Brain foods to help focus more

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The brain is an energy-intensive organ with about 20% of body calories. So the brain needs a lot of good fuel to stay focused throughout the day. How to use brain food is a matter of concern for many people.

1. The role of food and the brain

The foods you eat can have a big impact on the structure and health of your brain. A certain amount of food can support brain function both in the short and long term. Because, the brain is the organ that uses the most energy (20% of the body's calories) to maintain memory and concentration at work throughout the day. So the brain needs a certain amount of nutrients to grow healthy. For example: omega-3 fatty acids help build and repair brain cells, or antioxidants help reduce stress and cell inflammation, as well as neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer's disease).
In addition, the brain is also the control center of the body, it is responsible for keeping the heart beating, the lungs breathing, and allowing the body to move, feel, and think. That's why it's important to keep your brain in tip-top shape. The food we put into the body plays an important role in brain functions, including maintaining brain focus.

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2. Brain food

2.1. Fatty Fish When it comes to brain foods, fatty fish is often at the top of the list. This type of fish is usually salmon, sardines, these are also rich sources of omega-3 acids, which are good for brain development.
About 60% of the brain is made of fat and half of that fat is of the omega-3 type. The brain uses omega-3s to build brain and nerve cells, and these fats are essential for learning and memory. In addition, omega-3s also have some additional benefits for the brain, such as: slowing age-related mental decline and helping ward off Alzheimer's disease.

Cá hồi chứa lượng lớn omega-3
Cá hồi chứa lượng lớn omega-3

Research shows that people who eat fish regularly have more gray matter in the brain. These gray matter mostly contain neurons that control decision-making, memory, and emotions. So fatty fish is a great choice for brain health.
2.2. Coffee The two main ingredients in coffee are caffeine and antioxidants that play a special role in helping the brain.
The caffeine in coffee has positive effects on the brain including:
Increases alertness. Caffeine keeps the brain awake by blocking adenosine, which causes drowsiness. Improve mood. Caffeine can also enhance certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Highly concentrate. Research shows that when participants drink a large cup of coffee in the morning or a smaller amount throughout the day, they are more productive on tasks that require attention. Long-term coffee consumption has also been linked to a reduced risk of neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. This is also the role of antioxidants in coffee. However, if you abuse coffee, it will make users feel restless and uncomfortable.

Cà phê chứa caffeine với những tác động tích cực đến não
Cà phê chứa caffeine với những tác động tích cực đến não

2.3. Blueberries Blueberries offer many health benefits, including some that are specific to the brain. Because, blueberries provide anthocyanins - a group of plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Antioxidants work against both oxidative stress and inflammation. This condition is a condition that can contribute to brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases.
Some of the antioxidants in blueberries have been found to accumulate in the brain and help improve signaling between brain cells. Animal studies have shown that blueberries improve memory and it may even delay short-term memory loss. Or other studies have shown that a diet rich in blueberries improved both the learning and muscle function of aged mice, putting them mentally on par with much smaller mice.

2.4. Turmeric is the main ingredient in curry powder and has a number of benefits for the brain. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to directly enter the brain and benefit the cells there. Cucumin is also a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that has been linked to the following brain benefits:
Beneficial for memory: Curcumin improves memory in people with Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, it can also help clear the amyloid plaques that are hallmarks of this disease.

Curcumin có trong nghệ giúp chống oxy hóa
Curcumin có trong nghệ giúp chống oxy hóa

Relieves Depression: It increases serotonin and dopamine - both of which have mood-enhancing effects. Research on curcumin shows that it improves symptoms of depression just like antidepressants in six weeks. Helps new brain cells grow. Curcumin enhances brain-derived neurotrophic factor. It acts as a growth hormone that helps brain cells develop. It may also help delay age-related mental decline.
2.5. Broccoli Broccoli is known for its potent antioxidant compounds. In addition, it is also rich in vitamin K. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for the formation of sphingolipids - a type of fat found in brain cells.
In addition to vitamin K, broccoli also contains several compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that help protect the brain.
2.6. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds contain powerful antioxidants that protect the body and brain from free radical damage. In addition, it is also a good source of minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron and copper. Each of these minerals is important for brain health.
Zinc : An important element for nerve signals. Zinc deficiency has been linked to many neurological conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, depression, and Parkinson's disease. Magnesium. Magnesium is essential for learning and memory. Low magnesium levels are associated with many neurological diseases, including migraines, depression, and epilepsy. Copper: The brain uses copper to help control nerve signals. And when copper is gone, there is a higher risk of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's. Iron. Iron deficiency often causes impaired brain function.

Hạt bí ngô giúp não tránh tổn thương gốc tự do
Hạt bí ngô giúp não tránh tổn thương gốc tự do

2.7. Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate is packed with several brain-boosting compounds, including flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants. Flavonoids are a group of antioxidant plant compounds. The flavonoids in chocolate cluster in areas of the brain involved in learning and memory. These compounds may boost memory and also help slow age-related mental decline, researchers say.
2.8. Nuts Research has shown that eating nuts can improve markers of heart health, and having a healthy heart is linked to having a healthy brain. A 2014 study found that nuts can improve cognitive performance and even help prevent neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, another large study found that women who ate nuts regularly had better memories than those who didn't.
Nuts not only contain healthy fats, antioxidants, but also vitamin E. Vitamin E works to protect cell membranes from free radical damage, helping to slow down mental decline.

Quả hạch chứa chất béo lành mạnh và vitamin E
Quả hạch chứa chất béo lành mạnh và vitamin E

2.9. Orange Orange is a fruit with a relatively high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is a key factor in preventing mental decline. Eating adequate amounts of foods rich in vitamin C may protect against age-related mental decline and Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals that can damage brain cells. Additionally, vitamin C supports brain health as you age.
2.10. Eggs Eggs are a good source of several nutrients tied to brain health, including vitamins B6 and B12, folate and choline. Choline is an important micronutrient that your body uses to make acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and memory. B vitamins also help reduce the progression of mental decline in the elderly. Deficiencies of B vitamins including folate and B12 have been linked to depression. In addition, vitamin B12 is also involved in the synthesis of chemicals and regulation of sugar in the brain.
2.11. Green Tea Similar to coffee, green tea also boosts brain function. It helps to improve alertness, memory performance and concentration. In addition, its composition contains L-theanine - an amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier and increase the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, helping to reduce anxiety. At the same time, L-theanine also increases the frequency of alpha waves in the brain for better relaxation. Additionally, green tea is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that may protect the brain from mental decline and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Trà xanh là một thực phẩm tuyệt vời giúp tăng cường chức năng não
Trà xanh là một thực phẩm tuyệt vời giúp tăng cường chức năng não
Besides using brain foods, it is necessary to build a healthy diet with a balance and full of nutrients. An extremely important thing in taking care of the brain is not to skip breakfast.
The brain is an important organ of the body, especially they play an important role in governing many different organs. Therefore, the use of foods that are good for the brain will help the body stay healthy, avoid stress, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
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