Cyanosis vomiting in children

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Doctor, my baby has symptoms of vomiting, cyanosis and passing stools. Is this a serious disease, once in a while, the baby has had it once and has had it 3 times already. You ask your doctor for advice. Baby is 23 months old.
Vo Thi Thanh Hien (1996)

Her baby has symptoms of very severe vomiting, cyanosis and seems to have impaired consciousness (incontinence as she described). This condition can be caused by many diseases such as gastritis, abdominal epilepsy, etc. So you should take your baby to Vinmec Da Nang hospital to be examined and tested by specialist doctors. It is necessary to find out the cause of this symptom, and have the appropriate treatment for the baby.
Specialist II Le Thanh Cam - Pediatrician, Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital

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