When to test for Cytokines?

Cytokine testing is used for a variety of purposes that are significant in research as well as in clinical practice. Before performing the test, the patient does not need to fast before the test.

1. Learn about the cytokine test

Cytokines are multifunctional proteins, produced by cells of the immune system that play a role in mediating and regulating immunity, participating in the inflammatory response and producing red blood cells of the body. Cytokines can act on various immune cells, acting to protect the body from infection, inflammation, or tumors. Cytokines can stimulate monocytes to become macrophages in tissues. In addition, cytokines are currently being used clinically as biological response modifiers to treat various disorders.

2. Cytokine characteristics

Cytokines are produced by many different cell types, including lymphocytes (T and B), monocytes, and eosinophils. Cytokines have complex interactions in which Different cells may respond differently to the same cytokine depending on the signals received by the cell.
Cytokine được tạo ra bởi nhiều loại tế bào khác nhau

Cytokine signaling is flexible and can induce both protective and damaging responses. One cytokine normally affects the synthesis of other cytokines. They can induce other cytokines and can either enhance or inhibit the production of other cytokines. Quantification of cytokines helps determine immune function and response or response to treatment. Cytokines are tested from blood specimens. In addition, cytokines can be studied in other types of specimens such as cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, feces, and urine.

3. When to test for cytokines

Quantitative and qualitative cytokine tests are mainly used in studies. For clinical use, cytokine testing may have the following benefits:
Measurement of acquired immunodeficiency disease (AIDS) progression. Indicated to determine disease risk (such as risk of developing Kaposi sarcoma in AIDS patients) Measures progression of inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and other autoimmune diseases Select appropriate treatment (as beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis patients during cytokine therapy) Cytokine testing is also indicated as a tumor marker in breast cancer, lymphoma blood and acute leukemia. Evaluation of immune function and response. Monitor patients on cytokine or anti-cytokine therapy.
khối u
Xét nghiệm cytokine giúp phát hiện khối u trong ung thư vú

4. Procedure for performing a cytokine test

Cytokine test specimens are usually serum taken from the patient's venous blood and then centrifuged to remove some components of the blood, clotting factors to form serum. In addition, cytokine testing is performed in synovial fluid to evaluate patients with arthritis. Similarly, if encephalitis or meningitis is suspected, the doctor may perform a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) puncture to collect a sample for testing.
Before performing the cytokine test, the patient does not need to fast before the test.
Procedure for performing a cytokine test is as follows: The medical staff will take a venous blood sample into a tube with a red cap.
The medical professional drawing blood will:
Wrap a bandage around your arm to clearly see the vein for which the blood is drawn Disinfect the injection site with 70 degrees of alcohol Inject the needle into the vein. Attach a tube to drain the blood. Remove the bandage around your arm after drawing enough blood. Place a gauze bandage or cotton ball over the injection site. Place a bandage on the injection site. Finally, the sample will be sent to another control laboratory.
Bác sĩ sẽ lấy máu từ tĩnh mạch cánh tay
Bệnh nhân lấy máu tĩnh mạch cánh tay để xét nghiệm

5. Read cytokine test results

Normal value: This value varies according to the reference value of each laboratory Increased blood cytokine levels: The main common causes are: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Immune deficiency Diseases Rheumatoid arthritis Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts, doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients completely You can rest assured that you will be examined and treated at the Hospital.
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