1. Papaya is a Very Familiar Plant
Papaya, scientifically known as Carica papaya, belongs to the Caricaceae family. It originates from southern Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Today, papaya is commonly found in tropical climates such as Brazil, India, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
The plant can grow up to 3-10 meters tall, rarely branching (if it does, the branches are usually at the top), with large, lobed leaves that grow alternately and without stipules.
In Vietnam, if provided with sufficient water and nutrients, a papaya tree can produce about 55-60 leaves per year. The lifespan of a papaya leaf is about 3-4 months. Besides the fruit, papaya leaf juice is also considered a remedy for various ailments.
2. What are the Health Benefits of Drinking Papaya Leaf Juice?
2.1. Skin Health
Papaya leaf juice contains high levels of vitamins A and C, making it very beneficial for the skin. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, helping the body resist free radicals and combat skin damage. Additionally, papaya leaf juice can prevent and eliminate other skin issues such as acne, boils, dark spots, and wrinkles. As a result, drinking papaya leaf juice can give you bright, healthy, youthful, and vibrant skin.

2.2. Blood Sugar Control
Nutrition experts say that papaya leaf juice contains natural ingredients that are able to stimulate the action of insulin hormone in the body. Thus, drinking papaya leaf juice helps the body to control and regulate blood sugar more closely, reducing the risk of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, kidney damage and cardiovascular disease.
2.3. Increase Platelet Count
A lower-than-normal platelet count can lead to bleeding in the skin and mucous membranes. In severe cases, it can cause internal bleeding, brain hemorrhage, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Therefore, it is essential to consume foods that increase the quantity and quality of platelets.
One of the notable benefits of papaya leaf juice is its ability to stimulate an increase in platelet count. Numerous studies worldwide have shown that papaya leaves contain compounds that significantly boost platelet count in the body.
2.4. Regulate Menstrual Cycle
Women with irregular menstrual cycles often experience hormonal imbalances. This condition can cause various issues such as hot flashes, acne, and sometimes severe health consequences like polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and ovarian cancer.
Drinking papaya leaf juice can be an excellent solution to address menstrual irregularities. Thanks to its inherent properties, papaya leaves help balance hormones, regulate the menstrual cycle, and minimize the risk of severe gynecological diseases.
2.5. Relieve Menstrual Pain
Related to menstruation is the condition of dysmenorrhea, or menstrual cramps, which is a nightmare for many women due to the discomfort of lower abdominal pain. To alleviate this condition, women can use a little papaya leaf juice boiled with sesame and salt to quickly relieve menstrual pain.
2.6. Slow Down Aging Process
Papaya leaf juice is a source of various amino acids such as glutamic acid, glycine, valine, leucine, tryptophan, cystine, and histidine. These amino acids are key components found in cosmetics that help firm and prevent skin aging.
Therefore, regularly drinking papaya leaf juice is considered a method to slow down the aging process on the skin. The advantage of papaya leaf juice is that it is much cheaper than cosmetics and usually does not cause side effects on the skin.
2.7. Support Digestive Health
Papaya leaf juice contains enzymes like papain, chymopapain, protease, and amylase, making it a perfect food to support digestive health.
When consumed, these compounds in papaya leaf juice help the intestines break down and quickly absorb nutrients that are difficult to digest, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals in food.
Additionally, papaya leaves have the ability to combat dangerous digestive diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, and diarrhea.
2.8. Anti-Cancer
When it comes to foods that are cancer antagonists, we cannot overlook papaya leaf juice. This benefit is due to the presence of acetogenin, a compound that effectively fights cancer.
Women with irregular menstrual cycles are often caused by hormonal disorders in the body. This condition causes various problems such as hot flashes, acne and sometimes serious health consequences such as polycystic ovary disease, uterine fibroids, endometriosis. , ovarian cancer...
Drinking papaya leaf juice can be a great solution to help solve menstrual problems. Thanks to the inherent properties, papaya leaves have the effect of balancing hormones, regulating the menstrual cycle and minimizing the risk of serious gynecological diseases.

2.9. Promote Hair Growth
Papaya leaf extract can stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss and baldness. Papaya leaf juice contains a compound used in anti-dandruff shampoos called karpain, which can remove dirt and oil from the scalp. Karpain also acts as a natural conditioner, giving hair a shiny appearance.
3. Should You Drink Fresh or Dried Papaya Leaf Juice?
Many people wonder whether to drink fresh or dried papaya leaf juice for the best results. Health experts recommend using dried papaya leaves.
Fresh papaya leaves often have a very bitter taste, are difficult to drink, and contain a lot of latex, making it hard to remove when boiling.
In contrast, dried papaya leaves lose their bitterness and allow us to observe the color intensity of the water.
4. How to Make Papaya Leaf Juice at Home
There are many recipes for making papaya leaf juice from fresh or dried leaves, sometimes combined with other ingredients like lemon or sugar.
4.1. How to Make Papaya Leaf Juice from Dried Leaves
If you don't have fresh papaya leaves, you can use dried leaves to make juice as follows:
Dried papaya leaves
About 2 liters of filtered water
Put the filtered water and dried papaya leaves into a pot.
Boil the water until it reaches a rolling boil, then reduce the heat to continue cooking;
Cook the mixture until the water volume reduces by half;
Strain out the solids and enjoy the dried papaya leaf juice.
4.2. How to Make Fresh Papaya Leaf Juice with Lemon
Fresh papaya leaf juice is bitter, so you can combine it with other ingredients to make it more palatable.
10 fresh papaya leaves
2-3 teaspoons of sugar
Juice of half a lemon
About 240ml of water
Wash the papaya leaves thoroughly and chop them.
Blend the fresh papaya leaves with warm water.
Strain the mixture using a sieve or cheesecloth.
Add the prepared lemon juice.
Add sugar to the papaya leaf and lemon juice mixture. If you don't like sugar, you can use honey.
Add a little filtered water if the mixture is too thick, then blend again until smooth.
Refrigerate the prepared papaya leaf juice and enjoy it cold.
4.3. How to Make Fresh Papaya Leaf Juice with Lemongrass
Lemongrass adds flavor and nutrients to papaya leaf juice.
10 grams of dried lemongrass
90 grams of papaya leaves
2 liters of filtered water
Pour clean water into a pot, add lemongrass and papaya leaves, and bring to a boil.
When the water boils, reduce the heat and continue cooking for 30 minutes.
Turn off the heat, strain the papaya leaf juice, and drink it throughout the day.
Papaya leaf juice contains high levels of vitamins A and C, along with other nutrients, making it very beneficial for overall health. You can incorporate this juice into your daily routine to protect your health.
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