Uses of Dalisone

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Dalisone contains the ingredient Ceftriaxone 1g, which belongs to the group of antiparasitic, anti-infective, antiviral, antifungal drugs, used to treat respiratory infections, wound infections, gastrointestinal infections. So how should Dalisone be used?

1. What does Dalisone do?

Dalisone drug is indicated for the following pathological subjects:
Treatment of infections caused by susceptible bacteria such as urinary tract infections, biliary tract infections, lower respiratory tract infections, bone infections and arthritis, sepsis, meningitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, peritonitis, postoperative infection prevention. Treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea Respiratory infections, ear - nose - throat infections, kidney - genitourinary tract infections, purulent meningitis.

2. Dosage and how to use Dalisone

How to use:
Dalisone is prepared in the form of a powder for injection, the drug can be used for intravenous injection, intramuscular injection or intravenous infusion.
Solution for intramuscular injection: The 1g vial is dissolved in 3.6 ml distilled water for injection, diluted to a concentration of 250 mg ceftriaxone per ml. Preparation of solution for intravenous injection: The vial of 1g is reconstituted with 9.6 ml of distilled water for injection, diluted to a concentration of 100mg of ceftriaxone per ml. Preparation of solution for intravenous infusion: The vial of 1g is reconstituted with the solution. NaCl 0.95 or dextrose 5%-10%, diluted to a concentration of 40mg ceftriaxone per ml Note: Do not use the drug dissolved or diluted with solutions containing the calcium component because it may cause precipitation such as: lactar ringer solution, Hartman solution...
For adults: Intramuscular or intravenous use 1-2g/day or 0.5-1g every 12 hours. The maximum dose is 4g and the duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days. Treatment of gonorrhea: Intravenous use a single dose of 250 mg Preoperative prophylaxis: use 1 - 2 g injected 30 - 90 minutes before surgery. Meningitis use a dose of 100 mg/kg x 1 time/day, up to 4g. Usual dose for children under 12 years old: Intravenous dose from 20-80 mg/kg/day. Usual dose for children over 12 years old, use the same as the adult dose. Contraindications:
Do not use intravenous infusion for people who are sensitive to the ingredients of the drug, or are sensitive to Cephalosprin
Should not be used with infants with hyperbilirubinemia, infants with symptoms of jaundice and hypoalbuminemia.

3. Side effects when taking Dalisone

The drug is considered quite safe, so the side effects are usually mild and occur in a short time. Specifically:
Digestive system: Passing out loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, mouth sores and glossitis, a rare case of abdominal pain. Increased likelihood of infection: Genitourinary tract disease, pseudomembranous colitis. Hypersensitivity reactions: Uncommon reactions such as urticaria, edema, tremor, anaphylactoid reactions (bronchospasm), allergic dermatitis, rash, skin pruritus. Rare reactions such as tremor, bronchospasm, drug fever. Very rare reactions such as erythema, Stevens-Johson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis. Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders: Common reactions such as hematologic reactions (anemia, hemolytic anemia, granulocytopenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia), coagulation disorders . Rare reactions such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, in patients with liver failure, renal failure and in malnourished patients or people with low vitamin K levels often experience bleeding reactions, bruising due to low prothrombin. Central nervous system: Rare reactions such as headache, dizziness, dizziness. If the drug is used in high doses and for a long time, patients with renal failure may experience a convulsive reaction. Renal and urinary: Rare reactions such as hematuria, oliguria, increased serum creatinine. Very rare reactions such as renal tubular deposition This reaction is common in children over 3 years of age receiving high doses of the drug above 80mg/kg/day or in total doses exceeding 10g. This reaction may be symptomatic or asymptomatic, with precipitation leading to renal failure or anuria. However, this reaction will probably go away after stopping use of the drug. Liver and bile: Causes hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice, increases liver enzymes, increases liver function test results. Local effects: Pain or discomfort at the injection site immediately after injection can be prevented by slow injection over 2-4 minutes.

4. Dalisone drug interactions

Acetaminophen in combination with Ceftriaxone may decrease the rate of excretion of Acetaminophen resulting in higher serum concentrations.
Acetazolamide may increase the rate of excretion of Ceftriaxone resulting in decreased serum concentrations and potentially decreased efficacy.
Acetylsalicylic acid: There is an increased risk or severity of nephrotoxicity when Acetylsalicylic acid is combined with Ceftriaxone.
Aclidinium: Ceftriaxone may decrease the rate of excretion of Aclidinium, resulting in higher serum concentrations.
Abacavir in combination with Ceftriaxone may decrease the rate of excretion of Abacavir resulting in higher serum concentrations.
Abciximab: The therapeutic efficacy of Abciximab may be reduced when used in combination with ceftriaxone.
Acamprosate: The excretion of Acamprosate may be reduced when combined with Ceftriaxone.
Aceclofenac: Increased severity of nephrotoxicity when Ceftriaxone is combined with Aceclofenac.
Acemetacin: The risk or severity of nephrotoxicity may be increased when Ceftriaxone is combined with Acemetacin.
Acetaminophen: Ceftriaxone may decrease the rate of excretion of Acetaminophen, which may lead to higher serum concentrations.
Acenocoumarol: The risk or severity of bleeding may be increased when Ceftriaxone is combined with Acenocoumarol.
The above are the uses of Dalisone, using the drug for the right purpose, dose and instructions of the doctor will help bring better treatment results.

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