Why is measles in children so fast and dangerous?

The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Measles is one of the most dangerous acute infectious diseases with the potential to become a pandemic. Measles in children, if not detected and treated promptly, can cause serious complications, even death.

1. Measles in children

Measles is an acute respiratory infection caused by the measles virus. The disease is clinically characterized by fever, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the respiratory and digestive tracts, with a red maculopapular rash that develops sequentially from the face to the trunk. Measles in children can become epidemic if not detected in time.

2. Why does measles in children progress quickly and severely?

The ideal time for measles in children to develop usually falls in winter-spring. However, in the past few years, measles outbreaks can occur at any time of the year.
Measles is an acute infectious disease, usually spread from person to person through direct contact with an infected person (measles virus is released when the infected person talks, coughs or sneezes...). Therefore, the disease easily spreads quickly in crowded areas such as offices, schools, residential areas....from there, outbreaks become epidemics.
The subjects most likely to get measles are children, who have low resistance. If not detected and treated in time, the disease can develop in a bad direction, causing complications of measles such as encephalitis, pneumonia, otitis media, diarrhea... to death.
Currently, there is no specific treatment for measles in children. The basic treatment method is to overcome the symptoms of the disease, combined with improved nutrition and clean personal hygiene.

3. Common symptoms of measles

Usually measles occurs in 4 stages:
Incubation/incubation period: From 8 to 11 days, often without clinical symptoms. Onset period (inflammation phase): Lasts 3-4 days with mild or moderate fever, then high fever. After conjunctivitis, red eyes with rust and swelling & swelling of eyelids, inflammation of secretions of the nose and throat; Watery eyes, nose, cough. Enlarged peripheral lymph nodes may also be present. The full-blown period (the eruption phase): Lasts 4-6 days. The rash develops in 3 days: Sequentially growing behind the ears, spreading to the face and then spreading to the neck, chest, back, hands, day 3 spreads to the legs. The form of the rash is erythematous, maculopapular, a small, slightly raised rash on the skin, alternating with patches of healthy skin. The rash is scattered or widespread, conjoined together in round clusters of 3-6 mm. Recurrence period (rash phase): The rash flies in the same order as it developed. After the rash flies, there are bruises on the skin. Usually, the fever goes away when the rash is gone, unless there are complications, the child still has a fever after the rash has flown.

4. Some complications of measles

When sick, the measles virus enters the body, causing a child to have a high fever continuously for a long time, at this time the body's immunity has been reduced, so if measles is not treated promptly in children, You can leave dangerous complications:
Otitis media - this is a complication that should always be thought of first. Measles can cause otitis media as a complication. Corneal ulceration. Acute encephalitis accounted for (about 0.1% of measles cases): In children, after the rash appeared (1-15 days), symptoms of lethargy, coma, convulsions, headache, vomiting, neck stiffness appeared in young children. . Diarrhea. Pneumonia due to superinfection with bacteria Influenzae type B, Hemophilus. The latent form of tuberculosis re-emerges due to a weakened immune system.

Tại sao bệnh sởi ở trẻ em lại có diễn biến nhanh và nguy hiểm?
Measles can cause complications such as otitis media

5. Measles Treatment

Parents need to closely monitor the progress of their children's disease, if they detect the symptoms of measles as mentioned above, they need to take their children to medical facilities for timely examination and treatment, to avoid serious consequences. severe consequences later.
In case of home treatment, parents need to pay attention to taking care of children with measles as follows:
Children with fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius, need to give children fever-reducing medicine as prescribed by the doctor. other children are contagious. Wash your body daily, keep your home and surroundings clean and cool. Choose foods rich in nutrients, easy to digest, and cook well. When eating should be divided into several small meals. Ensure adequate nutrition, supplement vitamin A for children, avoid corneal ulcers, blindness

6. How to prevent measles?

6.1 Vaccination against measles

The most effective way to prevent measles is vaccination. Usually, the first dose will be given at the age of 9-11 months, and the second dose at 18 months of age. However, late vaccination does not affect the child's immunity.
In case the child is unlucky to be exposed to the source of the disease, immunoglobulins can be used to prevent or slow down the development of the disease.

Tại sao bệnh sởi ở trẻ em lại có diễn biến nhanh và nguy hiểm?
The most effective method to prevent measles is vaccination

6.2 Personal hygiene and surroundings

When a child is found to have measles, it is necessary to isolate the child from everyone around to avoid spreading the disease, thereby potentially risking an outbreak.
Parents need to clean their children's personal hygiene daily, and at the same time keep the place clean and cool, because the humid living environment is a great condition for bacteria to multiply and develop.
Pay attention to wear a mask when in contact with sick people and wash your hands with antibacterial soap after contact. Clean the nose and eyes regularly, because this is the shortest way for the virus to enter the body and cause disease.
Measles in children, if any unusual manifestations, parents need to quickly take the child to the nearest medical facility for timely examination and treatment by a doctor.

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Reference source: Department of Preventive Medicine - Ministry of Health

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