17 years old bedwetting has any effect?

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Doctor, I'm 17 years old now, I used to sometimes have bedwetting, especially in the early morning and I haven't had it for a long time. Two days ago, due to alcohol use, the above phenomenon appeared again. Please ask the doctor, 17 years old bedwetting has any effect? Thank you doctor for your advice!
Thank you doctor.
Bui Thi Hau (2002)
Hello! Currently, about 1-2% of adults have bedwetting. Usually the disease will go away on its own over time. The causes are many, including neurological factors. However, the patient's case has been stable for a long time, but recently he has been drinking a lot of alcohol and the disease has reappeared. The doctor thought that the cause was probably due to drinking alcohol, causing deep sleep to make the disease recur.
First of all, you should limit alcohol better. However, if the condition does not last long, you should see an internal medicine specialist for advice and treatment of bedwetting. You can perform the examination at medical facilities or hospitals of Vinmec Health System.
Thank you for trusting and sharing the question "is there any effect of bedwetting at 17 years old?" to Vinmec. I wish you good health always.
Answered by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Hung - Endocrinologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

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