Suggest fruits that people with hemorrhoids should eat

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Video content is consulted by Doctor Dong Xuan Ha - Department of Gastroenterology, Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital
"When you have hemorrhoids, what fruit do you eat?" This is probably the question that a lot of people want to know the answer to. In fact, hemorrhoids not only affect your daily life, but also can cause severe digestive disorders and lead to dangerous complications. Diet plays a very important role, helping to support the treatment of hemorrhoids more effectively. Therefore, the fact that you know "what to eat with hemorrhoids?" Very helpful in treatment.
To answer the question "What do hemorrhoids eat?", Doctor Dong Xuan Ha - Department of Gastroenterology, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital suggested a few types including:
Apples: Apples are a rich fruit. fiber, especially soluble fiber. When entering the digestive system, this fiber will form a gel that makes stools soft and easy to move, thereby helping you to pass stools and improve hemorrhoid symptoms better. Banana: Banana is the top fruit in the list of fruits that people with hemorrhoids should eat. With a high content of soluble fiber pectin, bananas help to quickly relieve symptoms of constipation and hemorrhoids. Specifically, it is the soluble fiber in bananas that helps create a gel to soften the stool and make it easier to pass and pass. In addition, the resistant starch in bananas is also very beneficial to the friendly microorganisms in the gut. Pear: If you do not know what fruit hemorrhoids should eat, pear is a suggestion. Because pears are rich in fiber and beneficial compounds for people with hemorrhoids. On average, 1 pear will contain 6g of fiber, and the amount of fructose also acts as a natural laxative to make it easier to pass stools when you have hemorrhoids. Papaya: In fact, this fruit also works very well in the treatment and support of people with hemorrhoids. Papaya is rich in fiber, antioxidants but also compounds that act as natural laxatives. You can add to the diet both ripe and green papaya to support more effective disease treatment. In addition, citrus fruits, tangerines, coconuts, avocados are also very good for people with hemorrhoids. During the period of hemorrhoids, patients should regularly add these fruits in their daily diet to help improve the disease. In addition, in the daily diet, people with hemorrhoids should also pay attention to eat a variety of fiber-rich foods such as beans, nuts, green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage... Add enough water to the body to help fiber work better in the intestinal tract, and at the same time, help stools soft and easy to pass and limit the use of foods Products that can make the disease worse such as white bread, milk and dairy products...
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Recently, Vinmec has successfully treated many cases of severe and complicated hemorrhoids. Therefore, if you have applied a healthy diet but the hemorrhoids do not improve, the patient should go to the hospital for examination and treatment.

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