Uses of Canagliflozin

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What does Canagliflozin do? This drug belongs to the group of anti-diabetic drugs. Join Vinmec to learn about the uses and usage of this drug in the article below.

1. What is Canagliflozin?

Canagliflozin is a medicine for people with new diabetes that works by inhibiting the sodium-glucose transporter protein (SGLT2). This is a carrier protein found in the kidneys and responsible for reabsorption of filtered glucose. The drug Canagliflozin was approved by the FDA on March 29, 2013.

2. Pharmacodynamics (Mechanism of action)

According to some studies, the drug Canagliflozin binds SGLT2 more strongly (250 times) than SGLT1 in vitro. The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were 684-910 nmol/L and 2.2-4.4 nmol/L for SGLT1 and SGLT2 respectively.
Dosage will depend on the threshold of glucose for glucose and increased urinary glucose excretion, which has been observed with single and multiple dosing in patients with type 2 diabetes. Decreases plasma glucose in this manner. Dose dependence was also observed from the first day of dosing. When administered to healthy and type 2 diabetic patients before meals, delayed intestinal glucose absorption and decreased postprandial glucose were observed. Canagliflozin does not prolong the QT interval.

3. Pharmacokinetics

Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2), expressed in the proximal tubule, is responsible for most of the reabsorption of filtered glucose from the lumen. Canagliflozin is an SGLT2 inhibitor. By inhibiting SGLT2, canagliflozin reduces the reabsorption of filtered glucose and lowers the renal threshold for glucose (RTG), and thereby increases urinary glucose excretion.

4. Indications of Canagliflozin

Canagliflozin is indicated as a supplement to diet and exercise. Newly purported to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes. This drug is not recommended for use in patients with type 1 diabetes or in the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis.

5. What is the effect of Canagliflozin when combined with Metformin?

This combination is used to help control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Combined with a proper diet and exercise, the medication will be more effective. Good blood sugar control helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, foot sores, and problems with sexual function. Checking and closely monitoring diabetes can also help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. This medication helps balance the body's response to insulin. In addition, the drug also works to promote the elimination of sugar by the kidneys and reduce the amount absorbed through the intestines and stomach.
How to take the medicine: Should take the medicine before and after eating as directed by the doctor, 2 times a day with meals. To achieve the best effect, you should take the medicine fully and regularly as prescribed. You should take your medicine at the same time each day to make it easier to remember and to avoid forgetting doses. Drink plenty of fluids while taking this medication, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
Dosage of the drug: Depending on the health condition and the body's response to the drug. To reduce the risk of side effects, your doctor may tell you to start with a low dose and then gradually increase it. Closely monitor your diet and exercise regimen and check your blood sugar as directed by your doctor. If your blood sugar is too high or too low, you need to contact your doctor right away, who will be the one to help you adjust your diet accordingly.

6. Drug interactions

Drug interactions can change how the drug works or increase the effect of side effects. Therefore, provide a list of all the medicines you are taking (including prescription, nonprescription and dietary supplements) and show them to your doctor or pharmacist.

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