Uses of Ulpan

Ulpan is a prescription medication used in the treatment of a number of gastrointestinal conditions. So what is Ulpan medicine and how to use this medicine?

1. What is Ulpan?

Ulpan is a gastrointestinal drug in the form of enteric coated tablets, with the main ingredient in each tablet being Pantoprazole Sodium Sesquihydrate 40mg. Pantoprazol is a proton pump inhibitor that inhibits the terminal phase of gastric acid production by covalently binding to the enzyme (H+, K+)-ATPase system at the secreting surface of the cell. stomach wall. This results in inhibition of both conventional and stimulant gastric acid secretion mechanisms.
The binding to the enzyme (H+, K+)-ATPase system of Pantoprazol will cause the anti-acid effect of the drug to last more than 24 hours for all doses tested.
Ulpan is indicated in the following cases:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Gastrointestinal ulcers. Prevention of ulcers caused by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Ulpan is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug. Hypersensitivity to other benzimidazole derivatives such as esomeprazole, omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole.

2. Dosage and how to use Ulpan

The way to take Ulpan is as follows:
Ulpan is used orally. Take the medicine once a day in the morning. Swallow the tablet whole, do not crush or chew it. Dosage of Ulpan drug should be according to the doctor's prescription, the reference dose for specific cases is as follows:
Gastroesophageal reflux syndrome (GERD): The usual dose is 20 - 40 mg x 1 times/day, continuously for 4 weeks, can last up to 8 weeks. The maintenance dose is 20 - 40 mg per day. In case of relapse: Use dose 20mg/day. Gastrointestinal ulcers usually use a dose of 40mg x 1 time / day. Duration of treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks for duodenal ulcers and from 4 to 8 weeks for benign gastric ulcers. Helicobacter pylori eradication: Use a 1-week triple combination therapy regimen as follows: Pantoprazol 40mg x 2 times/day in combination with antibiotic clarithromycin 500mg x 2 times/day and antibiotic amoxicillin 1g x 2 times/day or use metronidazol 400mg x 2 times/day. Prevention of ulcers caused by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Use a dose of 20mg/day. Zollinger - Ellison syndrome: The starting dose is 80mg/day. The dose may be increased to 240 mg/day. If the dose is more than 80mg/day, the drug should be divided into 2 doses. Patients with hepatic impairment: Use a maximum dose of 20 mg/day or 40 mg/day orally every other day. Patients with renal impairment: Use a maximum dose of 40mg/day.

3. Side effects of Ulpan

In general, Ulpan is well tolerated even for short-term and long-term treatment. Proton pump inhibitors such as Ulpan reduce the acidity of the stomach, which can increase the risk of gastrointestinal infections.
Common side effects of Ulpan include:
Fatigue Headache. Skin board. You jute. Muscle pain, joint pain. Uncommon side effects of Ulpan include:
Asthenia. Dizzy. Dizzy. Itchy. Increase liver enzymes. Rare side effects of Ulpan include:
Sweating. Peripheral edema. Feeling uncomfortable. Defense. The board is inlaid. Acne . Hair loss. Exfoliative dermatitis. Angioedema. Various erythema. Inflammation of the mouth. Belching. Digestive disorders. Blurred vision. Photophobia. Insomnia. Chicken sleep. A state of excitement or inhibition. Tinnitus. Run. Mistake. Illusion . Sensation. Eosinophilia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia. Impotence. Hematuria Interstitial nephritis. Hepatitis. Jaundice. Encephalopathy in liver failure. Increased triglycerides. Decreased blood sodium. If you experience any side effects while using Ulpan, you need to immediately notify your doctor or go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

4. Interaction of Ulpan with other drugs

Theoretically, the possibility of a pharmacokinetic interaction when co-administration of Ulpan with drugs with a pH dependent absorption of the stomach (e.g. ampicillin ester, iron salts, ketoconazole) could increase or decrease the degree of absorption. absorption of these drugs when the pH of the stomach is increased. Concomitant use of Ulpan and Warfarin has the potential to increase the INR and prothrombin time. This can increase the risk of abnormal bleeding and death. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor for an increase in INR and prothrombin time when Ulpan is used concomitantly with warfarin. Sucralfate can slow absorption and decrease bioavailability of Ulpan, so you should take Ulpan at least 30 minutes before taking sucralfate.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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