11 best fruits for weight loss

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Fruits and vegetables are important foods that cannot be missed in a weight loss diet. They not only provide a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but also prevent many diseases and fight bad cholesterol. So what foods should people who want to lose weight eat?

1. Fruits and vegetables provide many nutrients with weight loss effects

Eating the fruit directly is considered more nutritious because water dilutes the nutrients. In addition, fruit is a food that is rich in nutrients and contains a lot of fiber and water, which helps the body stay hydrated, creating a feeling of fullness. On the other hand, fruit juices keep your body hydrated and water keeps you fuller for longer. The bottom line is that when the body lacks certain foods, fruits will meet the daily nutritional needs to keep the body's metabolism stable. Regularly eating fruit has a positive effect on weight loss. Fruits are rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They help reduce hunger, BMI, waist circumference, cholesterol and heart disease risk.
Remember that not only the type of fruit you eat but also the amount of fruit you get into your body through your diet also plays an important role in your health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), eating at least 5 servings of fruit of about 80 grams per day can reduce the risk of many diseases. Here are 11 best fruits to help you lose weight effectively.

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2. 11 best fruits for weight loss

Some fruits have weight loss effects that you can use every day as follows:

2.1. Pomelo

Grapefruit is a succulent fruit that was first created in the 18th century. It is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. Half a grapefruit contains 39 calories but makes up 65% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for its vitamin C content. In addition, red grapefruits also provide 28% of the RDI for vitamin A.
One study found that: Eating half a grapefruit before each meal can lower levels of insulin, a storage hormone fat, which can lead to weight loss. Because grapefruits contain a lot of water, they keep you hydrated and satisfied, helping you to eat less. In addition, fruit contains fat-burning enzymes, which are classified as weight loss superfoods. In addition, this fruit takes more energy to digest, so it helps you burn more calories. In fact, grapefruit is also rich in protein - a type of soluble fiber that binds cholesterol in the digestive tract (lowering blood cholesterol levels) and slows glucose absorption by retaining carbohydrates. This mechanism increases intestinal viscosity, leading to decreased absorption of cholesterol from food and sugar. You can eat grapefruits directly or add them to salads or salads.

Các loại trái cây có hàm lượng chất khoáng và vitamin cao
Các loại trái cây có hàm lượng chất khoáng và vitamin cao

2.2. Apple

Apples are another great snack that's high in fiber and low in calories. One medium apple has 95 calories, no potassium or fat, and 4.4 grams of fiber. Two types of fiber are found in an apple, soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves into the water in the stomach and increases feelings of fullness and satisfaction after a meal. Insoluble fiber is not digested in the stomach but helps promote gut health and regular bowel movements. Daily apple consumption has been consistently associated with a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and increased lung function.
MORE: How many apples should you eat a day?
In addition to the above effect, this fruit is also recommended to be added to the weight loss diet. In one study, women were given 3 apples, 3 pears, or 3 oat crackers - with the same calorie value - every day for 10 weeks. The apple group lost 0.91 kg and the pear group lost 0.84 kg, while the weight of the oat group did not change. Additionally, an observational study of 124,086 people determined that those who ate apples lost an average of 0.56 kg per week over a 4-year period.
Low-calorie fruits like apples keep you fuller longer, you can eat less other foods during the day. Research shows that it's best to eat apples whole instead of juicing - to reduce hunger and control appetite
Apples have a variety of ways to enjoy, ranging from raw or cooked. You can add it to stews, salads, make smoothies, juices or make apple pie.

