How many calories do push-ups burn, and do they help with weight loss and belly fat reduction? It is a common concern for many people starting a fitness routine.
Push-ups are a great exercise for building body strength, primarily working the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. Push-ups don't require any equipment, so they are a fantastic exercise addition to your daily workout routine as they can be performed anywhere and anytime.
1. How many calories do push-ups burn?
According to research, the number of calories burned by doing push-ups varies from person to person. On average, performing push-ups for one minute can burn a minimum of around 7 calories. The amount of calories burned depends on the following factors:
- Height and weight: The taller and heavier a person is, the more calories they burn.
- Gender: At the same intensity, men tend to burn more calories than women during push-ups because men generally have less fat and more muscle than women.
- Age: As age increases, the process of burning calories during exercise slows down due to an increase in body fat and a decrease in muscle mass.
- Intensity: The number of calories burned during push-ups also depends on the intensity of the workout and the number of repetitions performed within a certain period. To burn more calories when doing push-ups, you need to perform the exercise as quickly and accurately as possible.
2. Do push-ups help with weight loss and fat reduction?
Exercise is certainly a great way to lose weight by burning calories and building muscle. However, just doing push-ups, even daily, is not enough to burn the necessary calories for weight loss. Push-ups alone do not stimulate muscle growth by reducing fat. So how many calories do push-ups need to burn to result in weight loss?
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, to lose weight, the body needs to engage in cardiovascular exercise at a moderate intensity for an average of 250 minutes per week. However, this intensity is unlikely to be achieved by doing push-ups weekly, and if it is, overexercising can cause pain.

Push-ups are a strength training exercise that enhances the endurance and power of several major muscle groups in the body. Push-ups should be included in a workout routine aimed at weight loss, but they are not the unique exercise to achieve this goal.
According to research about how many calories are burned during push-ups, as mentioned, they burn a minimum of 7 calories per minute. If performed at a moderate pace for 5 minutes, they can burn approximately 28 calories. If the intensity is increased to the point where the heart rate is elevated, they can burn up to 48 calories.
However, it is challenging to maintain push-ups continuously for 5 minutes without taking breaks, even for the healthiest individuals. Therefore, push-ups are not the only or most effective exercise for weight loss. Knowing how many calories push-ups can burn helps motivate you to strive to exercise for weight loss.
3. Performing push-ups accurately and properly to support weight loss
Performing push-ups with the correct posture and technique is crucial during workouts for preventing injuries and maximizing the benefits of the exercise, including supporting weight loss. While the number of calories burned during push-ups is not as important as focusing on performing the exercise correctly according to the following instructions:
- Start in a high plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your body straight from head to heels.
- Lower your body towards the floor using your elbows until your chest is about 2-3 cm from the ground.
- Pause briefly for about 1 second, exhale, and then push yourself back up to the starting position.
As mentioned above, while push-ups can contribute to weight loss or reduce fat, they should not be the only exercise you rely on to achieve this goal. However, you can burn more calories by increasing the intensity with variations such as decline push-ups, push-ups on

Finally, experts recommend that to lose weight and reduce fat, push-ups should be combined with a proper diet and other exercises to ensure that the calories consumed are less than the calories burned, while also focusing on muscle-building and fat-reducing exercises.
Do push-ups help with weight loss? Push-ups alone are not sufficient for weight loss and fat reduction, as the calories burned from this exercise are not enough and depend on various factors such as weight, height, and gender.
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