Uses of Cilnidipine

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The drug Cilnidipine is used for people with diseases related to cardiovascular problems. This drug belongs to the group of prescription only, so patients do not arbitrarily use it, avoiding danger to their own health. Here is some information to help you better understand what Cilnidipine does.

1. Uses of Cilnidipine

Cilnidipine is often prescribed to treat patients with cardiovascular disease. In the pharmaceutical industry, the drug Cilnidipine belongs to the class of drugs for the heart. The main use of commonly used drugs is to treat high blood pressure.
In addition, you may be prescribed by your doctor to treat a few other cases that are not within the scope of cardiovascular disease. However, this drug should not be arbitrarily used for other treatments without being considered by a doctor to avoid danger to the patient's health.

2. Dosage and how to take Cilnidipine

Cilnidipine is a film-coated tablet that can be taken orally. The following is the dosage of Cilnidipine for your reference:
Children are rare subjects with cardiovascular disease, so there is no specific dose indication for this subject. In case there is no alternative medicine, the doctor will calculate the prescribed dose based on the actual condition of the child. Adults on prescription usually use a single dose of the day after breakfast for the best absorption of the drug by the body. Depending on symptoms, the dose will be adjusted in the range of 5 - 10 mg per time or throughout the day. The age and presentation of the disease will determine the specific dose for the patient. If your condition is severe, tell your doctor to consider increasing the dose. The dose of Cilnidipine can be increased to a maximum of 20mg per day. For patients with severe hypertension, the doctor will usually prescribe 10-20mg for each dose and take a single dose during the day.

3. Precautions before taking Cilnidipine

Patients should check the ingredients before taking the medicine. If you have a history of allergic reactions to any of the ingredients, please notify your doctor promptly for advice and support. Women who are breast-feeding or during pregnancy should avoid using Cilnidipine to protect the health of both mother and baby. infant development in the first few months. Some cases are not contraindicated, but it is also necessary to minimize the use of Cilnidipine if there is an alternative drug with the same effect:
The patient has been diagnosed with liver dysfunction leading to an increased plasma concentration of the drug. high. Patient has signs of allergy to heart disease drugs. Elderly people should control blood pressure readings when taking the drug. Workers or drivers need to take medication as directed by their doctor. Please consider work and rest to ensure health, and avoid affecting productivity and work efficiency. An overdose of Cilnidipine can lead to toxicity or a sudden drop in blood pressure. Patients need to receive fluids or use adjuvant drugs to stabilize blood pressure in time. It is best to take your medicine at the correct dose and time as prescribed. If you miss a dose, make up for it right away. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the usual dose as usual.

4. Cilnidipine side effects

Based on the results of clinical analysis and some statistical documents on patients after taking the drug, there may be some common side effects. You can rely on this as a basis to assess the dangers of the drug early. At the same time, proactively notify the doctor and promptly go to the emergency room.
Side effects include:
Dizziness; Face flushed; Headache; Lower blood pressure; Increased heart rate ; Swelling of peripheral nerves; Frequent urination; Digestive dysfunction; Chest pain ; Anemia; Depression ; Myocardial pain; Fever; Rash; Decreased vision or temporary loss of vision; Weak gums; Liver and kidney dysfunction; Trembling. In addition to the side effects mentioned above, you may experience some other more dangerous side effects. Side effects are rare, but rarely appear, but always seriously affect the patient's health. You should regularly check your health and talk to your doctor for early detection and treatment.

5. Interactions with Cilnidipine

To avoid interaction of Cilnidipine with drugs you are using, you should inform your doctor about the list of drugs you are taking. All medications, including supplements and over-the-counter, should be reported to your doctor so they can be reviewed. Food is not limited, but less healthy food groups should be minimized to protect health.
Above are the uses, doses and notes when using Cilnidipine. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Cilnidipine exactly as directed by your doctor.

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