Uses of Hadokit

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Hadokit belongs to a group of drugs used to treat problems in the digestive system. When buying medicine, you need to have a prescription from your doctor and ask for instructions for use to avoid dangerous interactions. Here is some information to help you understand what Hadokit is.

1. Uses of Hadokit

Hadokit medicine is made into 3 types of capsules placed in 1 blister. Each type will have different pharmacology. You can find out more information from your doctor about the ingredients: Omeprazol, Tinidazol, Clarithromycin. The specific cases indicated for the use of Hadokit are usually:
Treatment of gastric reflux syndrome; Treatment of signs of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract; Treatment of Zollinger - Ellison syndrome ; Stomach ulcers ; Chronic gastritis. When using Hadokit, you should be careful to use it exactly as prescribed by your doctor. For non-indicated conditions, do not self-use unless there are specific instructions from a doctor and a prescription.

2. Dosage and how to take Hadokit

Hadokit medicine is divided into blister packs. Use orally. You should swallow the tablet whole to get the most effective treatment.
Hadokit drug can be used to treat with the following reference dose:
Reduce indigestion symptoms due to increased acidity: Patients with increased acidity should pay attention to treatment for about 2-4 weeks with a dose of 10 - 4 weeks. 20 mg per day.
Gastroesophageal reflux: Normally, patients treated for gastroesophageal reflux should use Hadokit with a single dose of 20 mg for 4 weeks. If it is not effective, you can use it for the next 1-2 months. When the condition persists, the dose should be doubled for treatment.
Gastrointestinal ulcers: Hadokit with a single dose of 20-40 mg depending on the severity of the disease or mild. If the patient has a stomach ulcer, it should be used for 4 weeks. After that, a single maintenance dose of 10-20 mg can be used. With double therapy and triple therapy, meprazole should be used at a dose of 20mg / time and used 2 times with the time prescribed by the doctor.
Treatment of gastritis caused by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Dosage 20mg per day. In addition to reducing inflammation, it can also prevent early inflammation and damage.
Zollinger Ellison syndrome Dosage can range from 20 - 120 mg per day. Usually your doctor will adjust the dose of 560mg. If necessary, a low dose can be used 3 times a day. Specific dosage you should consult your doctor for advice on indications.
Patients with liver failure syndrome Patients with liver failure should take 10 - 20 mg / day. Patients with renal impairment do not require dose adjustment of the drug.
Elderly Elderly people can use the drug at the usual dose. However, it is advisable to check the health before use to promptly adjust if the patient has many dangerous underlying diseases.

3. Notes before taking Hadokit

Hadokit may cause irritation in patients with a history of allergy to the drug's ingredients. Patients should actively tell their doctor if they are allergic to Omeprazol, Esomeprazole or Benzimidazol derivatives.... Before taking Hadokit, patients should pay attention to their health status if they have symptoms. weight loss, vomiting... then you need to report to the doctor for review.
Although there is no conclusion to prove the danger of Hadokit for pregnant and postpartum women, caution is still needed. For workers or drivers who use machines, they should pay attention when using Hadokit to ensure labor safety and avoid the influence of errors when working.

4. Side effects of Hadokit

Using Hadokit can cause some unwanted effects such as:
Headache; Sleepy ; Dizzy; Vomit; Diarrhea ; Stomachache; Constipation ; Distention; Memory decline ; Tired; Itchy rash; Acne . These side effects of Hadokit are quite common and obvious. Besides, you may experience dangerous side effects that are potentially profound but rare or very rare such as:
Sweating; Anaphylaxis ; Angioedema swelling; High fever; Agranulocytosis; Decreased blood cells; Depression ; Psychological agitation; Illusion ; Hearing loss disorder; Increase breast size 1; Gastritis; Candidiasis ; Dry mouth; Hepatitis; Jaundice; Liver coma ; Bronchospasm ; Muscle aches; Swollen joints; Interstitial nephritis. Rare or uncommon side effects of Hadokit are often difficult to detect or only detect when they have become serious. To avoid danger to your health, you should take the initiative to do a health check to promptly detect abnormal symptoms early.

5. Interactions with Hadokit

Hadokit may interact with less healthy foods and drinks, especially alcoholic beverages. Therefore, you should carefully consult your doctor based on the test results and the medications you are taking to be able to detect the risk of interactions with Hadokit early.
In summary, you can use Hadokit medicine to treat ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. When taking the drug, you should consult a specialist to avoid health risks.

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