Uses of Acnotren

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Acnotren is a medicine indicated in the treatment of severe acne, when the acne condition has not responded to any previous treatment. Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Acnotren through the article below.

1. Uses of Acnotren

The main ingredient Acnotren is isotretinoin 10mg. Acnotren is available in the form of softgels.
Isotretinoin is a form of vitamin A used to treat severe acne that has not responded to other acne treatments, including antibiotics. Isotretinoin works to treat acne by reducing oil production, because when the body produces large amounts of oil, it can lead to severe acne. If left untreated, there can be permanent scarring and a higher risk of bacterial superinfection.
Thanks to the use of the main active ingredient Isotretinoin, Acnotren is indicated for the treatment of severe acne, especially cystic acne.

2. Usage and dosage of Acnotren

How to use: You should take Acnotren with a full glass of water. It should be noted, do not chew or suck the capsule, but swallow it whole so as not to break the dosage form of the drug. Patients should take it with meals.
Dosage is as follows:
Initial dose: From 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day, divided into 2 divided doses for 15-20 weeks. The maximum dose is 2 mg/kg/day for very severe acne, chest or back acne. Maintenance dose: from 0.1 to 1 mg/kg/day. Treatment should be discontinued for approximately 2 months before reintroduction. Be careful when taking Acnotren at the indicated time. Acne may get worse at first, but will gradually begin to improve. Therefore, patients should adhere to the treatment should not stop. When using the drug, it is necessary to store the medicine at room temperature, away from places with moisture, heat and light. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Possible Overdose with Acnotren: This may cause headache, dizziness, vomiting, stomach pain, feeling of heat or tingling in the face, swelling of the lips or severe dryness of the lips, loss of balance or loss of coordination. Patients should notify their doctor immediately if they think they have taken more than the recommended dose of the drug.

3. Possible side effects when taking Acnotren

Like other drugs, when taking Acnotren, patients may experience side effects ranging from mild to severe. Here are some of the side effects that you may experience while taking Acnotren:
Serious side effects : You need to go to the hospital immediately if you have signs of a severe allergic reaction such as hives, difficulty breathing. , swelling in the face or throat or in a severe skin reaction fever, sore throat, skin pain, red or purple skin rash with blistering, scabbing. Stop using Acnotren and tell your doctor right away if side effects occur such as: problems with vision or hearing changes, muscle or joint pain, bone pain, back pain, increased thirst, frequent urination, hallucinations; symptoms of depression such as mood swings, low self-esteem, loss of interest in things that were once enjoyed, sleep problems, new thoughts about self-harm love yourself; signs of liver or pancreas disease such as loss of appetite, upper abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, dark urine, yellowing of the skin or eyes; stomach problems such as severe stomach or chest pain, pain when swallowing, heartburn, bloody or coffee-colored stools; Increased pressure inside the skull causes severe headaches, ringing in the ears, and dizziness and nausea. Common effects: Dry skin, dry lips, dry eyes or nose can cause nosebleeds; vision problems; headache, muscle and joint disease, common cold-like symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat. If side effects occur and feel worried, the patient should stop taking the drug and notify the doctor for timely advice and support.

4. Things to note when taking Acnotren

Vitamin A poses a risk of harm to an unborn baby. Therefore, Acnotren can cause miscarriage, premature birth, severe birth defects, or death of an unborn baby if the mother takes this medicine at the time of conception or during pregnancy. Even a single dose of isotretinoin can cause major birth defects of your unborn baby's ears, eyes, face, skull, heart, and brain. Therefore, it is important to absolutely not use Acnotren if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. You may be prescribed a pregnancy test by your doctor before using Acnotren.
In addition, when using Acnotren, the patient will be instructed on effective methods of contraception, to ensure that you never get pregnant while taking the drug and 30 days after stopping taking it. If you do not fully understand about effective birth control methods, consult an obstetrician and gynecologist for helpful advice.
Stop using Acnotren immediately and call your doctor if you have had unprotected sex, quit using birth control, if your period is late or you think you may be pregnant. From there, doctors will perform effective examinations and consultations.
Do not use Acnotren if you have ever been allergic to the active ingredients or excipients in the medicine. This medicine must not be used in children under 12 years of age. Before taking the drug, tell your doctor if you have ever had problems such as: depression or mental disorders; asthma ; liver disease; diabetes; cardiovascular disease or high cholesterol; Have osteoporosis or low bone mineral density; anorexia; intestinal dysfunction such as inflammatory bowel disease or ulcerative colitis.
When using Acnotren, women should not breast-feed.
Some things to avoid while taking Acnotren include:
Do not take any vitamin or mineral supplements that contain vitamin A, unless directed to do so by your doctor; Don't donate blood while you're taking Acnotren and for at least 30 days after you stop taking it, as the donated blood can be used for pregnant women, which could lead to a risk of birth defects in the baby. their blood, if the blood contains any levels of isotretinoin; Using Absorica can make your skin more susceptible to sunburn, so you need to avoid the sun, wear protective clothing, and use sunscreen (use one with SPF 30 or higher) when you outdoor; Driving or doing dangerous activities should be avoided, as some side effects can affect your ability to concentrate. This should be stopped until it is known for sure that Acnotren is not causing side effects that affect functioning. Drug interactions can occur when this drug is taken with other drugs. Therefore, you need to inform your doctor when taking with other drugs. Some drugs can cause drug interactions such as
Phenytoin vitamin or mineral supplements; Progestin-only birth control pills, because they may not work as well when taken with Acnotren, making them less effective at preventing pregnancy. Steroids; The antibiotic tetracycline, doxycycline, or minocycline. Acnotren is indicated in the treatment of severe acne vulgaris, when the acne condition has not responded to any previous treatment. To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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