Uses of Allermine 4mg

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Allermine 4mg drug is made in the form of tablets, with the active ingredient Chlorpheniramine Maleat. The drug is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic allergic diseases of the respiratory tract.

1. Uses of Allermine 4mg

What is Allermine 4mg? The drug's main ingredient is Chlorpheniramine maleate - an antihistamine that acts through competitive blocking of H1 receptors of the effector cells. In addition, chlorpheniramine maleate also has an anticholinergic side effect, so it is also used to treat runny nose (this effect varies among individuals).
Allermine is indicated in the following cases:
Acute and chronic allergic diseases in the respiratory tract: Seasonal runny nose, rhinitis,...; Other allergic symptoms: Contact dermatitis, urticaria, food or drug allergy, Quincke's edema, itching in people with measles or chickenpox. Allermine is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to the ingredients contained in the drug; The patient is having an acute asthma attack; People with prostate enlargement; Patients with narrow angle glaucoma; People with bladder neck obstruction; People with gastric ulcer or pyloro-duodenal obstruction; Pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants or premature babies; People who are taking monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors within 14 days of taking chlorpheniramine because chlorpheniramine's anticholinergic properties are enhanced by MAO inhibitors.

2. Usage and dosage of Allermine

How to use: The drug is taken orally.
For children under 6 years old: Use the drug as directed by the doctor; For children from 6 to 12 years old: Take 1 tablet/time x 1-2 times/day; For children over 12 years old and adults: Take 1 tablet/time x 3-4 times/day. Overdose: The fatal dose of chlorpheniramine is about 25-50mg/kg body weight. Symptoms of overdose include: CNS stimulation, sedation, seizures, psychosis, apnea, convulsions, dystonic reactions, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiovascular collapse, antisecretory effects. acetylcholine,... When drug overdose, patients are treated symptomatically and support life function (pay special attention to liver, kidney, heart, respiratory function and water and electrolyte balance).
At the same time, the patient was given gastric lavage or induced vomiting with ipecacuanha syrup, activated charcoal and bleach. When the patient has hypotension and arrhythmia, it should be treated aggressively (convulsions can be treated with intravenous diazepam or phenytoin; severe cases may require blood transfusion). Therefore, in the event of an emergency or overdose, the patient should be hospitalized or immediately called an ambulance.
Missed dose: Take the dose of Allermine as soon as you remember it. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your usual dosing schedule.

3. Allermine side effects

Some of the side effects that patients may experience when taking Allermine include: Sedation (light drowsiness or deep sleep), dry mouth, dizziness, dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea. When experiencing side effects of the drug, the patient should stop taking the drug and notify the doctor immediately or go to the nearest hospital for timely treatment.

4. Be careful when taking Allermine

Some notes before and while taking Allermine include:
The sedative effect of chlorpheniramine (the main ingredient of Allermine) is increased when drinking alcohol or when used simultaneously with other sedatives; Allermine can cause drowsiness, avoid using for people who are driving or operating machinery; Allermine may increase the risk of urinary retention due to anticholinergic side effects, especially in patients with prostatic hypertrophy, pyloric obstruction, urinary tract obstruction and exacerbation in patients with myasthenia gravis; Allermine should be used during pregnancy only when absolutely necessary because its use in the third trimester of pregnancy can cause seizures in children; Chlorpheniramine may be excreted in breast milk, inhibiting lactation. Because antihistamines can cause serious reactions in a nursing infant, consideration should be given to whether or not to breastfeed/not to take the drug as necessary (as directed by your doctor).

5. Allermine drug interactions

Some drug interactions of Allermine include:
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors prolong and increase the anticholinergic effect of the antihistamine Allermine; Ethanol or sedatives that induce sleep may increase the CNS depressant effects of chlorpheniramine (the main active ingredient in Allermine); Chlorpheniramine inhibits the metabolism of phenytoin, which can lead to phenytoin toxicity. Before taking Allermine, patients should inform their doctor about the drugs they are taking, and their medical history. During the course of taking the drug, the patient should absolutely follow all the instructions of the doctor.
Allermine 4mg drug is made in the form of tablets, with the active ingredient Chlorpheniramine Maleat. The drug is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic allergic diseases of the respiratory tract. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to take drugs according to prescription or consult a doctor, professional pharmacist.
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