Should children eat cold food or not?

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Young children inherently have a high body temperature, so cool foods always attract them, such as ice, popsicles, etc. Many parents pamper their children or sometimes give them in a hurry. Baby eats cold food, cold food and thinks that it will not affect health. So what is the truth, in the end, should you give your baby cold food?

1. Should parents let their children eat cold foods at will?

According to a medical study, cold drinks have the effect of reducing inflammation and sore throat. However, for children with weak immune systems, giving them cold foods and cold drinks can cause health problems. Specifically:
Children under 1 year of age have immature salivary glands, which makes the amount of saliva secreted less, the amount of digestive enzymes secreted is not enough, so if the baby eats cold food, it will inhibit the enzyme secretion process. digestion, affecting the digestive function and the ability to absorb food. If prolonged, children may suffer from malnutrition and digestive disorders, or have abdominal pain and diarrhea; Children who are physically weak, or have illnesses such as colds, respiratory infections, abdominal pain, and when they eat and drink cold foods, they are more likely to make the condition worse. So if parents are reluctant, should they let their children eat cold food? Answer is possible". Cold dishes can still be used for older children, when the child has a stable digestive system and immune system. As for young children, it should be minimized, even taboo.
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2. What should be paid attention to if the child wants to eat cool, cold food?

If the child keeps asking for cold drinks, to avoid affecting the child's palate and digestive system, parents should apply some of the following measures:
Use cold water in the environment, avoid using cold water directly from the refrigerator; Food taken from the refrigerator should wait for a while to cool down and then give it to the child to eat; Let children eat fresh fruit to reduce excitement (depending on the preferences of each child); Avoid giving children cold foods often, only give them when they are too thirsty and hot in their bodies. Especially for children under 2 years old, parents should only use warm water, breast milk instead of cold water, ice water. Young children always need nutritious foods to meet their development needs, but the foods and drinks put into the baby's body must not be left cold. Hopefully with the above information, parents have been able to answer the question "Should you give your baby cold food?" and protect your baby's health.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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