Uses of the drug Kamicingsv

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Kamicingsv is a drug belonging to the group of parasitic infections, anti-infectives, antivirals and antifungals with the ingredient Clindamycin (in the form of Clindamycin hydrochloride). To ensure the effectiveness of using Kamicingsv, users need to follow the doctor's recommendations or instructions, and carefully read the instructions for use before use.

1. What are the uses of Kamicingsv?

1.1. What is Kamicingsv? Kamicingsv belongs to the group of antibiotics called Lincosamides. Kamicingsv medicine includes the following ingredients:
Main active ingredient: Clindamycin hydrochloride 300 mg Excipients: Cellactose 80, Talc powder, Magnesium stearate, crospovidone, lactose. The drug is prepared in the form of 150mg hard capsules, blisters of 10 tablets, boxes of 3 blisters. Kamicingsv is recommended for use in both children and adults.
1.2. What does Kamicingsv do? Clindamycin is an antibiotic belonging to the lincosamide group, with bacteriostatic effect at low concentrations but good bactericidal effect at high concentrations.
Antibacterial spectrum:
Gram-positive aerobic cocci: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus (except S. faecalis), Pneumococcus. Anaerobic Gram-negative bacilli: Fusobacterium spp, Bacteroides (B. fragilis) Non-spore forming anaerobic Gram-positive bacilli: Eubacterium, Propionibacterium and Actinomyces spp. Anaerobic Gram-positive cocci: Peptostreptococcus spp., Peptococcus, Clostridium perfringens (except C. Tertium and C. sporogenes). Other bacteria: Toxoplasma gondii, Chlamydia trachomatis, Plasmodium falciparum, Pneumocystis carinii, Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma brominn. The following bacteria are usually resistant to clindamycin: Aerobic Gram-negative bacilli, Nocardia sp., Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus faecalis, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae. Kamicingsv is prescribed for use in the treatment of infections with microorganisms sensitive to clindamycin, and especially as an alternative to patients allergic to penicillins:
Prevention of endocarditis or other bacterial infections due to surgical transplantation in penicillin-allergic patients or those on long-term penicillin therapy. Aspiration pneumonia, lung abscess, severe respiratory tract infection caused by anaerobic bacteria Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Pneumococcus. Intra-abdominal infections such as peritonitis, abdominal abscess. Infection of a wound with pus (from surgery or trauma). Blood infection. Neonatal fever (genital tract), severe infections of the male and female genital tract and pelvic region such as: endometritis, pelvic cellulitis, non-gonococcal tubal abscess, vaginal infection after surgery due to anaerobic bacteria. Contraindications:
Patients who are allergic to the main active ingredient Clindamycin or any of the excipients of the drug

2. Usage of Kamicingsv

2.1. How to take Kamicingsv The drug Kamicingsv is taken orally. Swallow the tablet whole with plenty of water. Do not crush, crush the tablet or mix it with any other mixture. If a child has diarrhea while taking the medicine, stop using it immediately. The duration of treatment with Kamicingsv depends on the type of infection of the patient and the severity of the disease. In infections caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci, treatment with Kamicingsv should be continued for at least 10 days. In severe infections such as osteomyelitis or endocarditis, the duration of treatment is at least 6 weeks. 2.2. Dosage of Kamicingsv Recommended dosage: 1 tablet/time, every 6 hours; Prevention of endocarditis or infection caused by tissue transplant surgery: Adults: 2 tablets, 1 to 2 hours before surgery, and 6 hours after surgery.
Maternal fever (with genital tract infection): For pregnant women with fever but no clinical signs of illness, if the duration of fever lasts more than 48 hours: take 1 tablet, every 8 hours, take it every 8 hours. (caused by Mycoplasma) until fever is gone as intended. Do not take a double dose at the same time.
Treatment of overdose:
Overdose with oral clindamycin is very rare. The minimum toxic or lethal dose has also not been established. At therapeutic doses, the main toxic effects associated with the gastrointestinal tract may include pseudomembranous colitis and severe diarrhea that can lead to death. Dermatitis, hepatotoxicity and hematologic abnormalities occur less frequently. Treatment:
In case of overdose Kamicingsv there is no specific treatment. If anaphylaxis occurs, usual emergency treatment should be instituted, including adrenaline, corticosteroids, and antihistamines. Supports heart function and respiratory function (airway clearance). During high-dose therapy, renal and hepatic functions should be monitored by biochemical blood tests. Check complete blood counts in patients receiving Kamicingsv because of possible abnormalities during treatment. Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis has not yet been established to be beneficial in the treatment of overdose.

3. Notes when using Kamicingsv

Caution is advised when using Kamicingsv to individuals with a history of gastrointestinal disease, especially a history of colitis. If prolonged treatment with Kamicingsv is required, liver and kidney function should be checked. The use of the antibiotic clindamycin can lead to overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms, especially yeasts.
The drug contains lactose, so patients with rare hereditary problems of lactose intolerance, glucose malabsorption or lactase deficiency should not take this medicine.
Be careful with elderly patients who are especially sensitive to drugs.
Clindamycin accumulates in patients with severe hepatic impairment, therefore, dose adjustment and periodic analysis of liver enzymes by biochemical blood tests are required for these patients.
The drug can cause fatigue and drowsiness, so it should be used with caution when driving and operating machinery.

4. Kamicingsv . side effects

Digestive system: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile. Uncommon
On the skin: Urticaria. Other: Local pain reaction after intramuscular injection, thrombophlebitis after intravenous injection. Rarely
Systemic: Anaphylactic reaction. Blood and lymph node system: Reversible neutropenia, eosinophilia, Gastrointestinal system: esophagitis, pseudomembranous colitis. Liver: Reversible increase in liver transaminases.

5. Kamicingsv . drug interactions

Clindamycin can potentiate the effects of neuromuscular blocking agents, so it should be used with extreme caution only when patients are taking these drugs (tubocurarine, pancuronium).
Kamicingsv should not be used concomitantly with Clindamycin. the following drugs:
Oral steroid contraceptives, because they reduce the effectiveness of these drugs. Erythromycin, because both drugs act at the same site on the bacterial ribosome, the binding of one to the bacterial ribosome can be inhibited by the other and vice versa. Diphenoxylate, opiate or loperamide (anti-peristaltic agents), as possible exacerbation of the colitis syndrome associated with the use of Kamicingsv, because they delay the elimination of toxins Pectin-kaolin suspension, because of reduced absorption of Kamicingsv . Increased coagulation or bleeding, has been reported clinically in patients treated with clindamycin in combination with vitamin K antagonists (eg, acenocoumarol, warfarin and fluindione). Therefore, regular monitoring is required in patients treated with vitamin K antagonists together with Kamicingsv. Do not use concomitantly with neostigmine, pyridostigmine and vaccines. Above is important information about Kamicingsv, before using, patients need to carefully read the instructions and use as directed by a qualified doctor to get the best treatment results.

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