5 benefits of frankincense and 7 myths

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Agarwood is made from the resin of the Indian frankincense tree Boswellia, which commonly grows in the arid mountainous regions of India, Africa and the Middle East. Agarwood has a woody and pungent smell that can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or taken as a supplement. Here are 5 scientifically proven health benefits, as well as 7 common myths about frankincense.

1. What is the effect of Agarwood incense?

In Traditional Medicine, frankincense offers many health benefits, including improving arthritis and the digestive system, relieving asthma and dental care, and possibly even fighting certain types of cancer. Specifically:
1.1. Reduces Arthritis Frankincense has anti-inflammatory effects, thereby reducing swelling caused by arthritis. Researchers believe that frankincense can block the release of leukotrienes (compounds that can cause inflammation). Among them, terpenes (including boswellic acid) are considered the most powerful anti-inflammatory compounds of agarwood. A 2014 study in rats found that both oral and topical boswellic acid reduced cartilage loss and inflammation of the lining of the joints.
In humans, frankincense extract can reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In a 2018 review, frankincense consistently showed better relief of osteoarthritis pain and improved mobility than a placebo. But overall, most of the studies are of low quality and more research is needed.
In a follow-up study, volunteers took 169.33 mg of frankincense extract twice daily for 120 days. Results showed that the supplement reduced inflammation, joint pain, and stiffness in people with mild to moderate knee arthritis, without serious side effects.
Another study found that oliban oil (another name for frankincense) reduced osteoarthritis pain when applied to the skin for 6 weeks. However, the patient's ability to perform daily activities or participate in sports is still not significantly improved.
Combining frankincense with other supplements can also be effective, for example:
A 2018 study found a supplement of 350 mg of curcuminoid (the substance in turmeric) and 150 mg of boswellic acid (Indian frankincense). Degree) 3 times daily for 12 weeks can reduce osteoarthritis pain. This combination was more effective than either curcumin alone or placebo alone. Similarly, a combination of 5g of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and 7.2mg of boswellic acid per day for 60 days was more effective in improving pain and motor function than glucosamine sulfate (a popular supplement for diabetes). osteoarthritis). For rheumatoid arthritis, the researchers tried treating mice with frankincense extract at a dose of 180 mg/kg. As a result, frankincense reduced inflammation but was not as effective as standard drugs.
Overall, more research is needed to conclude what effect frankincense has, especially for rheumatoid arthritis.

1.2. Improves intestinal function The anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense can also help keep the gut healthy. A 2017 study found that combining frankincense with other herbs reduced abdominal pain, bloating, and even reduced depression and anxiety in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Another study found that taking 250mg of frankincense in pill form daily for 6 months improved symptoms in people with IBS.

Trầm hương được nghiên cứu chỉ ra có tác dụng với đường ruột
Trầm hương được nghiên cứu chỉ ra có tác dụng với đường ruột

The resin of frankincense is particularly effective in reducing the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. One study found that taking frankincense extract daily for 4 weeks improved symptoms in people with mild ulcerative colitis. Research on mice with colitis showed that this essence also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
However, most of the studies were small or not done in humans. Therefore, no definite conclusions can be drawn yet.
1.3. Improve asthma For centuries, Agarwood has been used by Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat bronchitis and asthma, specifically:
Research shows that agarwood compounds can block the production of leukotrienes , which is what causes the bronchial muscles to contract in asthma. Frankincense also has an effect on Th2 cytokines, a trigger for inflammation and excessive mucus production in people with asthma. In one small study, supplementing with 500 mg of frankincense extract daily reduced the frequency of asthma inhalers over the course of 4 weeks. In addition, when study participants took 200mg of a supplement made from agarwood and brown gourd (Aegle marmelos) it reduced asthma symptoms more effectively than a placebo. In another study, asthma symptoms in rats were improved by boswellic acid, an ingredient in frankincense resin. 1.4. Maintain oral health Frankincense can improve oral hygiene and prevent gum disease. This is because the boswellic acids in frankincense have strong antibacterial properties, thereby preventing and treating mouth infections.
In one study, agarwood extract was effective against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, a bacteria that causes gum disease. In another small study, volunteers chewed gum containing frankincense for 5 hours and took saliva samples every hour, the results showed that the number of bacteria gradually decreased. However, more research is still needed on the effects of frankincense on oral health.
1.5. Anti-cancer properties Test-tube studies show that the boswellic acid in frankincense can stop cancer cells from spreading. This substance can also prevent cancer cells from forming DNA, thereby limiting tumor growth. So far, studies have shown that frankincense has the ability to fight breast, prostate, pancreatic, skin and colon cancer cells.

Axit boswellic trong trầm hương có thể chống tế bào ung thư
Axit boswellic trong trầm hương có thể chống tế bào ung thư

Frankincense can also help reduce side effects of cancer treatment. In a study of patients being treated for brain tumors, taking 4,500mg of a boswellic acid extract daily reduced cerebral edema (fluid accumulation in the brain) and reduced the dose of the drug that the patients had to take. .
However, more human studies are needed before final conclusions can be drawn.

2. Myths about the effects of frankincense

Although frankincense has many health benefits, not all are scientifically proven. Around the topic of what is agarwood used for, there are 7 effects of frankincense not enough evidence to recognize:

Prevents Diabetes: Some small studies show that frankincense can lower blood sugar in people with diabetes as well as control diabetes. Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression: Frankincense can reduce depressive, anxious and stressful behaviors in rats. However, more studies in humans need to be done. Prevents heart disease: Frankincense has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce inflammation common in heart disease. Some studies have suggested the cardioprotective effects of frankincense, but more evidence is needed. Promotes Smooth Skin: Frankincense oil is considered an effective natural acne and anti-wrinkle remedy. A recent study showed that frankincense essential oil has skin care potential, but very few other studies support this use. Improves Memory: Studies show that taking large doses of frankincense can enhance memory in rats. However, more studies in humans need to be done. Balance Hormones and Reduce Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome: Frankincense is said to delay menopause, relieve menstrual pain, nausea, headaches, and mood swings. Recent research shows that certain essential oils increase the amount of estrogen in a woman's saliva, thereby reducing menopausal symptoms. However, more studies are needed to confirm this benefit. Enhances fertility: Agarwood supplements may increase fertility in rats, but currently there is very little research on this issue.

Trầm hương cần được hiểu và sử dụng đúng mục đích
Trầm hương cần được hiểu và sử dụng đúng mục đích

In summary, frankincense is used in Traditional Medicine to treat a variety of diseases. Although safe for most people, there is a risk of side effects in pregnant women and people taking certain medications. Therefore, you should consult a healthcare professional before using frankincense capsules, tablets, or in lotions or inhalants.

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Reference source: healthline.com
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