Táo là loại trái cây được khuyến khích sử dụng để giảm cân
Táo là loại trái cây được khuyến khích sử dụng để giảm cân

2.3. Berry

There's no denying that every berry is good for your health. They are naturally mildly sweet, low in calories and high in fiber. One cup of blueberries contains 84 calories and 4 grams of fiber. This is 14% of the total recommended intake of 28 grams per day for a 2,000 calorie diet. Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, a typical antioxidant with their deep purple-blue color. Researchers found anthocyanins in blueberries are believed to be key components in reducing the risk of obesity, bad cholesterol, and improving insulin sensitivity in humans and laboratory animals. The fiber in blueberries can also reduce hunger. Besides, the anthocyanins of blueberries were also found to inhibit weight gain. Regular consumption of blueberries may help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, improve cognitive function, lower blood pressure and improve heart health. A more recent study found that consuming one cup of blueberries daily for six months improved blood vessel function and raised good cholesterol levels. One cup of sliced ​​strawberries contains just 54 calories and 3 grams of fiber. Strawberries are packed with antioxidants and provide 114% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C (RDI) which can help boost your immune system.
The high fiber content in berries makes them a great snack. One small study compared a high-sugar snack with a serving of mixed berries including blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries before a meal. The results showed that at their next meal, the group that ate the berries ate significantly fewer calories than the group that consumed the sugary snack. Accordingly, you can use them directly added to cereals and yogurt, mixed in a healthy smoothie or added to baked goods.

2.4. Watermelon

This fruit is high in water and low in calories, making it ideal to eat to lose weight. Watermelon is a great source of many antioxidants including beta carotene, lycopene and 16% of the RDI of vitamin C.
Eating watermelon will make sure you stay hydrated. And when you're well-hydrated, your body can function optimally. Plus, when you're well-hydrated, you won't confuse thirst with hunger and overeat unhealthy foods. You can eat it directly or make it into a delicious watermelon smoothie.

Ăn dưa hấu giúp hỗ trợ giảm cân hiệu quả
Ăn dưa hấu giúp hỗ trợ giảm cân hiệu quả

2.5. Lemon

Lemon is a citrus fruit rich in vitamin C, riboflavin, B vitamins, phosphorus and magnesium. Scientists have found that lemon peel extract reduced body weight and fat accumulation in rats by increasing fat oxidation. An 11-day lemon detox diet showed greater reductions in body weight, BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, insulin resistance, and body fat percentage in humans.
Drinking lemonade, lemon honey tea are considered good alternatives to sugary drinks as they reduce serum triglyceride levels. Lemonade is a great low-calorie beverage. The juice from half a lemon adds just 6 calories total when squeezed into a cup of water.
In a recent study, two groups of people were fed low-calorie meals. Half of the group were also asked to drink two cups of lemonade before the meal. After 12 weeks, the group that drank lemon water before a meal lost significantly more calories and lost more weight than the group that only consumed the lower-calorie meal. Drinking a mixture of lemon with honey and warm water every morning can help you lose weight effectively.

2.6. stone fruit

Stone fruits are seasonal fruits that are fleshy on the outside and have seeds or holes inside. Includes peaches, cherries, plums, apricots... These fruits are low in GI, low in calories and rich in nutrients like vitamins C and A - making them great for those trying to lose weight weight
Cherries are rich in anthocyanins. A study in laboratory animals showed reduced inflammation and a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people who were fed cherries. In another study, scientists found that the juice of peaches and plums may help protect against high blood sugar. Besides, the juice can also treat leptin resistance (hunger suppressing hormone) and reduce high blood lipid levels.
Another study by researchers at the University of Liverpool confirmed that consuming prunes for 12 weeks resulted in a 2 kg reduction in body weight and a 2.5 cm reduction in waist circumference. If possible, eat one peach or plum, 2 prunes, and 1/4 cup of cherries a day. You can eat them directly or cut them into small pieces and add to fruit salads, mix with cereals, add to cakes...
MORE: Why is eating fruit important and healthy?

2.7. Kiwi

Kiwi is a small, brown fruit with bright green or yellow flesh with many small green seeds. This fruit is considered an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin E, folate and fiber, and has significant health benefits
Studies have shown that kiwi can help control blood sugar, Improves cholesterol and supports gut health - all added weight loss benefits. Kiwis have a low glycemic index, so even though they contain sugar, it is released more slowly, so blood sugar spikes are more limited. Furthermore, kiwi is rich in fiber, a small peeled fruit contains more than 2 grams of fiber. There's a lot of scientific evidence that a diet rich in fiber from fruits and vegetables promotes weight loss, increases satiety, and improves gut health. In addition, consuming one kiwi per week can help reduce triglycerides, increase good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) levels, and reduce insulin resistance. In addition, kiwi also helps reduce fat cells, contains a lot of vitamin C to reduce body toxins... You can eat kiwi directly, add it to smoothies or salads...

