Uses of the drug Philpovin

Philpovin is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, with the main ingredient being L-ornithin-L-aspartate and excipients. The drug is used to participate in a number of processes such as urea cycle, glutamine synthesis, ... To ensure effective use, users need to follow the instructions of doctors and medical staff.

1. Uses of the drug Philpovin

What is Philpovin? The drug is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, each 10ml tube contains L-ornithin-L-aspartate 5g and water excipients for injection. L-ornithin-L-aspartate is a stable double salt, made up of 2 naturally occurring amino acids, L-ornithin and L-aspartic. When entering the body, this salt dissociates, forming 2 amino acids, participating in a number of processes: urea cycle, glutamine synthesis. Specifically:
Reduces ammonia levels by enhancing the synthesis of urea ammonia in the liver and brain, stimulating the formation of ketoglutarate and glutamate, helping to reduce ammonia levels in the brain; Stimulates energy generation related to the Krebs cycle, transferring energy between the mitochondrial intercellular matrix and the cytoplasm; Aspatate plays an important role in the synthesis of pyrimidines and purines, helping to regenerate nucleic acids in damaged liver cells. Indications for use of Philpovin:
Treatment of hyperammonemia in acute or chronic liver diseases such as fatty liver, viral hepatitis, cirrhosis; Treatment of disorders of onset of hepatic precoma, hepatic coma, or hepatic encephalopathy. Contraindications to using Philpovin:
Patients with severe renal failure: Creatinine clearance less than 20ml/min; People with lactic acidosis, Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase deficiency, Methanol poisoning; People who are sensitive or allergic to the ingredients of the drug.

2. How to use and dose of the drug Philpovin

How to use: Philpovin is administered by slow intravenous infusion. Patients can only use it when prescribed by a doctor and must be performed and monitored by qualified medical staff.
Acute hepatitis: Use dose 10 - 20ml/day; Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis: Use dose 20-40ml/day; In severe cases such as hepatic coma or hepatic pre-coma, the dose may be increased: Depending on the symptoms, the starting dose should not exceed 200ml/day; 80ml infusion within the first 6 hours; Then, for the next 18 hours, add another 40ml every 6 hours. Missed dose: The drug is used in the form of an infusion, under the supervision and supervision of medical staff, so it is very rare to miss a dose.
Overdose: Currently, information on drug overdose is quite limited. However, the use of Philpovin in excess of the recommended dose can cause neurological effects. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the patient's abnormal symptoms if the drug overdose is used for timely treatment.

3. Side effects of the drug Philpovin

When using Philpovin, patients may experience side effects: Nausea, burning sensation in the larynx. If you experience any unusual symptoms while taking the drug, you should notify your doctor for timely treatment.

4. Be careful when using the drug Philpovin

Some notes for patients to remember before and while using Philpovin:
There are not many data on the use of Philpovin in pregnant women and nursing mothers, so it is necessary to carefully weigh the benefits between the benefits. and risks before deciding to use drugs for this group of people. If the drug Philpovin must be used in case of necessity, breast-feeding should be discontinued while taking the drug; There are no adequate data on the use of Philpovin in children, so high doses are not recommended in children; Use caution when using Philpovin in the elderly; When using Philpovin in high doses, blood and urine urea levels should be monitored.

5. Philpovin drug interactions

Some drug interactions Philpovin include:
Do not use Philpovin with Phenothiazine and diuretics that lower blood potassium (Thiazid diuretics, loop diuretics); Philpovin solution may be incompatible with acid bases, strong oxidizing agents and reducing agents. To avoid interactions, incompatibilities that affect the treatment effect and increase the side effects of Philpovin, patients should inform their doctor about the drugs they are using, the diseases they have / are suffering. .
Philpovin is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, with the main ingredient being L-ornithin-L-aspartate and excipients. The drug is used to participate in a number of processes such as urea cycle, glutamine synthesis, ... To ensure effective use, users need to follow the instructions of doctors and medical staff.
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