Tired and difficult to sleep after taking high doses of sleeping pills, what to do?

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Hello doctor! I haven't slept for 15 days now and have taken high doses of medicine but still no improvement. Besides, every meal I eat a lot, now I feel tired, difficult to sleep.
So the doctor asked me: "I'm tired and have trouble sleeping after taking high-dose sleeping pills, what should I do?". Thanks for the advice and answers!
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! With prolonged use of sedative hypnotics (usually more than 10 days), dependence and addiction can occur. Drug dependence is when your body begins to depend on a drug, or you may need to take higher doses to achieve the desired sedative, sleep-inducing effects.
To avoid this risk, the patient needs to use the medicine exactly as prescribed, do not arbitrarily buy more or increase the dose. Accordingly, you need to inform the doctor about the type, dose, frequency, time and circumstances under which the patient has used sedatives to induce sleep.
In addition to using sedatives to induce sleep, patients should be treated with psychological relaxation measures, sleep hygiene or using herbs and herbal medicines such as lotus heart, passion flower, rotundin ... In addition, the following measures should be taken:
Establish a daily sleep routine and maintain it. more Don't eat foods that make it hard to fall asleep before going to bed Turn off the TV, phones and computers before bed Stop working at least 1 hour before bed to help the brain get ready for sleep Psychological examination, general physical examination with a specialist. If you need more in-depth advice, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined by specialist doctors and give the best advice. Thank you for trusting and sending the question: "Tired, difficult to sleep after taking high doses of sleeping pills, what to do?" to Vinmec. Best regards!

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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