What does Utrogestan do?

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The cases of progesterone hormone deficiency in each cycle have many different problems in obstetric and gynecological health. The supplement of the hormone progesterone is very necessary and one of the products that do this is the drug utrogestan. So what does utrogestan do?

1. What is Utrogestan?

Utrogestan contains the active ingredient Progesterone (fine granules) with a strength of 100 or 200mg. In addition, this product also includes some other ingredients such as:
Excipients: peanut oil, soybean lecithin; Capsule shell composition: gelatin, glycerol, titanium dioxide (E171). Utrogestan can be taken orally or vaginally with the main purpose of increasing progesterone levels in the body.

2. What is the effect of utrogestan?

The therapeutic effects of utrogestan depend on how it is used. Oral Utrogestan has the following effects:
In terms of gynecology: Progesterone deficiency disorders such as premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstrual cycles due to ovulatory or non-ovulatory disorders, benign breast disease; Menopause in addition to estrogen therapy; Infertility due to luteal insufficiency. In terms of obstetric pathology: Threatened miscarriage or prevention of recurrent miscarriages due to luteal insufficiency; Threatening premature birth. If used vaginally, the drug utrogestan brings a number of therapeutic effects such as:
Infertility, primary or secondary infertility due to partial or complete luteal insufficiency; Threatened miscarriage or prevention of recurrent miscarriages due to luteal insufficiency.

Thuốc Utrogestan được ứng dụng trong điều trị một số bệnh lý sản phụ khoa
Thuốc Utrogestan được ứng dụng trong điều trị một số bệnh lý sản phụ khoa

3. Dosage of the drug utrogestan

Dosage of oral utrogestan:
Average dose is about 200-300mg/day, divided 1-2 times. Specifically, take 1 time 200mg in the evening before going to bed and 100mg in the morning if necessary; In case of luteal insufficiency (found in premenstrual syndrome, benign mammary disease, irregular menstruation): It is necessary to use utrogestan for 10 days of each menstrual cycle, usually from day 17 to 26; In hormone replacement therapy: When estrogen alone is not effective, utrogestan is added in combination for the last 2 weeks of treatment, then all hormone replacement therapy is discontinued for 1 day. this week and time period vaginal bleeding may occur; In the treatment of threatened preterm birth: Use 400mg of utrogestan orally every 6 to 8 hours in the acute phase, then maintain at a dose of 200mg, 3 times a day until the 36th week of pregnancy. Dosage of vaginal utrogestan:
The average dose is 200mg per day, inserted deep into the vagina. Users can use 200mg tablets or 2 100mg tablets divided into 2 times in the morning and evening). Note that the dose of vaginal utrogestan may vary depending on the patient's response; In case of partial luteal insufficiency (found in ovulatory disorders, irregular menstruation): Vaginal utrogestan 200mg per day, 10 days/menstrual cycle, starting from day 17 to day 26; In case of infertility due to complete luteal insufficiency: The initial dose is 100mg on days 13 and 14 of the cycle, then continue vaginally with utrogestan 100mg in the morning and evening from the 15th to the 25th day of the cycle. cycle. From the 26th day and if pregnant, increase the dose by 100mg/day in each week to reach a maximum dose of 600mg/day divided into 3 times. This maximum dose must then be maintained until the 60th day; Supplementing the luteal phase in IVF: Starting treatment from the evening of embryo transfer with a dose of 600mg/day, divided into 3 times (morning, noon and evening); Threatened early miscarriage or prevention of recurrent miscarriages due to luteal insufficiency: Utrogestan 200-400mg daily, divided into 2 vaginal injections until the 12th week of pregnancy. Some cases are contraindicated to use utrogestan:
Severe liver failure; History of allergy or hypersensitivity to progesterone or other ingredients contained in the drug.

4. Some notes when using the drug utrogestan

Users should note that the use of utrogestan is not intended to prevent pregnancy. The duration of the menstrual cycle may change, shorten or bleed if taken too early, especially before the 15th day of each cycle.
In cases of uterine bleeding, Utrogestan should not be used until the cause is determined.
Treatment with utrogestan will not be able to completely eliminate the risk of thromboembolism, so patients should stop taking the drug in the following cases:
Vision loss, diplopia or confirmed vascular damage retinal blood; Venous embolism or thrombosis, regardless of location in the body; Severe headache. In cases of sudden amenorrhea, pregnancy should be ruled out with certainty.
According to statistics, more than 1⁄2 cases of spontaneous early miscarriage are due to genetic causes, in addition to other causes such as infections or mechanical disorders. In these cases, using utrogestan only works to slow down the process of excreting dead eggs. Therefore, the treatment of progesterone supplementation with utrogestan should be indicated only in cases of insufficient corpus luteum secretion.

Thuốc utrogestan cần được sử dụng theo đúng hướng dẫn
Thuốc utrogestan cần được sử dụng theo đúng hướng dẫn

5. Side effects of the drug utrogestan

Many patients wonder about the phenomenon of dizziness when taking utrogestan, which may be a side effect of this drug. When used orally, patients may experience some of the following undesirable effects:
Change in menstrual cycle, amenorrhea; Headache; Transient somnolence and dizziness: This phenomenon has been observed in cases where utrogestan is used in combination with estrogen. This effect is relieved by decreasing the dose of utrogestan or increasing the dose of estrogen; Jaundice due to cholestasis, itching; Digestive disorders ; Shortening of menstrual cycle or bleeding between periods.

6. Some drug interactions of utrogestan

The combined use of utrogestan with a number of other drugs can affect the metabolism of progesterone, thereby leading to a change in the effectiveness of the drug such as:
Strong enzyme inducers such as barbiturates, anti-dynamic drugs neurotransmitters (phenytoin), Rifampicin, Phenylbutazone, Spironolacton and Griseofulvin; Some antibiotics (eg, ampicillin, tetracycline) alter the intestinal microflora, leading to changes in the enterohepatic cycle of steroids; Progestins such as utrogestan can decrease glucose absorption, so that people with diabetes may have an increased need for insulin and other antidiabetic agents.

7. Utrogestan overdose and treatment

The route of vaginal use has not recorded cases of overdose with utrogestan. With oral administration, most of the side effects noted above were related to overdose. Therefore, most patients only need to reduce the dose, the abnormal symptoms will disappear automatically. Some patients take just the usual dose, which may be too high for themselves, resulting in hypersensitivity to progesterone or accompanied by low blood estradiol levels. The following advice may be helpful for this group of patients:
Reduce dose or take utrogestan at bedtime, 10 days/cycle in case of transient drowsiness or dizziness; If there are few drops of vaginal bleeding or the menstrual cycle is shortened, treatment with utrogestan should be started more slowly, possibly from day 19 instead of day 17; Women who are premenopausal or on hormone replacement therapy should have tests done to make sure their blood oestradiol levels are adequate. Utrogestan containing the active ingredient Progesterone is indicated for the treatment of gynecological diseases. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid side effects, patients need to take medicine according to prescription or as directed by a doctor or pharmacist.
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