No Menstruation One Year After C-Section: Is It a Concern?


Hello Doctor,
I had a C-section one year ago, but I still have not had my menstrual period return. Is this normal? I am currently breastfeeding my baby. Thank you, doctor.

Hoang Thi Ly Ly (1994)


Specialist Consultation Provided By: Level II Specialist Dr. Pham Thi Tuyet Mai, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital


Thank you for your question regarding "No menstruation one year after a C-section".

In general, the time for menstruation to return after childbirth depends on each individual’s body. The return of menstruation signifies that ovulation function has resumed. For mothers who are breastfeeding, menstruation often returns later, typically between 6 months to 1 year after delivery. However, there is significant variation among individuals. Some mothers may see their periods return as early as 2–3 months postpartum even while breastfeeding, while others may not resume menstruation until a year or even after weaning.

In your case, there is no need to worry. However, if you and your spouse are not using contraception, there is still a possibility of pregnancy. You should consider a check-up to confirm whether or not you are pregnant. The doctor can then provide specific advice based on your situation.

If you have further questions regarding no menstruation one year after a C-section, you can visit a hospital within the Vinmec Healthcare System for an examination and additional consultation. Thank you for trusting us with your inquiry. Wishing you good health and happiness!

Best regards!

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