2.8. Oranges

Oranges are considered an excellent source of natural sugars. They are low in calories and so are a healthy choice when you want to satisfy your sweet tooth. However, you should only use oranges as a dietary supplement and not as a substitute for all other sugary foods.
Experts recommend adding oranges to your diet to help control weight, because of its fiber content. When fiber meets water, it expands and helps keep food in the stomach longer after a meal, so you will feel full longer. Eating whole oranges instead of orange juice will help reduce hunger and burn calories and increase satiety for longer.

Các loại trái cây họ nhà cam giúp tăng cường vitamin C và chất xơ
Các loại trái cây họ nhà cam giúp tăng cường vitamin C và chất xơ

2.9. Banana

Ripe bananas make a great pre- and post-workout snack. They make you feel fuller, provide energy and are a good source of nutrients, rich in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, and provide magnesium, manganese, potassium and many antioxidants. In addition, unprocessed bananas are considered an excellent source of mineral starch.
MORE: Does eating bananas lose weight?
In addition, bananas also help protect your body against muscle cramps, keeping blood pressure stable. One study illustrated that eating a banana a day lowers both blood sugar and cholesterol in people with high cholesterol. Therefore, you should not eat too many bananas, it will lead to an excess of potassium and that is not good for you.
A high-quality, nutrient-dense and low-calorie food, bananas are vital to any healthy weight loss plan.

2.10. Butter

Avocado is a very high-fat and low-carbohydrate fruit grown in warm climates. One cup of chopped avocado contains 240 calories and 10 grams of fiber. In addition, avocados are also an excellent source of several vitamins and minerals. One serving provides 35% of the RDI for vitamin K, 31% of the RDI for copper, 30% of the RDI for folate, 21% of the RDI for vitamin E, and 15% of the RDI for potassium.
Despite its high calorie and fat content, avocados can actually promote weight loss. In one study, 61 overweight people ate a diet containing 200 grams of butter or 30 grams of other fats (margarine and oils). Both groups lost significant weight, suggesting that avocados are a smart choice for people looking to lose weight. A few more studies have found that avocados can increase feelings of fullness, reduce cravings, and improve cholesterol levels.
Researchers also found that people who consume avocados tend to eat healthier diets and weigh less than those who don't eat avocados regularly

Bơ được nhiều phụ nữ ưa chuộng vì có hiệu quả giảm cân
Bơ được nhiều phụ nữ ưa chuộng vì có hiệu quả giảm cân

2.11. Pineapple

Pineapple has received a lot of attention for its potential role in weight loss. A recent animal study has shown that pineapple juice helps increase fat breakdown and reduce fat storage. However, no studies have confirmed this effect in humans, so more research is needed.
Pineapple should still be considered as one of the top weight loss fruits. One cup of pineapple contains 83 calories, 2 grams of fiber, more than 100% of the RDI of vitamin C and 67% of the RDI of manganese, an important antioxidant in our bodies. Accordingly, try adding pineapple to your breakfast smoothie, lunch salad or take advantage of their natural sweetness by adding some to your cup of yogurt.
Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet and can play an important role in any weight loss plan. Be aware of the calories in fruit and exercise in moderation. Limit yourself to two to three servings per day.
Eat a variety of fresh, frozen or canned fruits, use juices or smoothies and try to combine servings of each of the 11 best fruits for weight loss at least once per week with the following ingredients: main meal or snack.
Remember that healthy eating is only part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition to eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, try to get regular physical activity and get plenty of sleep to help reach your weight loss goals.

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References: healthline.com, sg.theasianparent.com, healthywomen.org, .stylecraze.com, fitwirr.com
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