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Articles in Medical abortion

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Medical abortion for less than 7 weeks gestation
Hello doctor! My wife took abortion pills but after taking the first pill, she had blood clots. After taking the second pill for 1 day, she only had blood but no blood clots. Doctor, can you tell me what this phenomenon is? Are there any serious effects? Thank you very much, doctor.
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Is it okay to take the abortion pill with a lot of blood?
have a few questions that I hope the doctor can advise me on. Yesterday I took an abortion pill. The clinic doctor told me to take two more pills 48 hours later, but I don't understand why this morning I had a lot of vaginal bleeding even though I hadn't taken the other two pills because it wasn't time yet. The bleeding was so heavy that I had to use Caryn diapers. I called the clinic doctor and he said it was normal. Doctor, is it okay to bleed a lot after taking the abortion pill? Thank you, doctor.
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Is it okay to have lower abdominal pain and blood clots after taking the abortion pill?
have been taking abortion pills for a week now, I took them as directed by the doctor. On the 6th day, I took 1 pill at the clinic and felt normal. The next day, the doctor told me to take 2 pills under my tongue. After that, I saw some bleeding from my vagina. The next day, I continued to take the same dose of 2 pills in the morning, 2 pills in the afternoon and 1 pill in the evening to regulate my menstrual cycle.
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After abortion, back pain, belly is at risk of placenta left?
Dear doctor, I am 5 weeks pregnant and just had an abortion 4 days ago. I am currently experiencing severe back pain and lower abdominal pain. Doctor, can you tell me if there is a risk of a retained placenta after an abortion?
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Is it okay to have a bleeding relationship after a medical abortion?
I just had a medical abortion more than 2 weeks ago. I went back for a check-up on January 13th and the doctor said that the fetus was completely out. Yesterday, I had sex again and had some bleeding like menstruation. Doctor, can you tell me if it is okay to have bleeding after having a medical abortion? Does that have any effect, doctor?
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Uses of Sunmedabon
Sunmedabon is a combination drug Mifepriston and Misoprostol. Sunmedabon is indicated for the termination of pregnancy under 22 weeks. The following article will provide you with information on how to use Sunmedabon safely and effectively.
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Medical abortion for what gestational age? Common hazards
Absolutely do not perform medical abortion at home on your own. If used incorrectly, it can easily lead to serious consequences such as hemorrhage, miscarriage, incomplete placenta, or even loss of maternal function.
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Medical abortion: What you need to know
Medical abortion is the safest abortion method, however, it is necessary to grasp basic information to be more proactive in taking care of yourself after the procedure.
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Abortion by medicine: Absolutely do not buy and use drugs on your own, you need to follow the following instructions
Among the abortion methods, medical abortion is considered by many to be the most convenient and least expensive. In fact, this will expose your body to dangerous risks after the abortion that you do not know.
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Notes after a medical abortion
Nowadays, a part of young people think that using abortion pills is a discreet way to terminate pregnancy without having to go to a hospital or clinic, and as a result, they receive unpredictable consequences.
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How to handle stillbirth outside the mother's body
Mothers need to understand how to handle stillbirths outside the body to avoid unfortunate consequences later. After learning about the specific causes of stillbirths
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