Normal fasting blood sugar

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Pre-meal blood sugar is a laboratory test that helps diagnose diabetes as well as pre-diabetes. In addition, preprandial blood glucose was continuously investigated during the treatment of patients with diabetes.

1. Pre-meal glycemic index

Pre-meal blood sugar is a blood sugar reading taken in the early morning, when the patient has not eaten for at least 8 hours. This is valuable to help diagnose as well as monitor and treat patients with diabetes.
According to the recommendation from the American Diabetes Association ADA, if you are over 45 years old and do not have any risk factors for diabetes, you should have a pre-meal blood sugar test every 2-3 years to monitor your health. best.
In some other cases, if you have the following lifestyle features or risk factors, you should test once a year to detect diabetes early if any:
People with a passive lifestyle Subjects with Family history of type 2 diabetes Patient is a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes or has a baby weighing > 4000g People with high blood pressure with a high blood pressure blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg and being treated with antihypertensive drugs. Subjects with c-HDL < 35mg/dl or triglycerides > 250mg/dl Subjects with polycystic ovary syndrome Patients with a history of cardiovascular disease Patients with insulin resistance syndrome or other diseases Another reason is related to insulin resistance. In case the patient is suffering from pre-diabetes or diabetes, it is necessary to check the blood sugar index before eating every month and closely follow the instructions of the doctor.
Xét nghiệm chỉ số đường huyết trước ăn giúp bác sĩ chẩn đoán bệnh lý đái tháo đường
Xét nghiệm chỉ số đường huyết trước ăn giúp bác sĩ chẩn đoán bệnh lý đái tháo đường

2. Normal fasting blood sugar

For normal people, normal fasting blood sugar is 3.9 - 5.5 mmol/l. If the pre-prandial blood sugar is in the range of 5.6 - 6.9 mmol/l, the patient may be in the pre-diabetic stage.
To diagnose diabetes can be based on the pre-meal blood glucose index by fasting the patient for 8 hours, then measuring the fasting plasma glucose concentration, if ≥ 7mmol/l or ≥ 126mg/dl 2 times on 2 separate days, 1-7 days apart, confirm the diagnosis.
On the contrary, if the pre-meal blood sugar is 3.9 mmol/l or < 70 mg/dl, the patient will fall into a state of hypoglycemia, the obvious clinical manifestation is hunger pangs, trembling hands and feet, and vomiting. a lot of sweat... At this time, it should be treated immediately by giving sugar to the patient.

3. Conclusion

Pre-meal glycemic index is one of the important diagnostic criteria for patients with pre-diabetes and diabetes. To limit this situation, patients should actively check blood sugar before eating as recommended, and have a healthy lifestyle and scientific nutrition to maintain normal fasting blood sugar.
Currently, Vinmec International Hospital always deploys a screening package for diabetes and dyslipidemia to help detect pre-diabetes early, accurately classify diabetes type, and develop a healthy diet. care, monitoring to minimize the risks and complications caused by diabetes.
With the above package, all procedures are performed by a team of qualified doctors combined with a system of modern machinery and equipment. Therefore, customers can be assured of the examination results at Vinmec.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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