Can 7th nerve palsy be cured?

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Can 7th nerve palsy be cured after 15 years?
Lo Thi Tam (1991)

To your question, I would like to advise as follows: The information you provide me is too little to give you in-depth advice. But with nerve damage 15 years ago, the possibility of nerve recovery is very difficult. You should bring tests, laboratory tests, prescriptions with a neurologist, the doctor will examine and find the cause for you.
Some of the causes are treatable that help limit the extent of your nerve damage. If the neurologist determines that nothing can be done better and the causes are not dangerous, you can see a specialist in rehabilitation, plastic surgery to advise on reshaping the face to become more balanced. Please. Thank you for trusting us to ask questions.
Specialist II Pham Thi Son, Neurologist, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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