11 proven ways to lose weight without diet or exercise

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Sticking to a diet and exercise regimen for a long time and continuously can be difficult and inconvenient for many people. So here are some scientifically proven tips that can help you consume fewer calories, thereby making weight loss easier.

1. Eat slowly, chew well

Normally, the human brain needs time to process that the body has consumed the required amount of food.
Chewing your food thoroughly makes you eat slower, facilitates the brain to transmit information and signal the body is full. This aids in reducing food intake, increasing satiety and reducing portion sizes.
A recent review of 23 studies reported that fast eaters are more likely to gain weight than slow eaters. Fast eaters are also much more prone to obesity than slow eaters. Making it a habit to count the number of times you chew your food while eating helps you get into the habit of eating slowly and chewing thoroughly.

2. Use a smaller plate when eating bad food

The typical plate of food today is larger than it was a few decades ago.
This trend may contribute to consumer weight gain, using a smaller plate can help you eat less by giving the impression that the amount of food on the plate looks bigger.
Conversely, a larger plate can make a serving look smaller, causing you to add more food.
You can use this theory to aid weight loss by choosing a larger plate for healthy foods and a smaller plate for unhealthy foods.

Sử dụng đĩa nhỏ hơn khi ăn những đồ ăn không tốt
Sử dụng đĩa nhỏ hơn khi ăn những đồ ăn không tốt

3. Protein Boost

Protein has a powerful effect on appetite. It can increase satiety, reduce hunger, and help you eat fewer calories.
This may be because protein affects several hormones that play a role in creating feelings of hunger and fullness, including ghrelin and GLP-1.
One study found that increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories helped consumers eat 441 fewer calories per day and lose an average of 11 pounds in 12 weeks, without requiring any food restriction any .
To support weight loss, you can choose to use eggs to supplement protein for breakfast instead of consuming starchy cereals.
In one study, overweight or obese women who consumed eggs for breakfast tended to eat fewer calories at lunch than those who ate cereal in the morning. At the same time, they ate fewer calories for the rest of the day and during the next 36 hours.
Some examples of high protein foods include chicken breast, fish, greek yogurt, lentils, quinoa, and almonds.

4. Keep evil foods out of sight

Storing unhealthy foods where you can see them can increase hunger and cravings, causing you to eat more. This is also linked to weight gain.
A recent study found that if high-calorie foods are stored heavily in the home, consumers are more likely to be overweight than those who display only a bowl of fruit in the kitchen.
Storing unhealthy foods out of sight, such as in overhead cabinets or drawers can help users avoid overusing these foods when the body feels hungry. On the other hand, keeping healthy foods in a place that's easy to see and use like on the countertop or in the middle of the fridge can aid in weight loss.

Người thừa cân nên trưng bày trái cây trong bếp
Người thừa cân nên trưng bày trái cây trong bếp

5. Add fiber-rich foods

Eating foods rich in fiber can increase satiety, helping you feel fuller for longer.
Studies also show that one type of fiber, viscous fiber, is particularly helpful for weight loss. It increases satiety and reduces the amount of food the body wants to consume. Viscous fiber forms a gel when in contact with water. This gel increases nutrient absorption time and slows gastric emptying. Viscous fiber is found only in plant foods. Examples include beans, oat cereals, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges, and flaxseeds. A weight loss supplement called glucomannan also provides large amounts of viscous fiber.

6. Drink lots of water

Drinking water can help you eat less and lose weight, especially if you drink it before meals.
One study in adults found that drinking half a liter (17 ounces) of water about 30 minutes before a meal reduced hunger and reduced calorie intake during eating. Participants who drank water before meals lost 44% more weight over a 12-week period than those who didn't. If you replace high-calorie drinks - such as soda or juice - with water, you may see an even greater weight loss effect

7. Eat small portions

Portion sizes have increased over the past few decades, especially at restaurants.
Larger servings encourage users to eat more and promote weight gain and obesity. One study in adults found that doubling the size of an appetizer at dinner increased calorie intake by 30%.
Serving yourself a little less can help you eat significantly fewer calories. And you probably won't notice the difference.

Chia nhỏ kích thước khẩu phần ăn giúp người dùng hạn chế lượng calo nạp vào cơ thể
Chia nhỏ kích thước khẩu phần ăn giúp người dùng hạn chế lượng calo nạp vào cơ thể

8. Avoid using electronic devices while eating

Paying attention to what you eat can help you consume fewer calories.
People who eat while they are watching TV or playing computer games may not have control over how much food they consume. This can cause overeating.
A review of 24 studies found that people who were distracted during a meal ate about 10% more food than they normally would. Plus, distractions while eating have an even bigger effect on how much you eat at other meals of the day. People who were distracted during meals ate 25% more calories at other meals of the day.
If you regularly eat while watching TV or using electronic devices, you may inadvertently eat more. These extra calories add up to have a big impact on your weight in the long run.

9. Get enough sleep and try to reduce stress

When it comes to health, people often neglect sleep and are not alert to stress levels. Both of these factors, in fact, have powerful effects on appetite and body weight.
A lack of sleep can disrupt the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. Another hormone, cortisol, is elevated when you're stressed.
Fluctuations in these hormones can increase hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods, leading to higher calorie consumption. Furthermore, chronic sleep deprivation and stress can increase the risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes and obesity.

10. Limit sugary drinks

Today, table sugar is arguably the worst ingredient in the diet.
Sugary drinks like soda are associated with an increased risk of many diseases
It is easy to consume excess calories from sugary drinks because liquid calories do not have such a strong effect on satiety as sugar content in solid foods.
Limiting these drinks completely can have long-term health benefits. Note, however, that you shouldn't replace soda with fruit juice, as most juices still contain a lot of sugar.
Some healthier drink options include filtered water, coffee and green tea.

Người đang ăn kiêng nên hạn chế đồ uống nhiều đường
Người đang ăn kiêng nên hạn chế đồ uống nhiều đường

11. Use a red plate when eating bad food

Another strategy to aid weight loss is to use red plates to help you eat less. Research shows that this seems to work with unhealthy snack foods.
One study reported that participants ate fewer cookies from red plates than from white or blue plates. The explanation for this result could be that we tend to associate red with stop signals and other man-made warnings.

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Reference article: Healthline.com
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