Uses of Alfentanil-Hameln 0.5mg/ml

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Alfentanil-Hameln 0.5mg/ml is a drug used for anesthesia and anesthesia. When using drugs, doctors need to check the compatibility of the patient's body with the drug's use. To avoid unwanted reactions, the following article will share some information about the drug Alfentanil-Hameln.

1. Uses of the drug Alfentanil-Hameln

Alfentanil-Hameln 0.5mg/ml is an injectable anesthetic with analgesic effect. When prescribing the use of the doctor will be based on different treatment indications. Usually, the doctor will prescribe it in 2 main cases:
Pain relief during induction anesthesia Pain relief during maintenance anesthesia Alfentanil-Hameln's ingredients are opiate-based. Therefore, when using Alfentanil-Hameln, patients should consult a doctor. The use of Alfentanil-Hameln has the ability to relieve pain quickly, so care should be taken to avoid dangerous reactions.

2. Dosage and how to take Alfentanil-Hameln

Alfentanil-Hameln is used as an injection. The dose of the drug used by the patient will be adjusted according to the specific disease condition. Some dosages that patients can refer to are:
8 - 30 micrograms per kg for patients with pain relief during induction anesthesia 5 - 15 micrograms per kg for use in patients with pain relief while maintaining anesthesia Body. In some special cases, patients needing prolonged pain relief will increase the first dose up to 75 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. The anesthetic process can be repeated as needed. In addition to injection, in some special cases, drugs can be used for intravenous infusion. For patients with an infusion instead of an injection, a maintenance dose of 0.5 - 3 micrograms per kg per minute will be required. In most patients the infusion rate should be adjusted at 1 - 1.5 micrograms per minute.
In patients with confirmed hepatic and renal impairment, no dose adjustment is necessary. Therefore, most patients will receive the average dose, except in exceptional cases. For patients who are using the drug, it should be noted that the drug does not last for 4 consecutive days.

3. Precautions before taking Alfentanil-Hameln

Alfentanil-Hameln is not for everyone. Before using, it is necessary to check the compatibility of the drug with health to avoid unintended effects.
Alfentanil-Hameln may cause muscle spasticity. These attacks usually affect skeletal, neck, and head muscles. If the patient undergoes injections during surgery, they should be monitored and checked regularly in the postoperative period. If the patient's time of using MAO inhibitors is too close to the time of indication for surgery, it should be re-examined before taking Alfentanil-Hameln.
Before surgery and taking Alfentanil-Hameln, the patient needs to do a general health assessment. Laboratory tests can be a preventive basis to help patients avoid unnecessary complications and dangers during and after surgery.
For people who often use machines, drive or need to concentrate at work, it is important to pay attention when using Alfentanil-Hameln. It is advisable to arrange a suitable rest period when taking the drug, no matter how the side effects occur.

4. Side effects of Alfentanil-Hameln

Vomiting Headache Dizziness Dizziness Pain at injection site Cold agitation Lowering blood pressure Cardiac arrhythmias Sudden rise in blood pressure Respiratory depression Rash Laryngeal spasms Vision impairment Muscle spasticity If side effects appear overlapping at the same time instead of just one reaction that needs to be handled in time to avoid danger to the patient, especially the patient undergoing surgery.

5. Interactions with Alfentanil-Hameln

Alfentanil-Hameln is subject to interaction when taken with MAO inhibitors. If patients stop using MAO inhibitors less than 2 weeks, Alfentanil-Hameln should not be used, because it may lead to antagonism between the two drugs, causing the effect to be changed.
Medications for mental illness, especially antidepressants, should not be used with Alfentanil-Hameln. In case of simultaneous use of two neuroleptic drugs, it can cause blood pressure disturbances and dissociation of the vagus nerve.
In some cases, Alfentanil-Hameln is not recommended. Therefore, when using Alfentanil-Hameln to relieve pain during surgery, patients need to learn carefully about the drug and conduct a thorough health examination.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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