Adults also wet the bed when sleeping, why?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

There are many people who are adults, go to work and still sometimes find their pants and blankets wet when they wake up, the reason why you can say it will make you feel very embarrassed: Growing up, still wetting the bed when sleeping. This is a story that seems to only happen to children, but in fact adults are also confused when wetting their pants.

Doctors say they know, about 1-2% of adults sleep with bedwetting and the actual number may be more because not everyone wants to share this problem. So why does bedwetting happen in adults?
According to Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Vinmec Central Park General Hospital, for bedwetting in adults, it can be divided into: Nocturia, nocturia and incontinence. In which, nocturia is a condition in which an adult can still control the urge to urinate, but more often than usual. This is not bed-wetting but frequent urination due to nocturnal polyuria or prostate disease.
In addition, there are some cases of actually bed-wetting the pants while sleeping, these people will not know that they urinate while sleeping. The cause is a disease that irritates the bladder for a long time, making the patient unable to control the bladder while sleeping.
There are also cases of bedwetting in the pants during the day due to urinary incontinence.
Depending on the cause, there is a treatment for bed-wetting. With the cause of prostate disease, the patient must take medication. If medication doesn't help with bed-wetting, surgery is needed. The case of bedwetting due to nocturnal polyuria often occurs in the elderly, requiring the use of drugs. If bedwetting is caused by bladder irritation, the patient needs to change their lifestyle, performing bladder exercises during the day will help improve the condition.
In short, people who have bedwetting while sleeping should not be shy and embarrassed to go to the doctor when there are signs of illness. In addition, should follow the advice of the doctor during as well as after the treatment process to be able to quickly improve the condition of the disease.

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