Eat water spinach to lose weight?

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Losing weight with a beautiful body and healthy body is always the dream of most of us. Some people choose to eat vegetables to lose weight, others set up a low-fat diet. Do you think eating water spinach will help you lose weight? The following article would like to share some information about eating water spinach and its relationship to weight loss.

1. Classification of water spinach and the nutritional content of water spinach provides

Water spinach is a fairly common cooking ingredient in families. However, its widespread popularity is contrary to what is known about it.
We often use water spinach in party meals and assume that it is the only water spinach. Therefore, the existence of white water spinach is little known. However, purple water spinach is always the choice of every home.
Sometimes due to the influence of the environment and the ability to reproduce well in the presence of water, water spinach is more known. Not only that, the aquatic environment where vegetables grow naturally will make the stem turn red instead of dark green. At this time, people call this red water spinach based on what the eye can see to distinguish.
Water spinach is a vegetable that contains many elements and nutrients the body needs such as:
Energy Protein Fat Fiber Calcium Magnesium Iron Phosphorus Potassium Zinc Sodium Copper Selenium Manganese Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin E Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic Acid Vitamin B6 Folate Choline Vitamin K LUtein and Zeaxanthin

Rau muống là một loại rau có chứa nhiều nguyên tố và chất dinh dưỡng
Rau muống là một loại rau có chứa nhiều nguyên tố và chất dinh dưỡng

2. What is the effect of eating water spinach?

As a vegetable with high nutritional content popular in cooking ingredients, we always wonder what is the effect of eating water spinach? Eat water spinach to lose weight?
Limiting the increase in cholesterol levels in the blood Blood cholesterol is always a dilemma for all of us when the work life makes the energy intake too large and unable to metabolize. However, when analyzing research on water spinach, botanists have demonstrated a relationship between lowering cholesterol and triglycerides with the consumption of water spinach.
Experiments done on mice have shown the effect of water spinach when eaten in addition to reducing blood fat and cholesterol, and also preventing the risk of atherosclerosis and some dangerous heart diseases.
Iron supplements for the body Usually dark green vegetables are said to contain iron, which is good for people with anemia. The same goes for water spinach, especially red-stemmed water spinach, which is good for pregnant women and people with low red blood cell counts.
Can you eat water spinach for a month? There have not been any conclusions regarding the dangers of eating water spinach during the first month of pregnancy. However, if your body has a reaction, you should consider eating vegetables to provide natural iron.
Preventing the risk of diabetes High blood cholesterol is also considered a cause of diabetes. Therefore, the risk of this disease can be prevented by eating water spinach every day.
Moreover, in an evaluation study with laboratory rats, when rats with diabetes can prolong life up to 7 days if eating water spinach. For more severe cases, using water spinach extract can reduce the glycemic index by 29.4%.
Good for the liver and liver diseases The liver is an organ that reflects the health of the body and performs the function of detoxification. When liver enzymes are high, fatty or toxic liver accumulates too much, which will adversely affect health.
One of the most common manifestations is yellowing of the skin and eyes due to impaired liver function. But fortunately water spinach contains nutrients that help protect the liver from antioxidants and harmful free radicals.

Cholesterol trong máu tăng cao được coi là nguyên nhân dẫn đến bệnh tiểu đường
Cholesterol trong máu tăng cao được coi là nguyên nhân dẫn đến bệnh tiểu đường

Repel the risk of cancer cell growth thanks to selenium Cancer can be prevented and inhibited by selenium, and water spinach contains this substance. Not stopping there, When eating water spinach fully, the body is provided with 13 antioxidants that work to repel cancer.
Especially for the following cases: rectal cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer and water spinach skin cancer will slow down the progression and prevent it before the disease.
Support to promote digestion and improve intestinal health As a protein-packed green leafy vegetable that contains fiber and water molecules the body needs, water spinach also supports the treatment of constipation and indigestion. You can grind vegetables for drinking water to support deworming and prevent worm infestation.
Supplement with vitamin A for healthy eyes Vitamin A in dark or red vegetables is commonly known as a good element for the cornea and protects the eyes from dangerous diseases.
In addition to vitamin A, water spinach also contains carotenoids and lutein that provide improved eye health. At the same time, it stimulates the body to produce glutathione to help minimize the risk of cataracts.
Reduce the risk of dermatological diseases Skin diseases are not only from liver or jaundice. Today, we easily encounter dermatological diseases such as scabies, ringworm, ringworm, eczema, psoriasis.... These are dangerous diseases that need to be treated to avoid causing discomfort to the patient. enjoy psychological health later.
Therefore, you can eat water spinach or use juice or vegetable residue to apply to the diseased skin area to detoxify and relieve pain.
Purify, rejuvenate the skin and slow down the oxidation process. Green vegetables are always a good food group for body detoxification. Therefore, many people choose it as a way to lose weight healthy. When the body absorbs nutrients from water spinach, beneficial antioxidants will be released, which will limit the damage of free radicals.
Especially when you have to expose your skin to direct sunlight too much, the nutrients can limit the formation of wrinkles on the skin and create a bond for smooth, bright skin.
Good for people with weak hair and hair loss Postpartum hair loss or mild pathological hair loss can use morning glory to support treatment. When using water spinach juice combined with lettuce and a slice of lemon, you will have strong, smooth hair with less breakage.
Some other effects In addition, water spinach can also treat common stomach ulcers. Nosebleeds or blocked periods can be reduced by eating water spinach every day.
Water spinach is also used in the case of reducing fever or supporting the treatment of frequent insomnia.

Rau xanh luôn là nhóm thực phẩm tốt cho việc thanh lọc giải độc cơ thể
Rau xanh luôn là nhóm thực phẩm tốt cho việc thanh lọc giải độc cơ thể

3. Food from water spinach is good for health

Water spinach has many recipes to transform. You can cook and stir fry as you like. In addition, when using cooked water spinach, you can cook shrimp soup with water spinach, stir-fried water spinach with buffalo meat...
You can even use water spinach to make a natural green energy salad or use it as a side dish.
Eat water spinach to lose weight? It also depends on what you use water spinach to process. However, eating green vegetables does not completely improve your weight, but requires the support of new exercises to achieve the desired effect.

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