Note in the diet for people with stomach ulcers, to avoid recurrence

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This article is expertly consulted by Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
In every person's life, you can feel the pain caused by duodenal ulcer in up to 10%. Between 1 and 3% of people in developed countries have peptic ulcers.

1. Gastric ulcer disease

Stomach - one of the most important internal organs of the digestive system, it has the shape of a food bag. The stomach lining contains strong acid - hydrochloric acid with a pH of 0.8 to metabolize food when entering the body. However, when the amount of acid increases, the lining of the stomach is no longer resistant, and ulcers will begin to take place.
Up to 50% of cases of stomach pain have obvious symptoms, but also up to 10% of patients do not feel anything, until complications appear.
Can include specific signs: the epigastrium appears burning pain, heat in, ... or mentions heartburn, belching, abdominal distension, flatulence, indigestion, nausea, .. The pain caused by ulcers is continuous and insidious, sometimes there will be painful cramps. Pain from ulcers occurs in cycles, when you are too full or when you are too hungry, and can also appear seasonally, periodically throughout the year. In particular, you feel the pain most clearly when you eat spicy food, sour food... or when your body is stressed, thinking, worrying...

2. Diet for people with peptic ulcers

Tránh tối đa đồ ăn sống, chưa qua chế biến
Tránh tối đa đồ ăn sống, chưa qua chế biến
Avoid raw, unprocessed foods as much as possible
In the process of the digestive system of food, the breakdown or chewing of raw food in the oral cavity begins, into small pieces, small pieces, then So if you want the digestion and absorption process to be effective, you should note the following:
Food should be cooked soft, cooked Avoid raw, unprocessed foods as much as possible. Eating slowly, eating slowly, chewing thoroughly is an important factor in the digestion of food. Avoid eating too many meals, but instead divide them into many small meals throughout the day. This both limits the fullness of the stomach, and makes the stomach always neutralize the acid when there is always food. Limit eating rice mixed with soup, making food not chewed well, it is best to eat soup separately and at a moderate level, helping digestive enzymes in the intestines not to be diluted Avoid all physical activities, or running , labor right after eating. For people treating gastrointestinal pain, a nutritious and appropriate food supply regimen should be divided into 3 steps, corresponding to 3 specific stages:
First stage: When entering treatment Treatment should only use milk in each meal, can separate milk meals for 1 to 2 hours, each time only drink 1⁄3 to 1⁄2 cups of milk equivalent to 100ml of milk, the energy we provide for body is only about 1200Kcal. Gradually, after 2-3 days, you can add more ice cream in the diet, mixing cream with milk will increase energy for the meal.
Stage 2: The stomach gradually recovers, no more burning pain, you can switch to soft foods such as mashed soup, thin porridge, and should only eat 100ml at a time, then slowly increase the amount food up, can use 5-6 meals per day. Gradually, you can switch to more solid foods such as: biscuits, bread, sticky rice or fish meat...
Stage 3: In this stage, the stomach has reduced somewhat, although However, you should still maintain a diet with 5-6 meals a day with slow-cooked, soft-cooked dishes until the stomach is completely stable.

3. Peptic ulcer should eat what?

In addition to using drugs as indicated to overcome stomach pain, you should pay much attention to the diet. What to eat to improve stomach ulcers?
Sweet foods, rich in fat: they cause the stomach to limit the secretion of acid, helping to absorb gastric juices such as biscuits, egg whites, milk... Starchy foods, easy to digest, low odor such as: : tapioca, glutinous rice, bread... Soft food, simmered or minced, milled, mashed. Eat more steamed, boiled dishes, limit fried, fried foods... Foods that enhance protein, beneficial bacteria, easy to digest: lean fish, lean meat... Young, fresh, priority vegetables cruciferous vegetables.

Rau củ non, tươi, ưu tiên các loại rau họ cải
Rau củ non, tươi, ưu tiên các loại rau họ cải

4. Gastroenteritis should abstain from eating?

In addition to dealing with the disease with drugs, you should improve right from the daily diet, they will help reduce acid secretion, and reduce damage to the lining of the stomach.
Some foods and drinks that people with gastritis should limit, should abstain:
First, there are foods and foods that contain high acid content: oranges, lemons, grapefruits, Chili, vinegar, chili sauce... Foods that cause stomach bloating: beans of all kinds, salted eggplant, pickles, onions... Foods that damage the lining of the stomach: garlic, chili, beer, wine, tea, coffee... Foods that increase gastric acid secretion: concentrated sauces for fish sauces, meat sauces... Fruits that should be limited: apples, papayas, bananas Pre-processed and ready-to-eat food products should be restricted even more: sausages, sausages, ham... Drinks should be limited: products made from fermented milk such as yogurt, live yeast, drinking yogurt yeast, or carbonated drinks, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks of all kinds. Do not smoke: Slow the healing of ulcers. The above are small notes for people with peptic ulcers. In fact, when you have a peptic ulcer, you should pay more attention to your daily diet, proper digestion, and don't let your body be too hungry or too full.

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