How to count calories: back to the basics of weight loss

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The option of burning calories to lose weight is now being used commonly. In fact, many people wonder what to eat to burn calories and how to count calories to lose weight. To answer all of the above questions, readers can refer to the information in the following article.

1.Some basic information for people who want to lose weight

Controlling your own weight is a job that helps your body maintain a balance, and at the same time regulates the calorie source of energy for daily activities. When performing weight loss, you need to pay attention to balance so that the energy intake is lower than the energy consumed, so the excess energy will be burned and improve your body weight problem. With today's calorie counter, you can actively calculate the energy you consume from food and choose the right exercise to burn calories effectively.
The method of losing weight by burning energy requires each of us to invest time and effort to achieve lasting results. This is a big challenge that requires the performer to persevere, persevere, and not give up in order to achieve success. So burning calories to lose weight is not as simple as we think.
The body's energy consumption will make you fall into a lack of energy, if not planned in detail from the start. Therefore, you should consult a nutritionist and perform an examination to plan a safe, healthy weight loss.
Especially for those who are overweight and obese, the body will have a potential risk of many diseases of blood fat, heart disease, elevated liver enzymes ..... so you need to know and understand the reduction mechanism. weight of the methods you choose to protect your health during the diet.
Thus, in the method of counting calories to burn excess fat, you need to be strictly disciplined to form a reasonable eating habit, and at the same time combine exercise to improve health and burn stored energy. .

Các chuyên gia khuyên mọi người giảm cân lành mạnh để tránh tác dụng phụ
Các chuyên gia khuyên mọi người giảm cân lành mạnh để tránh tác dụng phụ

2. The meaning of calories for each of us

Calories are a source of food energy that acts as fuel for all body movements. When the body has a higher frequency of activity, the energy required will also increase according to the need to ensure fuel response. Every movement of the body from daily activities, sports activities... needs energy to run smoothly.
In each of us, nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins contain calories and are extremely necessary for the body to work effectively. In each meal, the food you provide will be converted into energy and a part is stored in the body as fat if in excess. Therefore, providing the right amount of calories greatly affects the weight and physique of each of us. When the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure or promoting calorie burning, weight loss through activities, the accumulation of fat will be significantly reduced.
MORE: Burn Calories: Can Certain Foods Help You Lose Weight?

Calo đóng vai trò cung cấp năng lượng cho cơ thể
Calo đóng vai trò cung cấp năng lượng cho cơ thể

3. Choose foods and count calories accordingly

Calories are tolerated by food, so you can completely follow a calorie-reduced diet. This mode will make a big change to the amount of calories the body needs and consumes for example:

3.1. Choose foods that are low in calories and less nutritious

Think about swapping out 1 or 2 of your daily meals with something less nutritious and less calorie-dense like a salad. Usually, breakfast we often have the habit of drinking coffee to help the body stay awake; At lunch you will drink a glass of carbonated water to provide energy and for dinner, eat fatty foods when it is almost bedtime. This eating habit needs to be changed and eliminated gradually.
At first, your body will feel deprived and always crave familiar foods, so you may be distracted and can't do your job well. If you can't remove the food and drink from the menu, you can offer an alternative like:
250 g of 0 calorie black coffee instead of 250 g of your favorite flavor latte 134 calories 150 g fresh strawberries 48 calories instead of 135 g greasy chocolate ice cream 292 calories 500 ml sugar-free carbonated water 0 calories instead of soda water 201 calories

3.2. Replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods

If cutting down on 1 or 2 dishes completely makes it difficult for you, try an alternative. The material intake remains unchanged, but the lower calorie content will also help the body burn calories and lose weight effectively. For example:
Drinking a glass of skim milk instead of whole milk will reduce your calorie intake by nearly 50%. Pizza is a varied and fatty food due to starch and butter. You quite love them because of their delicious taste, but change to eating fresh fruit, it will help the body feel comfortable and have fewer calories. Or if you eat more than 1 slice of pizza at a time, try eating 1 slice and eating some dried fruit to reduce your calorie intake by 30%. Fries for a quick and convenient meal can be replaced with butter corn to reduce your calorie intake by 50%. This will give your body time to get used to it and reduce cravings. Besides, this way will help you plan to cut high-fat diets in the long run.

Khoai tây chiên là thực phẩm thay thế có chứa hàm lượng calo thấp
Khoai tây chiên là thực phẩm thay thế có chứa hàm lượng calo thấp

3.3. Reduce portion sizes slowly until the body adapts

For each of us, it is not easy to change a regular habit. You eat 5 meals a day, suddenly cutting down to 3 meals will immediately cause the body to react. Therefore, you can use a number of portion-based methods. In fact, this method of eating is no longer strange and has been applied by the Japanese for a long time. The portioning and the way of eating will also create a feeling of fullness for a long time and significantly reduce cravings. When this problem is under control, you will gradually reduce the portion size and reduce the amount of calories provided to the body.
For people of working age or school age, choosing fast food is quite convenient and saves time. However, the convenience that you mistakenly think is a huge harm. Ready-to-eat fast foods will be difficult for you to count calories as well as align enough for 1000 calories to lose weight.
With the method of reducing portion sizes, start by choosing a food container to assess your own eating needs. Gradually reduce the amount of food you eat each day until the amount you lose is 50% of what it was at the beginning of the weight loss plan.
This looks good, but when you apply it, you will find it difficult. That's why here are a few tips to help you succeed:
Eat more vegetables or fruits when starting to reduce your portion sizes to avoid cravings that make you feel uncomfortable. Put food on a plate: packaged or canned food will make you want to eat it all in one go without realizing you've eaten too much. You need to have a plate with the dishes in that meal, so you will know how much you can eat. This is a way to trick the eye, and at the same time signal to reduce cravings. Get a medium or small plate to reduce portion sizes. Check the nutritional content of what you eat: today most of the foods you buy are packaged and provide specific nutritional information. Pay attention to know how many calories you are about to take in. This is extremely important when you want to reduce your energy intake. For example, when you eat french fries, a small bag full of it makes you feel like you have eaten it, but a large bag with that amount makes you crave more. Currently, calorie counters have been studied to become effective tools for weight loss. You only need to choose for yourself a reputable standard tool to be able to perform personal weight control.
MORE: Metabolism and weight loss: How you burn calories

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Bạn nên ăn nhiều trái cây để giảm cảm giác thèm ăn

4. Strategies to help burn calories and lose weight

Weight loss is a long-term plan that requires each person to persevere and not give up halfway. When you're trying to lose weight, the psychological barrier is the hardest and hardest step to overcome. You need to make sure you are ready and will really take the discipline to not give up when tired, hungry or hungry.
Losing weight doesn't just change your own weight. It offers a lot of benefits that have a lasting impact on your health. Therefore, learning and capturing all of you will be more motivating and want to lose weight more intensely. Don't be too eager to lose weight that you set unrealistic goals. Break down your goals to reach each milestone. This will create more excitement and cheer you up.
What to eat to burn calories? You need to know and understand the foods you use to combine to make your weight loss plan simpler. If you have difficulty, please consult a nutritionist to lose weight. However, losing weight just through eating is not enough, you need to exercise, burn excess fat.... Choose from basic to advanced exercises as long as you like it and get good results.
Finally, when you do it all you will have a different mindset about burning calories and losing weight. At this point, you will overcome difficulties and see results but will still maintain. The value you get is also greater than what you expected at the start.

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