pregnancy with drugs Vacuum method of abortion Method of dilatation and removal of pregnancy With each method of termination of pregnancy. Only pregnancy will be appropriate for each age of the fetus.

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Có thể đình chỉ thai bằng thuốc

2. Is abortion dangerous?

So is abortion dangerous? In fact, there are many complications that can occur after an abortion, the most common of which is genital infections. Because the uterus is absolutely sterile, when performing an abortion procedure, the tools and manipulations performed can cause bleeding, creating conditions for bacteria to enter.
Mild causes endometritis, severe leads to inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and can lead to infertility. More dangerous if bacteria enter the blood can cause blood infection, this case if not handled promptly can lead to death.
The manipulations of curettage, abortion, if not performed with the correct medical technique, can cause the cervix to be torn, perforated, and left with the placenta. If not detected in time, it can lead to intense bleeding and a high risk of infection.
However, if you choose a reputable medical facility, a qualified doctor and modern medical equipment, you can minimize complications during abortion. Absolutely not abortion at small medical facilities; inadequate equipment; Doctor's qualifications are not guaranteed. Because if you choose these facilities, pregnant women will have to face dangerous and unpredictable complications as above.

3. Can a 4 month pregnancy be aborted?

4 months pregnant is equivalent to 16 weeks. According to experts, 16 weeks pregnant can still terminate the pregnancy. However, at this time, the fetus has developed comprehensively in all aspects. At the same time, the fetus has close links with the mother's body. Therefore, doctors often advise pregnant women to keep the fetus. Except for the case, the fetus is malformed; The mother's health cannot guarantee continued pregnancy. New doctors advise pregnant women to have an abortion at 16 weeks.
Moreover, 16 weeks pregnant is quite large in size. A large abortion at this time will affect the health of the pregnant woman more or less. Therefore, when deciding to have an abortion at 16 weeks, pregnant women should go to reputable medical facilities to ensure safety; effective for themselves.

Thai nhi ở tháng thứ 4 không nên đình chỉ thai
Thai nhi ở tháng thứ 4 không nên đình chỉ thai

4. Abortion over 4 months old by any method?

For 4-month-old pregnancy, the application of abortion method also needs to be selected to ensure safety for the health and life of the mother.
For abortions over 4 months old, other simple abortion methods cannot be used such as drug abortion, aspiration abortion... because there will be many risks to the mother's health and life. . Therefore, with such a large abortion, it is safest to use a dilation method.
Dilation is a method of combining internal medicine and surgery. It is a combination of drugs with specialized medical instruments to affect the mother's uterine cavity to terminate the development of the fetus and bring the fetus out. However, not everyone can apply this method of abortion.
This abortion method only applies to the following cases:
The fetus must be between 13 and 18 weeks old. The mother did not have any inflammatory or gynecological diseases. The mother's health must be stable and guaranteed; do not have liver or kidney disease or are allergic to the ingredients of the abortion pill. Therefore, to know exactly whether a 16-week-old abortion can be applied by dilatation or not, you should go to a specialized medical facility for doctors to conduct an examination as well as choose a method of termination of pregnancy. only safe and appropriate pregnancy.
Master. Trinh Thi Thanh Huyen is highly trained in obstetric ultrasound, laparoscopic surgery and hysteroscopy at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology and has more than 13 years of experience working at Hai Phong Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.
Currently, the doctor is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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