How dangerous is depression in diabetics?

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you are also at risk for depression. And vice versa, if you have depression you have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Currently, treatment for diabetes and depression can be done together and when effectively treated either. will have a positive effect on the remaining disease.

1. Depression in people with diabetes

In life, everyone feels sad or disappointed but it is a normal part of life. But if you have long periods of sadness, anxiety, and frustration, it could be a symptom of depression. If you have diabetes, you are more likely to develop depression because diabetes makes your body tired. Both diabetes and depression can be really difficult to deal with, but remember that you are not alone.
Depression and diabetes share some of the same symptoms such as fatigue, excessive sleep, and difficulty concentrating that can occur when a person has either of these problems. These symptoms can make it difficult for a person to know if they are caused by depression or diabetes or both.
Although diabetes does not directly cause depression, the nature of diabetes can be a predisposing factor for the development of depression. If you had depression before you had diabetes, diabetes can make symptoms of depression worse.
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2. How does depression affect diabetes?

Depression is a serious mental health illness and it can happen to anyone, regardless of culture, health status and family history. Depression makes people feel bad about themselves, their lives, and their social relationships.
If you experience one or more of the following symptoms for longer than two weeks, you should talk to your doctor directly dealing with diabetes because depression can affect treatment and glucose control effectiveness blood. Some symptoms of depression have a direct impact on diabetes treatment such as:

Don't want to do anything or see anyone. You may not be managing your diabetes properly by not taking medications or checking your blood sugar regularly, by not taking care of yourself with proper nutrition and exercise for your diabetes, by not having your diabetes check-ups or by skipping other health problems. All of these actions lead to complications of diabetes. Feeling frustrated often and for long periods of time. Or wake up at night or wake up but don't want to get out of bed. Feeling tired more often should keep you from exercising. Eating too much leads to an increase in blood sugar. Not eating enough. Feeling sad, disappointed in yourself, and worried that you've let your friends and family down. Easily distracted and struggles to concentrate. Feeling restless. Move slowly and don't want to talk. Having thoughts that things would be better if you died or had thoughts of suicide. Depression can also make you self-destructive, and if you feel you're dead it's better, so you can stop taking care of yourself.
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3. Treatment

Management of people with diabetes. The management of diabetes with a focus on behavior change has been successful in helping patients improve their metabolism, increase exercise levels, and manage weight and disease risk factors. other cardiovascular. When you participate in diabetes management programs, your doctor can also help you improve your emotional well-being and improve your quality of life. Psychotherapy. Patients should take psychotherapy classes, especially cognitive behavioral therapy, which studies have shown to improve depression and thereby lead to disease control. better diabetes. Medications and lifestyle changes. The patient will take medication for both diabetes and depression. In addition, in terms of lifestyle changes including various types of therapy such as regular exercise, both conditions can be improved. Collaborative care. New research shows that the treatment of diabetes if the patient is managed and supervised by a nurse will help increase the effectiveness of the treatment, improving both depression and diabetes.

If you have diabetes, watch for signs and symptoms of depression, such as loss of interest in normal activities, feelings of sadness or frustration, and unexplained physical problems such as back pain or headache.
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