Worry can cause burning lips?

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Burning lips can cause unpleasant pain in the mouth and face. This condition not only affects the appearance but also causes inconvenience in eating and daily living.

1. What is burning mouth syndrome?

Burning lips syndrome is a burning pain, tingling in the lips and mouth, like a real burn. However, most people with this syndrome feel the condition usually begins on the tongue (mainly the tip of the tongue), then the entire palate, including the gums and lips, is also affected.
In addition to burning, the patient also has dry mouth, altered taste, always feels bitter or swallowed metal. These symptoms can appear, last throughout the day, starting with mild awakening and then progressing to more severe during the day.

2. Causes of burning lips

2.1. Secondary burning of lips and mouth

It is necessary to distinguish the cause of secondary and primary burning of the lips. Possible secondary causes of burning, itchy lips, dry mouth or altered taste include:
Infection. The body is deprived of nutrients and blood. Have type 2 diabetes. Mouth ulcers caused by a weakened immune system (lichen planus). Inflammatory or dry mouth disorder caused by impaired salivary gland function (xerostomia). Side effects of medications (ACE inhibitors, antidepressants). Candidiasis, yeast infections, thrush. Wear dentures. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
bỏng rát môi
Nhiễm trùng, thiếu chất dinh dưỡng là nguyên nhân gây bỏng rát môi miệng thứ phát.

2.2. Primary burning of lips and mouth

The primary cause of burning lips is thought to be neuropathic pain syndrome. The exact mechanism that causes these pains is not well defined. Some studies suggest that it may be due to damage to the trigeminal nerve (the main sensory nerve of the head and neck), but others suggest that the nerve ending at the tip of the tongue is damaged. hurt and become overly sensitive.
According to TS.BS. Sook-Bin Woo of Harvard Medical School, many patients with burning lip syndrome have psychological problems such as depression or excessive anxiety. This long-term condition becomes chronic and affects many health such as fatigue, irritability, and poor sleep.
In which, anxiety, stress can lead to dry mouth and even burning. The underlying psychological problem activated the nerve fibers and caused this discomfort.
To better understand the neuropathic pain syndrome causing primary burning of the lips, Dr.BS. Sook-Bin Woo explains that it is a form of chronic absorption disorder, when a person has long-term emotional and psychological problems, which can manifest in physical ailments.
Many studies have shown that the brain, skin, and endocrine and immune functions in the body play a role in causing this complex disorder.
On that basis, in order to accurately diagnose the cause of burning lips, in addition to the clinical examination, the doctor will ask the patient about the foods eaten recently, medical history, life problems. life, work, and family to find out if the patient is experiencing anxiety, stress, or other psychological problems.

3. Treatment of burning mouth syndrome

When experiencing burning pain in the lips for a long time, the patient should see a doctor immediately. To diagnose and determine the cause of the disease, the doctor will take a medical history, check the clinical symptoms of the mouth and overall health. Your doctor may also order blood tests, allergies, tissue cultures, or biopsies.
Treatment of burning mouth syndrome is mainly about the symptoms, including the use of medications and therapies to help manage stress, specifically:
Medications for anxiety disorders, anti-depressants and seizures: Besides Effective in treating neurological disorders, the drug is also effective in the treatment of burning lip syndrome but at a lower dose. Capsaicin: This is a thermogenic compound in hot peppers that has a desensitizing effect and is used to relieve many different types of pain. This compound disables pain transmitters in nerve cells. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA): This is an antioxidant with neuroprotective effects. Studies have shown that ALA is effective in reducing the symptoms of burning lips. Stress management therapy: Chronic disorders such as burning lips syndrome have a complicated relationship with psychological anxiety, stress. Anxiety can be both cause and effect, so it should be treated with stress management therapies such as exercise, yoga, meditation, or psychotherapy. In a number of experiments, cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to help relieve symptoms of burning pain in the lips and mouth. In a nutshell, burning mouth syndrome is related to the disorder and causes pain. This syndrome is little known, but in fact it affects many women, especially in middle age. Although not dangerous to health, burning mouth syndrome can make the patient feel uncomfortable, because there is always a burning sensation on the lips. Therefore, as soon as they notice symptoms of burning lip syndrome, the patient should go to a medical facility for examination and treatment.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: health.harvard.edu
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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