Home Tag Irregular menstruation

Articles in Irregular menstruation

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Treating menstrual disorders with daily birth control pills can cause infertility?
Hello doctor! I have menstrual disorders, for 2 months now I still haven't seen it. After going to a private clinic, they gave me medicine to drink to induce menstruation including: 1 pack of round white pills, 1 pack of daily birth control pills. The doctor instructed me to take the round white pills for 10 days, then stop taking the medicine and my period will come for 2-7 days. When my period comes on the 2nd day, I will take the daily birth control pills. But when I took the round white pills, I felt dizzy even though I had eaten. I took the 2nd pill and my period came, so I stopped taking the medicine. I went to the clinic where I was prescribed the medicine and asked, the doctor said the medicine would cause dizziness after taking it and told me to take the daily birth control pills as prescribed, and when I finished the medicine, come back for a check-up and continue treatment. I am very worried, maybe it is because I am stressed or have changed my lifestyle causing menstrual disorders. Will the medicine the doctor gave me have any effect? And will taking birth control pills regularly like that cause infertility? I hope the doctor can advise me, thank you doctor.
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Vaginal discharge a lot, uncomfortable wetness, irregular menstrual cycle, polycystic ovaries, what to do?
Hello doctor! I am 26 years old this year, I have a lot of vaginal discharge, almost every day, always wet and very uncomfortable. Usually the vaginal discharge is clear white and thin like water, but some days it is a bit lumpy and has an ivory color. I have had this condition for 9 years but do not know how to handle it. I went to see a doctor to ask about this condition but the doctor said that I have not had sex so there is no way to examine it thoroughly. The doctor only examined the discharge and examined the outside and diagnosed no inflammation or fungus. I am very worried that I have cervical erosion or more seriously, cervical cancer. If not detected and treated promptly, it is very dangerous. Currently, I also have polycystic ovary syndrome and irregular menstruation, my period only comes once every 2-3 months. So doctor, can you tell me what to do with a lot of vaginal discharge, wet and uncomfortable, irregular menstrual cycle, polycystic ovary syndrome? I hope the doctor can advise and answer. Thank you very much!
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How to calculate menstrual cycle accurately?
Last month, I had my period on the 18th. This month, I also had my period on the 18th. How many days is my menstrual cycle? Can you advise me on how to calculate my menstrual cycle accurately?
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Kyleena Intrauterine: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Kyleena Intrauterine is a small, flexible device that is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is used by women who want to use a long-term (up to 5 years) effective birth control method. Kyleena Intrauterine is also used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding in women who choose to use this method of birth control.
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Visanne 2mg Endometriosis Treatment Drug: Uses, Dosage
Visanne 2mg is a drug prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis. To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to take the drug according to the prescription as directed by the doctor or pharmacist.
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What does Utrogestan do?
The cases of progesterone hormone deficiency in each cycle have many different problems in gynecological health. The supplement of the hormone progesterone is very necessary and one of the products that do this is the drug utrogestan. So what does utrogestan do?
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Uses of Tumegas
Tumegas drug is made in the form of oral gel, the main ingredient is yellow turmeric extract. The drug is indicated for use in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease.
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Uses of Eslady
Eslady is indicated for the treatment of disorders related to progesterone reduction, infertility due to luteal insufficiency and endometriosis,... So how is Eslady used? Let's find out the necessary information about the drug Eslady through the article below.
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Uses of Azaimu
Azaimu 500 is manufactured and registered by Quang Ninh Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies Joint Stock Company, belonging to the group of drugs of herbal and animal origin. Read the article below for more information about the uses of Azaimu 500.
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Ovarian varicose veins: What you need to know
Varicose veins of the ovary are a chronic and slowly progressive disease. The disease often has no obvious symptoms, so it is easy to confuse. Therefore, many patients with the disease are not treated in time, leading to dangerous complications that directly affect fertility, even infertility.
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How does the menstrual cycle affect reproductive health?
Irregular menstruation is a common condition in women. Menstruation may be sparse in the first few years of menstruation, then it will be regular. However, there are cases where this condition lasts for many years, even after getting married, menstruation is still irregular. This makes many women worried, afraid that it will affect their ability to have children.
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